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Messages - Regina NEEDS help

General Discussion / Pictures of your work space!!
September 22, 2016, 10:44:49 am
Hi all!

I am currently looking to make more use of my work space/room. Would anyone care to share some pictures of their studio or work area. Looking for any ideas for storage and the best way to organize tools! Would love to see how some of you all are set up in your work space! Thanks in advance for any suggestions or pictures!!

Thank you all! Great ideas. I will try my best. I guess worst case I can just make a zipper panel.
Hello fellow upholsterers!

I'm reupholstering bullnose cushions for patio furniture. The original cushion was made by a manufacturer and had no zipper, they were just sewn shut.
All cushions have piping.
My first time making a bullnose cushion, I just assumed it would be easy and of course it has me sitting here now scratching my head. I've watched some videos on bullnose cushions but I have not come up with any instructions for cushions that are sewn shut. I am just looking for any advice on the process of doing this.  I really don't want to make zipper panels but it will be my last resort.  Anyone have an experience with this?

Thank you all!
Curious if you ever got any input on how to handle those seats.
The "GREEN" Room! / How the hell did they do this!
April 01, 2016, 04:26:00 pm
Reupholstering a marine cushion. I'll attach link to view pictures. I am basically working on top upside down "U" shaped back rest. I'm confused about how in the hell did the manufacturer get this form into the vinyl after it was sewn. As you can see in the pictures there is very little room to squeeze the wood backed foam into this vinyl. So how did they do it?!?  I am at the last step where I have to sew the final panel to the back side of the cushion but I'm hesitant beach once all three sides are sewn on I have no clue how I'm going to get it on. Advice please! 😬
General Discussion / Curves and wrinkles ?!?!! GRR
March 30, 2016, 01:25:01 pm
So Ive been re-upholstering vinyl marine seats.  I can sew the perfect curve but when I turn it inside out to fit it on the cushion the curves come out all ripply and it friggin' annoys me! 

I even will try to cut away as much seam allowance as possible to take off the extra fabric that bunches up but still no matter what there is still some wrinkly spots.  .. I try to pull and push as much when it comes to stapling it down but still not looking like the close-to-perfect curve that I originally sewed. 

What are some tricks to get a nice looking curve when you turn vinyl inside out?  Any and all suggestions are welcomed!

Thank you so much!

Soooooo. Yeah of course after I read all the old posts about marking tools, I learn that sharpies on vinyl is not the best idea. Swell. Grrrr

Well some the of sharpie I used for patterning had rubbing off onto the good side of the vinyl and I was wondering if anyone has any magical solution for removing sharpie marker off vinyl. 

Lesson learned find a new marking tool for vinyl.

I'll take any suggestions for marking tools too. Thank you all!
Hey guys! A new project and new question for you you experts! =)

I will attach pics in a link.  I am working on reupholstering a piece for a boat that has curved parts to it.  I was wondering when you sew your curved pieces together do you start sewing from the center and work your way out, turn the piece around and continue from the center and finish the curve or do you sew it starting from one end to the other?  Was asking this bc, I started one panel by sewing from the center out bc I was scared of sewing one end to the other in fear of it not matching up in the end? I donno. hah. so how to you tackle curves? I use a lot and I mean a lot of staples to hold the pieces together too.

Thanks a bunch!
I just wanted to say thank you all again.  This site has really helped me out in so many ways. I feel like you all are my go-to for advise and help and I appreciate all the encouragement and ides. 

I have no clue how to adjust the pressure foot, but tonight I plan on tackling that job.  Trying to mentally prepare myself for my next big project of reupholstering boat seats! Wish me luck!

Im sure you'll see me on here soon enough! =P

"When you adjusted your 111 for those thick seam issues did you back off the presser foot tension? A simple test to see if your machine is walking the fabric on you is to cut two long  (6-8 foot) strips of scrap fabric the exact same length and run them though the machine. Don't try to "sew" them, just feed 'em in and let 'er rip. If your machine is set right they will be same length when you get to the other end."

So I did what you said  Darren and this is what i got! is this normal? what do i have to do to correct this?
Thank you all for your input!
You guys are great!

Going to try out what Darren said about testing my machine with the 6' fabric to see if it matches up in the end. And also going to use a stapler to keep material in place as well as a bunch of reference marks. Since I have made 4 cushions (and all came out twisted) I will try to take one apart and see if i can realign it with the reference marks and stapler. These cushions by the way are for personal use and not for profit, however I need to get my Sh*t together because I am learning all of this in order to make a profit eventually. 

eek! ok off to the sewing machine I go. 
Here is a link to the pictures.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Let me know if the link doesnt work.

Thank you guys!
Ok So I am a total newbie.

This is my first project.  I am making cushions for an outdoor semi circle fire pit bench seat.  Its 4 long cushions, 4 ft each cushion.  So each one of my cushions keep coming out slighting warped/twisted.  Not sure what I am doing wrong or how to prevent this from happening.
Here are the steps in which i used to make this project: (maybe I am missing math somewhere I dont know! I will post pictures of my problem)
- I created a pattern from butcher paper.
- Added 1/2" all around the pattern for seam allowance onto sumbrella fabric
-made my own piping.
- The foam itself is 2" thick.  My seam allowance that i am useing is 1/2". I read to only add 1/2" instead of a whole inch to the boxing (total of 2 1/2") bc it will make for a better fuller cushion. not sure if this is part of the problem. I cut the length of the boxing to match my top and bottom plates so 1/2" was included already on both sides for seam allowance.
- cut out the fabric plates and boxing. 
-*I read to increase the zipper plaque length by 1.0125 % to account for shrinkage.  however in the end I found that this was too much material, I woudl end up cutting off a bit. not even sure of this is needed, but hoping a pro could help me out with the math of the zipper plaque. 
- Sewn it all together
-used my original butcher paper pattern to trace on the foam.  From watching sailrite videos, they said to add 1% to both dimenstions of the foam and to never add less than 1/2".  So I added 1/2" to both dimentions W/L. 
-Cut the foam, stuffed it in, which was not fun at all. was a very tight fit, which was nice.

I figured after the first two cushions coming out warped that maybe the problem was with the foam, maybe i added too much to the length and width and that was causing the weird twist of the cushion.
So the third cushion I only added 1/2" to the width instead of the length.  And low and behold of course the cushion was twisted again! I dont Know what I can do to correct this problem.  Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated. 

I knew doing a semi circle cushion would be challenging as a first project, and there is a lot of math to this, so Im hoping either my math is off or maybe there are ways to avoid this.  I also made one rectangular box cushion with no problems of twisting.

=( I need help here!
General Discussion / Re: CLUTCH MOTOR- HELP
January 17, 2016, 01:22:41 pm
So Update,

I changed the pulley to a smaller one and this has helped greatly.  Big enough of a change and with my husbands help he made some other modifications on the machine such as adjusting the petal and now i feel like i have a better handle on the speed.  Especially bc with the smaller pulley the max out speed isn't so "scary" anymore. Now I can finally focus on my upholstery projects. Thank you all again for your suggestions.
General Discussion / Re: CLUTCH MOTOR- HELP
January 16, 2016, 03:39:03 pm
Hahaha Tejas  I too fear for my fingers! Well I am in the middle of switching over to a smaller pulley! fingers crossed that it makes a difference..

I can work with the clutch once i get it going but keeping it at a slow speed or starting off at a slow speed is nearly impossible.. It's preventing me from processing.! grr.. If all else fails then I will have to buy a servo motor.  And i have no idea where to start with that.