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Messages - MinUph

General Discussion / Re: Test of images
June 02, 2020, 10:33:57 am
These forums here are run by a business. If this business can't afford rental on a server with enough space to house images maybe  the business owner should find a better way to advertise the business. Server space is honestlh not that expensive and some free places are available also. I'm done here. I have tried to help in whatever way I could think of but it just isn't worth seeing the other two of three members. By the way I started a Facebook page with th Ed same name. The owner her is more than welcome to it. All they need to do is ask. It's called upholster.
General Discussion / Re: Test of images
June 01, 2020, 06:03:37 pm
AW463732_00.gif The attachments directory can not be located. Please notify an administrator of this problem. 29.4 KB
General Discussion / Re: Test of images
June 01, 2020, 09:26:01 am
I tried uploading a file smaller than 40kb and it still failed. There is no attachment directory on the systems server.
General Discussion / Test of images
May 30, 2020, 06:34:35 pm
Well that doesnt seem to be any different. No pics I even went down to 29kb in soze.
The Business Of Upholstery / Testing
May 30, 2020, 04:21:01 pm
A test for the new system upgrade. It seems to work on this post also. I'll try the spell check. Well Google found the error in my spelling but when I clicked on spell check it brings up an empty window. will also post this in the other posting.
General Discussion / Re: Forum update
May 30, 2020, 04:17:09 pm
Ok Inger I am editing this post to add content.

Well Google found the error in my spelling but when I clicked on spell check it brings up an empty window.
I also got this error message when previewing the post on the other post.
The message has the following error or errors that must be corrected before continuing:
There was a problem and your attachments could not be uploaded
The attachments directory can not be located. Please notify an administrator of this problem.
I wasn't trying add any attachments so I don't know why it was looking for the attachments directory.
General Discussion / Re: Virus update
May 20, 2020, 02:41:33 am
You do the same Gene
Quote from: baileyuph on April 24, 2020, 03:33:49 pm
I ask because a customer is bringing patio cushion work to the shop which are aged but in spite, the
filler (she sated) can be looked at but can probably be reused?

Maybe a little enhancement could be all required?

I will look this issue over and if filler enhancement will satisfy the requirement, I will order more.

What did those outside patio cushions use as filler (I don't recall the term)?  Oh, let's assume the
cushions were made approximately 20 yrs ago?


There is a foam called easy dry that allows water to flow thru it.
General Discussion / Re: The virus
March 22, 2020, 11:32:39 am
So being in style got her to wear one :) That works right?
General Discussion / Re: seat padding
March 22, 2020, 11:31:16 am
Quote from: SteveA on March 22, 2020, 09:31:19 am
I don't understand why a marshall unit with cotton couldn't be formed acceptably and still be comfortable ?  I would not change to foam but I'd like to understand why the foam improves the look, comfort etc.
65's picture showed a fairly nice old stable seat - looked like it would last another 50 years ?  What are the pros here seeing that I'm missing ?

There is no real reason I know of why a marshall unit on top of a good cotton base wouldn't be comfortable. It would be much longer lasting and more supportive. Unless of course the springs were broken. And if they were it's easy to change the unit out for a new one.
General Discussion / Re: seat padding
March 20, 2020, 07:10:11 pm
Whats wrong with the cotton now?
General Discussion / The virus
March 18, 2020, 05:31:20 pm
I just want to wish you all a safe and healthy time. We are going through a really hard time here. An experience most of us have never dealt with and we will all need to come together and deal with in the best way we can. It will be a long ride but we can all do it. Stay healthy and do what needs to be done to keep this virus at bay as much as possible.
General Discussion / Re: alternate media
March 17, 2020, 12:35:52 pm
Quote from: 65Buick on March 17, 2020, 09:32:32 am
I'm not sure lazy is the right word. For me personally:

Take photo. Upload to drive. resize photo. Allow permissions. make permanent link. check that perm link works. then post.

Sure sounds like a lot of work to post a stinking picture 65. I will stay with lazy :)
General Discussion / Re: alternate media
March 17, 2020, 09:17:56 am
I kinda see all this as a convenience and without the ability to post an picture easily is a lack of it. We have become very lazy. But if there are better, easier ways to do something it is a good thing.