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Messages - gene

General Discussion / Re: sailrite machine on ebay
December 17, 2010, 05:04:45 am
No one knows if that machine works! Hello???

And why do I have to email the seller to find out what my shipping costs will be???

It is my thought that the shipping charges are what the buyer paid for the machine plus his profit. If you buy it and don't like it, you ship it back to him at your expense, minus his shipping charges, which is what he paid for it plus his profit. If so, it would benefit him to sell it many times and have it returned many times. Used car dealers do the same thing: GET YOUR FINANCING HERE!

Rich, it is my humble opinion that it is a bargain only for the seller. (This was before Gregg tried to confuse the issue with facts. 

Gregg, how well does this machine bind carpet?

General Discussion / Re: Dizzy Heights
December 16, 2010, 04:44:03 pm

I wonder how long it took them to climb that tower? How long to get down?

I wonder if they ever got to the top and forgot the light bulb? If they are union that probably happens a lot.

I bet it never gets boring peeing off the top!

I was not surprised that OSHA allows them to free climb. I have always believed that OSHA was more about politics than worker safety.

Let's see if Gregg from Keystone replys with the latest in sewing machines designed for sewing bodies back together after fatal accidents. LOL

I taught my self upholstery also Chris. I would have loved to have had a mentor. 6 1/2 hours on a boxed cushion once is the example that I give to tell folks what it is like to teach yourself.

This forum, Carrscorner, and Merv's DVD's are like old friends.

General Discussion / Re: Westcott Titanium Scissors
December 14, 2010, 03:51:11 pm
Kyle, mine is doing well so far. I thought the hex key was just a gimick.

Chris: They are made of Titanium!!! Of course I thought you could cut staples and electrical wires and ply grip and pop cans and metal rebar and anything.

What I realized is that the reason they are made of Titanium!!! is that we will need them to cut fabric and thread that is made in China.

Japan dumped decades of toxic waste in their oceans and land fills. China has found a better way. They are putting their toxic waiste in the products that they make. This is why there is lead and merchury in toys and food and everything else. When these metal toxins are put into fabrics and threads, we will need to use Titanium!!! scissors.

It'll be great. We're sitting at the sewing machine working with fabric that actually glows in the dark. Think of the lower electric bills we will have.

You see, at the end of the movie Soylent Green, Detective Thorn, played by Charlton Heston, screams out as he is being taken away, "Soylent Green is PEOPLE!" We want to believe that this big secret will be kept secret from the poor slobs who are eating it. The fact is, the people already know, and they do not care.

Just keep our cable rates from getting too high and there will be no rioting.

General Discussion / Re: I'm officially old
December 14, 2010, 03:41:25 pm
A few years ago, I might have posted this on Carrscorner, a friend emailed me a picture of a sofa. He asked: "What do you think of this sofa?"

I emailed back to him the details that I liked. It was a wonderful sofa.

He sent me another email and said, "Gene, did you notice the naked lady sitting on the sofa?"

I actually, no my wife was not looking over my shoulder so I had to pretend, I actually did not see the naked lady sitting on the sofa.

So, I would like to say that I have no idea at all what Sofadoc is talking about, however...

General Discussion / Re: Westcott Titanium Scissors
December 13, 2010, 05:12:06 pm
I bought this same pair last month at Walmart. They do cut great. I hit a staple last week and it put a nick on the edge that caused it to not cut all the way. I ran a metal file lightly over the edge and it went back to cutting just like new. That hex key is an interesting gadget. I wonder why they included that?

General Discussion / Re: Name Your Top Three
December 11, 2010, 06:24:08 pm
Several years ago I started to listen to "New Age" music in my shop. I've collected over 2000 instrumental songs on my mp3 player. 'Ambient' is another word that is used to describe it. Other than my "Learning Chinese tapes", that's all I listen to.

My son was in my shop last month and asked if he could put his own music on. He plugged my speakers into his cell phone and was streaming music off the internet.

The first song he played I said, "That's Carlos Santana." He walked over to his cell phone, looked at it, looked at me, and he went back to work.

The second song I said, "Carlos Santana again." He did the same thing.

The next song, "That's Tommy Emmauel." He did the same thing.

The next song, "That's Walter Trout." He did the same thing.

The next song, "That sounds exactly like Chet Atkins but it's not. Eric Claptan learned the guitar by listening to Atkins. That's Claptain." My son looked at his cell phone, then shot me a disgusted look and said, "You know these guys and you still listen to that other music?" LOL

General Discussion / Re: First redo of the year!
December 11, 2010, 01:10:35 pm
I delivered the chair and ottoman today, that started this thread, with the correct contrast welt cord on it. She loved it!!!

I told the customer that I would have fired the person who screwed up but that was me, so what can I do???

I do redos asap. I think I can do this because I don't make too many mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Most people will fix the problem. Very few will make fixing the problem PRORITY #1. She has no problem giving me 8 more pieces of furniture to do this coming year.

I never want to screw up on purpose, but when I do, when I'm done p!@#$ing and moaning, I see it as a major sales opportunity by how hard I try to make things right.

Thank you all for your comments and support.

General Discussion / Re: What did we do?
December 11, 2010, 12:48:27 pm
Rollin', rollin', rollin. Keep them doggies rollin'. RAWHIDE..........................................................doggies, doggies, doggies
General Discussion / Re: Mojo's Friday Funnies
December 11, 2010, 05:32:25 am
I'm glad you said: A woman brought a very limp 'duck'...

You had me worried there for a moment, Mojo.

General Discussion / Re: smoking
December 09, 2010, 04:48:25 pm
What is the chemical symbol for oxygen? O
What is the chemical symbol for ozone? O3
What is the chemical symbol for water? H2O
What is the chemical symbol for holy water? H2Omg

I don't believe that ozone is dangerous. It has never bothered me. Some people think it destroys brain cells and affects your memory. Some people think it destroys brain cells and affects your memory.

Anyway, some people think it destroys brain cells and affects your memory.

Anyone know what the chemical symbol for roast beaf is?

General Discussion / Re: Ethic's
December 09, 2010, 06:13:47 am
There are all kinds of tricks that companies use to get people to buy. Is it unethical? Maybe sometimes. Usually they are tricks to get people to buy.

I think the best advise is "let the buyer beware". If people do not want to research the product that they are going to buy, that is their right to do so.

When someone says the cost is $500 but they will give me a 10% discount, what that says to me is that the product was never worth $500 to begin with.

I do not discount because I cannot do a $500 dollar job in less time.


General Discussion / Re: First redo of the year!
December 09, 2010, 06:09:17 am

The "right" side of the fabric, the "face" side of the fabric, the "correct" side of the fabric, is the side that the customer tells me is the "right", or "face", or "correct", side of the fabric.

NO EXCEPTIONS! (for me).

General Discussion / First redo of the year!
December 08, 2010, 04:16:30 pm
Yep, I almost made it throught the entire year without a redo.

I finished a beautiful fully upholstered arm chair, loose back cushion, loose seat T cushion, tailored skirt. It has a matching ottoman with an attached cushion and matching tailored skirt.

I put the chair skirt on this morning and had plans to deliver later today. As I was cleaning up the shop I saw a plastic shipping bag. It had the same customer's name on it and 1 yard of fabric.

The fabric on the furniture is light brown, micro fibre - top of the line. The 1 yard in the bag was a darker brown fabric with a small pattern.

I thought "Oh, they must want a pillow or two." NOPE!!! The darker brown fabric was for the contrast welt cord that was to go on the chair and the ottoman.

If I were a beer drinker I would be crying in my beer.

When I have a problem, I ask 3 questions:
1. What happened?
2. What needs to be done to fix the problem?
3. What needs to be done so it won't happen again?

For #3 I thought of firing the person who did not read their own work order, but that would be me.

It doesn't help to take copious notes if you do not read them later.

General Discussion / Re: smoking
December 07, 2010, 05:46:40 pm
No gov. warnings for Fabreze because it's owned by P&G.