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Presidential election year

Started by Rich, March 13, 2016, 05:19:34 am

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Doyle if you were the guy who lost a factory job and in debt you might be overly absorbed. 

Steve with my luck, I would be better off to get absorbed in job hunting.  These candidates are in for what is good for them also.



I'm not impressed with any candidate but for Trump I'd say a couple of things.  Yes a few of his companies went under but he says he used bankruptcy laws to recover losses.  Many business' do that.  Also when you have so many companies there is no way every one of them work out. 
Is Trump in it for personal gain ?  I don't think so.  Can he make a difference for the American People - that's another topic.


The way our elected officials continue to spend money we may need someone who has bankruptcy experience.  8)



The few reasons I like Trump.
1. He speaks his mind without the old political correctness getting in the way.
2. He seems to have no hidden agenda like other candidates now and in the past.
3. I think he can get things done if he is "allowed" to.
4. I don't think he needs to be "allowed"
5. All this talk about stopping him is mostly from his own party and they are scared shitless of loosing their power and control.
6. I would love to see #5 come true.

There are more reasons and I was not going to put this out there but I think it is time to.

  So if you agree say so, and if you don't say so too. This is still America and we can say what we feel.
Minichillo's Upholstery


I think # 1 is going to be his downfall.  He is an alternate to the same old same old but wouldn't you expect a guy being considered for a position so important could get his message across without alienating so many people.  I will vote for the red team - always have -
# 3 if parties could only work together - you can't make your candle brighter by blowing out another's


All valid points guys, you know (I am going to say this), my business is run with much of the same type of energy seen in a couple of the candidates.  Getting things done - if something needs changed, do it (whatever way is required)!

Expectations in politics are changing - seemingly every day. 

The national debt, it is seriously large, why?  Things will change regardless of attitudes toward this parameter.  Do you even try to run your business by running up debt the next or next generations will have trouble satisfying?



When Trump makes his outrageous comments, we all just grin and say "Oh well......that's just Donald being Donald".

But I'm afraid other countries aren't going to take it that way.

Every politician that our country has ever known has had a flair for talking out of both sides of their mouth. Trump is a refreshing change in that regard. Even when he has to backtrack and change his stance on an issue, he does it so matter-of-factly.

Not that I want to see candidates give those generic non-committal answers, but I wish Trump would try to be more tactful when discussing world affairs.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


QuoteWhen Trump makes his outrageous comments

OK. I'll take the bait.

Give me an outrageous comment, sOfaD. One outrageous comment only, please.

QuoteGive me a ping, Vasily. One ping only, please.



I never said that. Trump constantly uses the phrase even though he is caught on tape saying it. For instance he said he would pay legal fees for a supporter who sucker-punched a protester at a recent rally. Later he said he never said that.

Donald Trump told TODAY that he hadn't seen a new ad scrutinizing statements he's made about women only moments after he told another morning show that he had viewed the ad.

Trump on Megyn Kelly: "You have done a great job, by the way, and I mean it" and "I have zero respect for Megyn Kelly, I don't think she's very good at what she does."

Trump on opponent Ted Cruz: "I don't think Ted Cruz has a great chance ... he's a nasty guy, nobody likes him" and "I really do, I like Ted Cruz a lot."

Trump on democratic candidate Hillary Clinton: "Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of the United States" and "Hillary Clinton is a terrific woman. I'm a little biased because I've known her for years, but I think she really works hard and she does a good job. I like her."

There is more but you get the point. And yes if he gets the nomination I'll vote for him. Just can't imagine the alternative.

This is why I cannot vote for Clinton or a third party vote.

During Bill Clinton's terms in office, IRS audits were conducted against individuals and groups who caused problems for the administration.

Hillary was instrumental in covering Bill's 20 years of alleged and admitted extra-marital relationships. Including claims of sexual impropriety or assault.

Filegate, illegally obtained FBI files on GOP enemies.

Huma Abedin, who served as Hillary's longtime deputy chief of staff and has worked with her for nearly 20 years, has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

Vince Fosters 1993 death

Emailgate: She should be in prison for this.

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets. She should be in prison for this.

The Travelgate scandal, the staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies.

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons.

"I remember landing under sniper fire," An outright lie.

Hillary's missing law firm billing records

Pardongate: Bills pardons contributors of Hillary's Senate run.

Unheard of profits form cattle futures to the tune of 9987% while her husband was Gov of Arkansas.

Clinton Body Count: People associated with the Clinton administration scandals who have died mysterious and often violent deaths.

Shady deals in the Clinton Foundation. Clintons have siphoned off tens of millions of dollars annually from funds the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has received from a United Nations-sponsored program.

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost.

Watergate: Fired for being a liar.

The list goes on.

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Quote from: SteveA on March 19, 2016, 03:13:01 am
I think # 1 is going to be his downfall.  He is an alternate to the same old same old but wouldn't you expect a guy being considered for a position so important could get his message across without alienating so many people.  I will vote for the red team - always have -
# 3 if parties could only work together - you can't make your candle brighter by blowing out another's

I think some people need to be alienated, so they are seen for what they are.
I will vote for the best person for the job in my opinion. I have no red, white team affiliation, never saw the reason for having a party perse (sp).
Minichillo's Upholstery


QuoteI will vote for the best person for the job in my opinion.

So I guess you haven't voted since Reagan?  :D LOL

Sometimes I crack myself up!!!



Always interested to hear the views of you guys on what is happening in America as your mostly working class and educated with a good perspective on things.

From an outsiders view looking in, this Trump bloke is a bit scary for all the reasons mentioned in this thread, sounds like he could easily start a war :(he is being touted over here as the Hiltler of our time. Granted all we see is daily news clips of someone getting harassed at   his rallies. Watched a show last night of a Muslim bloke that was interviewed and seemed quite reasonable and attended a Trump rally to see what the hooha was about and he was one of the ones beaten up.

I feel for you guys, your choices of decent politicians rising to the top are few, I don't understand your electoral system, it's more like a TV reality show. Probably why Trump is doing well ;D, it must be tedious putting up with more than a year of %#*!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Why is it that only people outside of the US have a firm grasp of the dangerous game Trump is playing?  The footage of Trump people doing their best Heil Hitler salute felt like being sucker punched. 

Why on earth should someone whose net worth is over $300 billion give a hoot about common working people?  If you ain't the 1%, you don't count and frankly I don't think that the bottom tier 1% counts in Trump's book.



Quote from: scottymc on March 20, 2016, 03:43:27 pm
I don't understand your electoral system, it's more like a TV reality show.
The electoral system was originally designed so that people living in sparsely populated rural states would have a bit more of a say. Otherwise, if it was strictly a popular vote, a few major cities would control the outcome of every election.

I don't really care for the "winner take all" aspect of the electoral system. One candidate can theoretically carry just the top 11 states by a single vote and win the election, even if the other guy carries the remaining 39 states in an absolute landslide.

What I really hate, is that local elected officials are tied to party lines. People vote straight ticket. Just because you're voting for a Republican president is no reason to vote against a Democratic judge or sheriff. I think that voting straight ticket can be just as irresponsible as not voting at all.   
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Quote from: sofadoc on March 20, 2016, 04:52:13 pm

What I really hate, is that local elected officials are tied to party lines. People vote straight ticket. Just because you're voting for a Republican president is no reason to vote against a Democratic judge or sheriff. I think that voting straight ticket can be just as irresponsible as not voting at all.   

This is a couple of things that I find a bit scary in your system is voting for a judge or sherriff, over here there is no local police it is all state police and the boss is head hunted to get the best person for the job. I'm of the understanding that it is the president actually hires the guy that is going to be in charge of defence, is that right?

By the way I'm not saying the political system in my country is any better than Americas, it has a lot of holes in it(it's the same as Britains) as well, at least Australia has so very little power in the world it can only damage itself.