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Spam Spam Spam!

Started by KenB, November 21, 2010, 08:55:54 am

Previous topic - Next topic


Please do not click on links within the spam topics. They make money when you do and come back to post again. Bobby or I have to open each spam topic and delete them one at a time. The most recent ones are coming out of Russia.
"The more you depend upon conditions outside yourself for happiness, the less happiness you will experience" -Yogananda


And they're getting sneakierer >:( that a word?  ;D
Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


"Spammier" is the correct word.

Spammers spawn spam.

Spammers spam. Spammers get SPAMMIER. Sneakers sneak. Sneakers get SNEAKIERER. Many folks get the two words confused.

And in case you are wondering, no, I was never an English teacher.



Regardless, spamification levels are rising. Soon to be on par with world of warcraft gold.
☠ ✄ ✂ ✁ ✂ ✃ ✄ ✌ ✄ ✂ ✁  ✂ ✃ ✄  ✁ ✃ ☠
☠ ✄ ✂ ✁ ✂ ✃ ✄ ✌ ✄ ✂ ✁  ✂ ✃ ✄  ✁ ✃ ☠


there seems to be a new member on her of late commenting on posts that make absolutley no sense or he repeats himself on many of the posts. Makes me wonder if that"s just a feeble attempt to get a few numbers on his username then we'll get hit hard with spam from him.


Quote from: SHHR on April 03, 2011, 11:35:12 am
there seems to be a new member on her of late commenting on posts that make absolutley no sense or he repeats himself on many of the posts. Makes me wonder if that"s just a feeble attempt to get a few numbers on his username then we'll get hit hard with spam from him.

Interesting! I'm looking forward to your response, can't wait for updates ;)
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Quote from: sofadoc on April 03, 2011, 03:13:30 pm

Interesting! I'm looking forward to your response, can't wait for updates ;)

Hey now, only my wife is allowed to say I make no sense!


I've been keeping an eye on him.  I was thinking that maybe he just didn't have good English??  I just sent him a private message welcoming him to the board and asked a couple of general questions.  If I don't hear back from him....he's outta here!

Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


Quote from: sameenaryan on April 30, 2012, 11:51:59 pm
You completed various good points there. I did a search on the subject and found nearly all persons will agree with your forum.
I think he's mocking us. >:(
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I did not click on the link.

I did find that this company sells printing supply materials.

Here's 2 questions:

1. Why would I want to buy products from a company that engages in spamming?

2. If I were buying products from a company that I found out was spamming, why would I not stop buying from them inmmediately?

To give business to a company that you know spams is only encouraging more spamming.



I heard a commercial on the radio today encouraging people to work at home, on their computers, selling products. Now I'm thinking these are the A-Holes that keep spamming us.

And yes Sofa this spammer has a lot of nerve spamming us on the very Post that KenB warns us not to respond to.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Yep. This one seems like a real live person. Sad.



I have a niece who started up a business a few years ago in a multi-level marketing organization.   She was convinced that soon she would have an army of "minions" (her words) selling and making a cut off each of them.   Now, 10 years later, she has
- bored and annoyed everyone in the family with her constant pitches
- gotten out of the house some evenings and weekends do to "parties"
- spent money going to conferences for training
- saved some money on her own purchases

Minions, minions?  Anyone?

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


In my 20's, probably like most of you, I was approached by Amway, and other pyramid schemes. After hearing their pitch for 30 minutes, it didn't take a college genius to realize that their math was fuzzy. Nobody is actually selling anything. They're all just recruiting people to be under them on the pyramid. Where's the money coming from?
I mean, if Hammer is getting 2% of my sales, and I'm getting 2% of Gene's sales, Gene's getting 2% of Kody's sales, and so on and so on. The guy at the bottom is doing a helluva lotta work! And I don't know anybody that's actually buying that stuff.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


My wife is retired from the Comptroller's office of a large insurance company.   She said when the economy is bad, or people lost their jobs, they think, "Hey, I can sell life insurance."    They join, go to training and licensing, sell to their family and a few friends, then find they've exhausted their leads.  Within a year, many flush out.    Gene can tell you what it takes to sell, particularly an abstract product such as insurance.

My former boss also got involved in a multi-level marketing scheme (I always thought he was wayyyy smarter than that).  He tried to recruit me to sell $25 bottles of juice.   I told him from the beginning, absolutely NO.   He, as far as I can tell has done exactly the same,  annoyed, bored, spent money to attend go-getting seminars, and saves a little on the juice he drinks.   He told me he thought the organization was very spiritual and had good morals.   Duh, it's headquartered in Salt Lake City -- wake up and smell the juice.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison