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Eerie feeling

Started by sofadoc, October 28, 2010, 03:54:34 pm

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 I got one today, when I responded to a Craigslist ad for an upholstery shop that was closing.
The upholsterer had died recently, and now his son was selling everything off. It was the first time he had been in the shop since his father passed.
There was a panel half-sewn in his machine. Stripped-down furniture waiting to be covered with un-opened rolls of fabric. The air hose stretched over to the cutting table, where two pieces of foam had been glued together. Measurements were jotted down on a notepad that was weighted down by his scissors.
A new work bench was half-finished in an attempt to "get organized".
I can't help but wonder when MY kids will be doing the same thing that young man was doing today.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Darren Henry

> Never worry about death; it will find you when it's ready and you will not be consulted before hand.You will not get to discuss it. So forget about it.

> That said; live every day like it's your last while working towards a long and health life.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Wow. I'm sure that was difficult for the son also.

An upholsterer died last year in my town, but he was at home. Died in his sleep. Only early 40's.

I recently told my wife that when I die I want my body scattered over a nearby park from an airplane. Not my ashes. Just have my body chopped up in little pieces and scattered over the park. She did not laugh!



My kids and wife are right now re-watching Marley and Me. The 8yo was whining "He diiieeesss at the end. It's sad." I told her to look at how happy Marley had been all his life. He was loved, got to do his thing, was always around his people. He had a full, happy, truly doggie life. So his dying was just the next step.

I've said I'll probably die at the sewing machine. Sounds like this upholsterer did just that. While death is always sad because of the loss, I can't help but smile thinking that the guy had it right. Working right up to the end, and if you're an upholsterer, you're loving what you do. How cool is that?


that was a great movie russ,

i also feel for the kid


hey Mike you're back on .

Nice to see you around bud, it's just not the same in here without you .
hows the rehab going ?

Sorry to hijack the thread.



Another really good movie in the same vein is, "My Dog Skip".  I think kids are way too coddled about the reality of death these days.  You don't have to be too intense about it, but being frank discussing it is a good thing.  I like your take on it, Stitcher.. 


October 30, 2010, 07:14:59 am #7 Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 09:52:44 am by sofadoc
Quote from: stitcher_guy on October 28, 2010, 08:52:12 pm
I've said I'll probably die at the sewing machine.

Not me. I've already told my wife that I plan to die while making love at the age of 116. But not with her (she'll be 114......YUCK!).
When I told her this, she threw some bedcovers at me, pointed to the living room, and said "There's the sofa.....doc!" :D

I took my kids to see" My Dog Skip" when it first came out. There were grown men crying in the theatre. It's funny how those movies can get to you even though you know what's comming.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I really feel for the kid. My dad has a very rare type of cancer and isn't doing well at all. He's on his 3rd special type of chemo treatment and nothing is making any change in his cancer.
My dad is a ham radio nut and a computer freak. One day, in the not so distant future, I too will have to make that journey to help get rid of all my dad's stuff. Really make one wonder why we work so hard all our lives to only collect "stuff" when it's stuff that really isn't all that's people.

I can only imagine how much "stuff" is in our local landfills from people's relative that have passed away and the survivors didn't want to deal with selling they dump it and get the real stuff.....the real estate.

One day, my family will get to get rid of all my woodworking tools, collection of lumber, and my upholstery tools, machine, and items. Maybe one of the kids will want to keep one of my bass guitars, but I doubt it.

I'm just glad that I can step from this life and into the next for all of eternity.
Thanks a Bunch,
Dennis Peacock


Woe is me!

I just had my little dog put down about an hour ago.  Bawling my eyes out!


CKKC, I'm so sorry.  The little guy in your ID picture?

Won't change the outcome but maybe if you tell us a little bit about him and how he came to live with you, you'd feel a teeny-weeny bit better. 



i had too put my dog " pepper" down a few years ago I had to walk out crying it was one of the hardest things ive done


October 30, 2010, 03:09:24 pm #12 Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 03:11:14 pm by CKKC
Yes the one in the pic.   She was 14 years old and had liver cancer that had spread all over.
14 years ago my other dog had a siezure and a stroke and couldn't respond anymore.  She
died in my arms on the way to the vet.   I get awfully emotional about my pets and I cried
for a solid month before my husband said "PLEASE go find another dog" so I found the one
in the avatar.  She was one of the best dogs I've ever had.  She would even say "no" if she
didn't want something and nod her head yes if she did!   Wonderful dog!

Thank you all for caring!!  It means a lot to me.


Quote from: bobbin on October 30, 2010, 12:40:22 pm
CKKC, I'm so sorry.  The little guy in your ID picture?

Won't change the outcome but maybe if you tell us a little bit about him and how he came to live with you, you'd feel a teeny-weeny bit better. 


A little bit.   Thank you


Quote from: Mike8560 on October 30, 2010, 02:07:01 pm
i had too put my dog " pepper" down a few years ago I had to walk out crying it was one of the hardest things ive done

Believe me, I know exactly how you felt.