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Closed for Christmas Yet?

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, December 23, 2014, 10:16:52 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

I have 2 suits to do a quick tailoring on and a box of men's handkerchief's to monogram for my MIL to give her "kissing friend" at the nursing home for Christmas and then the "Closed for Christmas" sign goes up.  Whew!  Was totally slammed and put in some hours to get things out in time for the Holidays.  I wouldn't have been in such a crunch except I pulled a muscle in my rib cage and so I didn't get much stretching/stapling of upholstery done for several weeks.  That put me in a bind with the office that I upholstered the office chairs for.  So, I dropped all my Christmas stuff so I could meet the chair deadline (they have a boat project that I was NOT going to lose) and then burned the midnight oil to get the "fun" stuff done.  Now that the embroidery projects, less my MIL's, are done; it is definitely time to get these two suits done and out of here.  If 2015 continues at the pace Nov & Dec have been going at, I will be crazy busy.  I'm booked for 2 boats (seats, etc.) and 2 pontoon covers so far.  2 chairs, both interesting in different ways booked as well.  I'm telling people mid-March already. 

Are y'all closed yet?  How is your New Year stacking up?



We have to clean 3 units on Christmas day and then I have very large and complex shade sail  to start the next day, biggest one I have ever done, no rest for the wicked. :)


Can't say I ever close up completely.  Always something to do to keep me on schedule but I won't put in more then 2 hours per day in the shop and then maybe some emails and paperwork.  I'm holding back some checks until after the first so there's some deposits to fill out. 
I'm happy about business - seems to be enough without flat spots.  They said the economy grew and stocks broke a record.  It will roll down hill to me at some point.  Retirement can't come soon enough -


I delivered the last item on Friday 12/19, having worked steadily on a variety of small jobs up until then.  I have ordered the vinyl for my "welcome back" project (1st. week in January), put the final touches on requested estimates, and in the meantime have a variety of small "thises and that's" which I've wanted to get to for some time now. 

I made the decorations for the outside of the house and put them up pretty much single handedly and I've put together the holiday menu, and given the house a pretty good cleaning, too.  I'm glad I had a "finished" date this year, something I've never done in the past.  Feels great. 


I was doing great a lot of work then  my brother had a stroke also and is having bypass surgery tomorrow I finished up the job were were on and today did a small sailboat top and winch covers, I also started to take down my large table because im going to have to move back to working in my home shop after john comes home. to be close as hes getting better. maybe downsizing is a good thing. cut back slow down in the new year. anyway ive got about 6 hours to continue moving stuff back to my home shop maybe a little christmass day?



Darren Henry

We closed officially on the 19th. I stopped in a couple of small towns coming across Manitoba to do mattress inspections on Sunday and billed them out Monday. Back to work on the 5th.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

I'm waiting on my two gents to come and pick up their suits I altered for them and then the sign goes up.   Know it's time to get the house presentable for the company tomorrow.  Bob's getting ready to mop the kitchen floor and I'll spit shite the bathroom after my customers leave.  I'll dust and vac the cat hair off the dining room chairs in the morning and Bob will do the carpets and we're good to go.  Took it easy on ourselves this year and let one of the stores do the cooking for us.  We picked up a huge box this morning with ham and all the trimmings.  All we have to do is heat to the proper temperature tomorrow.  SIL and her son are picking up MIL from the Nursing Home.

Hope everyone enjoys their day(s) off!  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!



I spent most of the morning putting one of those battery-powered toy cars together.

As I worked on it, I realized that it cost more than my first REAL car!
This one even has a place to plug in an MP3 player.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


December 24, 2014, 04:13:09 pm #9 Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 04:13:31 pm by Mike
I spent the day in a waiting hospital waiting room. don't mean to sound down im happy . my brother looks like he wuill recover well and they found a blockage that could be repaired in his heart and is still here! he was still out at 630 said he should come aroung in a few hours.   so I came home feed my dogs, am heating a pot pie,  not how I expected to spend christmass eve but ill take it .  merry christmass all

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Mike on December 24, 2014, 04:13:09 pm
I spent the day in a waiting hospital waiting room. don't mean to sound down im happy . my brother looks like he wuill recover well and they found a blockage that could be repaired in his heart and is still here! he was still out at 630 said he should come aroung in a few hours.   so I came home feed my dogs, am heating a pot pie,  not how I expected to spend christmass eve but ill take it .  merry christmass all

Keep your chin up Mike!

Sounds like John will make a good recovery.  As you know, strokes are a mother and it just takes time and good physical therapy.  Is he having any issues with speech?

Have a good Christmas.  I'm betting next year will be a great one for you two!



There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Virginia he talkes fine it was right brain before the surgery he was walking with a walker long walk up the corodor   His left ankle is limited control but after recovery from the bypass yesterday he is schedualed for i tense therapy across the street at a great  in patient facility.


Today was calm before the storm.

Two daughters, their husbands and total of 7 kids arrive tomorrow afternoon.   Another family of five arrive Sunday.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


Mike, that's wonderful news! recovery can be a long slog but the results are worth it.  My best to both you and your brother. 

Fasten your chinstrap, Hammer..