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Closed for Christmas Yet?

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, December 23, 2014, 10:16:52 am

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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison



May the Lord have mercy on me.   One of the grandsons showed up with a bugle.  It was a gift from his other grandmother who gave it to him yesterday and they left for here this morning.   Did I mention he's never played a brass instrument before?

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: byhammerandhand on December 26, 2014, 04:26:53 pm
May the Lord have mercy on me.   One of the grandsons showed up with a bugle.  It was a gift from his other grandmother who gave it to him yesterday and they left for here this morning.   Did I mention he's never played a brass instrument before?

Consider yourself fortunate.  Grandmother could have given him a violin. : o

Nothing worse than the screeches that are made when one is learning how to play that darn thing.  Don't know how my parents ever lasted until I learned how to bow correctly.



December 26, 2014, 07:38:30 pm #19 Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 07:43:26 pm by byhammerandhand
Well, the other grandma is a Suzuki teacher, both 10 year olds (twins) and the 7 year old are playing violin.   BTDT x 3

My sister-in-law and her husband are both PhDs in music education.   By the time I met my wife,  the sister-in-law  was already dean of a conservatory of music.   Her instrument was piano, but she decided to learn the violin.   Her toddler son would come up and say, "No, mommy, no."  when she tried to practice.  She soon quit.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


I am proud of myself. I knocked out the orders for the year and closed the doors. I was planning on opening back up Jan 5th but I have an order due on that day so will be sewing that next week.

But I am proud of myself, I closed down for Christmas and we turned the shop into a present wrapping station. No sewing what so ever.

Words will never explain just what an awesome Christmas it was for us. having both kids here as well as our granddaughter and two grandsons was awesome. First time in 7 years since we are scattered across the country.

I did learn one thing....... At my old age I could never raise little kids again. Oh My God those two boys wore me out. :)

Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Glad everyone seems to have had a great Christmas.  Ours was lots of fun as well.  The time spent with MIL is a treasure.  She'll be 86 in February and has more health problems than I can list here.  Greatest concerns are COPD and Parkinson's.  COPD seems not as bad now that she's in Nursing Home.  SIL thinks that everyone should have 20+ cats running in/out at will.  Then our evening spent with Bob's grown-up but previous foster brother was an absolute riot.  His married daughter and her two kids were there (one is my Barbie buddy).  George and his wife were foster parents to probably close to 30 children, in ages ranging from newborn to teens.  They ended up adopting 5 and 4 are still living at home.  They also had a couple and their son over for supper/cards.  It was an absolute mad house with children running amuck and having the time of their lives.   The adults all seemed to be having fun as well.  I know that Bob & I did.

I am struggling a bit getting back in the swing of it.  I suspect that next week will continue to be a struggle.  Once we hit a normal week, I'll hit the ground running.  Good thing is I have no serious deadlines, other than the quilt I'm embroidering and that is more play than work.  I will take it to the quilter by the end of the week, if not before.  Other than that, anything else I get done is gravy as far as giving me a jump start on the first full week of the New Year.

Gotta get ready to go to the store.  Usually go on Friday but we were waiting for George to bring Bob's car back and by the time George left, neither one of us wanted to leave the house.  Bitterly cold yesterday.  Now we have close to 3 inches of snow to shovel and more coming Monday.  Bob still has to deal with his car.  George said he went out in the county and drove for about 30 minutes trying to charge up the battery.  After I got back from walking Jimmy, I tried to start it and it was just as dead as it was Christmas night at George's.  May be new battery time.  Merry Christmas, Mr. Vet. 



December 27, 2014, 01:49:01 pm #22 Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 01:50:13 pm by gene
QuoteOne of the grandsons showed up with a bugle.  It was a gift from his other grandmother

At least she didn't give all her grandchildren bags of squirrel food for their visit with their Cincinnati Grandpa.

Hey Keith, I studied trumpet for many years with an idea of maybe playing professional. I'll be glad to stop over and teach the youngster a few bugle songs. I'm sure you'd love to hear Revelry first thing in the morning. We can sit out back and practice by that nice new fence your neighbor built.




It could've been a drum set, Hammer..

One of my greatest regrets is that I never learned to play a musical instrument.  Sure, I could take one up now, but the practical reality is that the older you get the less willing you become to suffer the necessary learning curve.  At least I can clap on 2 and 4!

Reveille, Gene...


I got a Guild Starfire ( Guitar ) for Christmas. Back when I was 15 I worked for an Italian family in their deli making pizzas and subs. I saved every dime I had to buy a Guild Starfire and fender amp that my neighbor had. Her Dad was a Grand Ole Opry musician and she inherited it when he died.

I finally got the money together and bought it. It was my baby and I later played in bands using that guitar. Time went on, I got married, had two kids and times were real tough. I had to sell both. My buddy bought it for his recording studio ( he was recording for Chuck Berry and Aretha Franklin at the time and needed Fender amps for the right sound ). The guitar I sold to a well known national instrument company called Elderly Instruments. I would love to know whatever happened to it.

Long story short I found another Starfire and my wife bought it for me for Xmas. I got her an Epiphone Wildcat guitar, a Viola, a UKE and two violins. Our studio is now maxed out. We had a great " Musical " Christmas. :)
