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Started by baileyuph, August 01, 2013, 06:40:45 pm

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August 22, 2013, 05:39:28 pm #45 Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 05:43:02 pm by byhammerandhand
Ugh.   I have done work regularly for a hotel complex.   They got a new shipment of furniture in recently and half a dozen pieces need some repairs.  Problem is these pieces are in a nearby warehouse as "attic storage" (the term they use for extra pieces to replace damage beyond repair in the future).

Today, I got four documents that I need to fill out to work in the warehouse.  

Cut and paste below is part of the text of one of them that runs a full five pages, running thru section 5.27.11 and beyond.   You don't have to read it all to catch the gist of how much this company loves policies and procedures.   I've redacted their name by substituting "ACME" where their name appeared.

I'm tempted to use the "Flood them with data" approach by sending all 1000 or so MSDS that I have, but I have the feeling they might just relish that.  Maybe one per e-mail?

Scope:  All Contractors contracted by and servicing ACME Packaging.

1.   Purpose:  To provide procedures and education of ACME's Food Safety Policy to all contractors servicing and or performing work within the facility or on the property of ACME Packaging. This is  to ensure all foreign material is controlled and there is no contamination of product.

2.   Responsibility:
2.1.   ACME Packaging's SQF Practitioner shall have the responsibility to develop, implement, maintain, and oversee ACME's Contractor Policy and Manual.
2.2.   Contractor is responsible for providing the names of employees who shall be working on-site at ACME Packaging.
2.3.   Contractor is responsible to review this document with their employees who shall work on-site at ACME Packaging.
2.4.   Contractor shall provide a list of materials the contractor brings into the facility.
2.5.   Contractor shall provide the Material Safety Data Sheet for any materials where a MSDS is required the contractor is bring into the facility.

3.   Definitions
3.1.   Non-labeled container- a container where the contents is not clearly identified on the outside of the container
3.2.   MSDS-(Material Safety Data Sheet) -Formal document containing important information about the characteristics and actual or potential hazards of a substance. It identifies the manufacturer of the material (with name, address, phone, and fax number) and usually includes (1) chemical identity, (2) hazardous ingredients, (3) physical and chemical properties, (4) fire and explosion data, (5)reactivity data, (6) health hazards data, (7) exposure limits data, (8) precautions for safe storage and handling, (9) need for protective gear, and (10) spill control, cleanup, and disposal procedures

4.   Equipment and Software
4.1.   Contractor tools and equipment shall be clean, not greasy or leaking oil
4.2.   ACME Packaging Maintenance Manager shall inspect and approve all tools and equipment
4.3.   Contractor shall complete "Contractor Item List" form for all items contractor is bringing into the facility
4.4.   Contractor shall provide MSDS for any and all materials which require an MSDS
4.5.   A locker for temporary use to store personal items is available to Contractor

5.   Instructions
5.1.   Security- ACME is a limited access facility.
5.1.1.   Contractors shall provide a list of Contractor's employees who shall service ACME Packaging.
5.1.2.   All Contractors shall be pre-approved for on-site work.
5.1.3.   Contractor's employees shall show photo identification at sign-in on first day of work.
5.1.4.   Contractor shall have  limited access to facility

5.2.   ACME Packaging Point of Contact
5.2.1.   Each Contractor shall have a primary point of contact
5.2.2.   ACME Packaging Point of Contact shall define scope of work with contractor
5.2.3.   Contractor shall direct all communication to the Point of Contact
5.2.4.   Contractor shall not ask questions of ACME production staff or fork lift operators

5.3.   Orientation
5.3.1.    All contractors and their employees shall attend Contractor Orientation before the start of work.
5.3.2.   Any contractor or employee who does not complete and sign Orientation Training shall not be permitted access to the facility to work

5.4.    Prohibited items on the Premises
5.4.1.   The following items are prohibited on ACME Property   Alcoholic beverages   Narcotics or controlled substances   Explosives   Firearms and/ or ammunition   Concealed weapons
5.4.2.   Any Contractor found with any above prohibited items shall be asked to leave the facility / property immediately.

message truncated

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


Quote from: byhammerandhand on August 22, 2013, 03:20:36 pm
Tsk, tsk.   I'd suggest several improvements:
- A sign that says, "Water"
- A sign that says, "Microwave"
- Visual controls on the outside of the fridge.   For example, take empty Shiner cans, flatten them out, and paste them on the front of the fridge for all the shelves that hold the beer.   You may need a beef jerky label on the bottom right.
- Likewise, take empty ice cream cartons for the freezer, alphabetical order left to right - Buttered Almond, Chocolate Chunk, Moose Tracks, Vanilla
- Label and visual control on the red cooler -- your choice "Beer +1" or "Just-in-Time Beer"

There.  Now you're all set for next week's morning walks.

Quote from: sofadoc on August 22, 2013, 06:47:14 am
This is MY sanctuary (The fridge is well-stocked):

My daughters both work nearby. They come to my shop for lunch everyday. Sometimes, they bring their friends. They all say that my break room is better than theirs. I think they just like it better because everything is free. ;)

Wow Keith! All that......and you didn't even notice that the calendar is still turned to JUNE :D
BTW You forgot the "PORN" label on the filing cabinet. ;)
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Quote from: sofadoc on August 19, 2013, 12:11:42 pm
Quote from: kodydog on August 18, 2013, 06:19:40 pm
Three sides were completely blocked. That is now changed but I've always wondered how can anybody cut a pattern from one side of the table?
I swear, around these parts, I've been in lots of shops, and I don't recall ever seeing a cutting table that wasn't up against a wall, and flanked on each end by sewing machines or fabric racks. Mine included.

Does it make more sense to have access on all sides? Of course it does. Kody, you've inspired me to take a serious look at remodeling my work area (cutting table in particular).

But one thing I can say proudly.......all my yardsticks have numbers on them! :D

I have 2 table both that I can cut a patter if needed . and working with 60"  fabric I cut my patterns to fit 60" and a table at least the cutting table it really is necessary  to access both sides  on a sewing table it is nice at time t have it against a wall so wide fabrics don't fall off the side and hang up .


Quote from: byhammerandhand on August 22, 2013, 02:59:33 pm
So in 36 work weeks (about 9 months), they'll save enough time that they won't even have to work that six hours. Wink.

working with my dad paing and plastering along time ago he had these 2 guys that always hit the rest roo about a 1.2 hour before quitting time  they killed times then washed up to go.   so in a conversation one day this came up and a 3 guy said " hey Jack I never go to the bathroom can I save up my bathroom time and get a day off?"


That's funny Mike, I once had a stripper who would knock off 15 mins early and hang out in the bathroom. I always wondered what he was doing in there. Or maybe I really don't want to know. I can say, one day my tooth past turned up missing. Hmm.

The first six months at the new job I always came in 1 hour before anyone else. Every Monday morning I would spend 1/2 hour improving my work area. I threw out a lot of crap they forgot they had and will never miss. Like a box of pink sidewalk chalk, 20 empty 5" X 5" cardboard boxes and lots of empty spray cans.

Also under all the crap I found some long lost useful things like 5 half full cans of spray glue, 10 rolls of 1/2" cardboard strips and an air powered drill.

The different size staples for the upholstery guns were stored in different parts of the shop. I moved them all to one location and now, at a glance you can see which sizes need to ordered.

The staples and nails for the large pneumatic guns were stored behind my work bench. Every time someone needed to use them I had to stop working and let them by. They are now moved to a more central location.

The stereo/CD player sat on a shelf next to my cutting table. I like music as background noise, not blaring in my left ear. Every time I left the room someone would crank it up and I would be the one to get in trouble with the boss. One day as I turned the music down I heard the other upholsterer complain, Ed must not like my music. So the next morning I moved the whole system behind the complainer. He thought this was great, for about a day. Then he realized how annoying it really was. Now we rarely listen to the stereo at all.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Quote from: kodydog on August 23, 2013, 06:36:36 pm
So the next morning I moved the whole system behind the complainer. He thought this was great, for about a day. Then he realized how annoying it really was. Now we rarely listen to the stereo at all.
With 3 air conditioners running wide open, and customers coming in and out all day, air tools, sewing machine, I'm not going to try to listen to music.
Just too much noise pollution already going on in the shop.

I know that some of you guys work from a more private setting (not open to the public). So music relaxes you while you work. I cherish the quiet. To me, for every decibel the music is turned up, it feels about 10 degrees hotter.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


First off let me say I refuse to work unless I have two things - 1.) Music 2.) Coffee. If either run out I run out of the shop.

Dennis: My entire shop is about the same size as your break room. But I do have a break room. It is in the house and doubles as our bedroom. :)

Mike: You have a whole lot of space to work around. Awesome. Love the setup.

Keith: The older I get the more I hate red tape, paperwork and regulations.

I really need to build a new shop. My work area is cramped, my storage area is scattered ( some of it in the garage, some in the shed and some in the lean to. Seeing these big shops like Mike make me envious. :)
