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Messages - gene

General Discussion / Re: Soccer has a chance!
July 11, 2010, 02:04:41 pm
I have changed my mind. Soccer will never take hold her in the USA. We already have BIG TIME WRESTLING!!!

I didn't watch all of the final world cup game, but the parts that I have watched, I have seen 3 times when a tackler got a yellow card. The guy who got tackled was rolling on the ground in pain. The replay showed that the tackler never touched the guy who fell down. One guy actually pulled his leg up and fell, instead of continuing to run.

How does a guy from Ned kick a guy from Esp in the chest and the ball is no where in site, the the guy doing the high kick gets a yellow, and not a red card? Every game I have watched the refs seemed to have their favorite team.

Did Spain win because they are the best team or because they have the best actors?

How about allowing the players to have card table chairs and they can smash the chairs on each other's backs?

I got interested in the sport, a lot of skill, but the crap and the refs really make it not very appealing.


General Discussion / It's Friday!
July 10, 2010, 04:34:56 am
OK. So it's not Friday.

Upholstery is all about details, details, details.

Here's a test to see how detail oriented you are. I'll post my guess on Friday.

General Discussion / Re: Is it me!
July 10, 2010, 04:13:34 am
I had no idea what you were talking about until now. I just reported two of these to the mod.

I'm not sure how it works, but my guess is that an automatic software program has found an easy way to register with this board.

There's legislation in the Congress to make the internet a "utility", giving the government total control and the ability to tax it. I wonder if this will get rid of spam, or will the spam just change from porn to political ads?

General Discussion / Re: Is it me!
July 09, 2010, 07:51:16 pm
Do you mean, "Is it you who is putting all the spam on here?", or do you mean, "Is it you who is noticing all the spam on here?"


I think the mod is staying busy with trying to keep it off. I will notice spam if I check early in the morning. I report it to the mod.

General Discussion / Soccer has a chance!
July 09, 2010, 04:38:13 am
Yes, I finally believe that soccer will become a major sport here in the good old USA, quite possibly bigger than any other sport.

Why? 1 hour on ESPN last night was dedicated to watching LeBron James say that he is going to play for the Miami Heat.

Pro sports here in the USA is no longer about sports and competition. It's about money. Not just money for the players, but for the owners, politicians, and other peripheral people.

The sad part of it all, for those of us who have to go to work today and pay taxes, is that pro sports in the USA is being subsidized with hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars, and enhanced by anti trust and monopoly exemptions.

Yee haw! Go LeBron!


General Discussion / Re: Forsche 32 project
July 08, 2010, 04:57:40 am
Wow! I do not do cars, but I absolutely love and appreciate the craftsmanship you are showing on this one. I can only imagine the hours that went into this project.

Thanks for the pictures.

I like the attractive blue tape. Isn't it interesting how expensive masking tape is?

I also think the clear material is a great idea. You will be able to see if you accidentally left the grill on. (Talk about 'adding flames"...)

I looked at the montana grill web site. I'm thinking "montana", "mountains", "cows", and then that picture pops up. I got a shock until I realized it was one side of a horseshoe.

General Discussion / Re: Diamond Tufting
July 04, 2010, 06:14:05 am
Hi Doyle,

Glad you found the problem with your tufting. I love tufting. It took awhile to learn, and I still find myself working things out longer than I would want to, but the finished product is awesome.

By 'slips' I assume you are referring to 'slip covers'. (We have some boat people and some women on this forum who may use the word 'slip' to refer to something else.)

I do not do any tufting with my slipcovers. I also do not do the 1/2 method.

I bring the furniture into my shop and use welt cord to outline each section of the furniture. I start with the outside back. I pin the fabric to the outside back, then pin on the welt cord outlining the outside back. I then sew the welt cord onto the fabric. This gives me a perfect fit for that panel. Then the inside back. Then the arms, sides, and then the skirt. The finished product fits like a glove.

Search youtube for "make welt cord" and you will see Karen Erickson make continuous welt cord, which I do, and she will show you how she outlines a boxed cushion. I use the same outlining for the furniture also. She is one of the instructors at the Upholstery 2010, by the way.

I do not compete with Wal Mart. I had someone ask me recently why should they pay $300.00 for my custom slip cover when they can get a slip cover from Wal Mart for $29.99??? I said, "You shouldn't. You would be wasting your money." If someone things a $10k Hyundai is just as good as a $80K BMW, they would be wasting their money by buying the BMW.

Seasonal use, wanting to be able to dry clean, wanting to save the fabric on the furniture for what ever reason... these are some of the reasons folks buy slipcovers.

Good questions.

I do furniture upholster:
1. I read this forum. I also check Carrscorner occasionally.
2. I occasionally will take a few hours and google different topics. There are always some new vids on youtube, someone's web site has a new vid or detailed project. I learn a lot from what other folks share on their web sites or blogs, such as
3. I occasionally will buy a book or DVD on some specific subject.
4. The Upholstery Journal is the only trade mag I read. I read it on line.

I read a lot of stuff about running a small business also. I think this is just as important as reading about upholstery.

General Discussion / Re: Diamond Tufting
July 03, 2010, 07:21:52 am
Can you add cotton on top of the foam that makes the diamond (or 1/2 diamond) shapes around the edges. When you pull down your fabric around the edges, this will give you more bulk and not pull down as far as it does now.

There's a class on Diamond tufting at the Upholstery Fair 2010.

General Discussion / It's Friday... Yippee!
July 02, 2010, 03:52:44 pm
Bubba had long heard the stories of an amazing family tradition.  It seems
that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to
walk on water on their 21st birthday.  On that special day, they'd each walked
across the lake to the bar on the far side for their first legal drink.

So when Bubba's 21st birthday came 'round, he and his pal Jim Bob took a
boat out to the middle of the lake, Bubba stepped out of the boat ...and
nearly drowned!  Jim Bob just barely managed to pull him to safety.

Furious and confused, Bubba went to see his grandmother.

'Grandma,' he asked, 'it's my 21st birthday, so why can't I walk 'cross the
lake like my pappy, his father, and his father before him?'

Granny looked deeply into Bubba's troubled eyes and said, 'Because your
father, your grandfather and your great grandfather were born in January, when
the lake is frozen, and you were born in July, you dumb a$$.'
Ok. I have been motivated to think.

I like the bazooka idea. How about blowing water out of several paper tubes. Then, point the next paper tube so it will blow over the crowd, and out comes... feathers. (A play on the old Harlem Globe Trotters water in a bucket gag.)

Lay down on a bed of decorative tacks.

Make a hole in the back of a club chair so kids can put their head into the hole from behind the chair and have their picture taken from the front of the chair. You know those plywood posters of people that you can put your head in and it looks like you are a knight or a hillbilly or a dancer? This would make it look like the kids head is part of the chair. If it's a small chair have holes so their arms and hands can go through it also.

Kids can sit in a swivel chair and you spin it around so many times. Then they have to get up and walk a straight line to win a prize.

How many tacks can you put in your mouth before you swallow one?

Fake cotton candy. Use synthetic cotton. Shred it up and put spray glue on a stick. Let the kids swirl the stick around in a big box of the shredded cotton. Add spray paint to make different colors. It will last forever and it won't rot out the kids teeth.

Use the paper tubes to have a didgeridoo contest. Cut the tubes to different lengths to make different tones.

Connect a bunch of paper tubes together to make one really long tube. Make 4 or 5 really long tubes like this. Put a mouse in each end of each really long tube. Have a piece of cheese at the other end of the really long tubes. The mouse that gets to the other end of their tube first, wins. Make sure you put little vests on each mouse with a number so everyone knows exactly who wins. Keep an eye out for cats and hawks.

Enough already!

It sounds like a fun time, no matter what you do.

General Discussion / Re: used Pfaff in my future?
June 30, 2010, 08:21:36 pm
Howdy and welcome to the forum.

No newbie hazing intended.

The most important question to me is "Does it run?" And if it does, how well does it run. It sounds like you are going to put money down on a strangers' (the seller) word. And if it doesn't run, it's not the seller's fault, it's the unknown upholsterer who obviously lied to the seller. The seller is really sorry, but no, you can't have your money back.

To me, the price is totally irrelevant because I don't know what I would be buying. A great running sewing machine? A good running sewing machine? A broken sewing machine that will take as much money to fix as it would to buy a new machine from one of the guys on this forum who sell new machines? If it's a broken sewing machine that will cost as much to fix as buying a new machine, would you give the guy 50 cents for it?

If you can sew on the machine before you buy it that would be a good start.

Do a 'search' on this forum. There's a tremendous amount of good info about buying used sewing machines.

It's kind of like the lottery: there are folks who win, and that motivated others to play. There are folks who have found awesome used machines for a great price. I just don't think there are that many.

Good luck.

General Discussion / Re: oil slick..
June 29, 2010, 06:51:52 pm
Nothing here in Ohio, but we've still got 3 more years on this current president.
General Discussion / I know it's not Friday
June 29, 2010, 05:29:48 pm
I've seen this before and just happened to run across it again.

I wish all commercials were this clever.

It has nothing to do with upholstery, weather, oil slicks, cod, snuggling, etc. It's just so dawn cute!
