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Do you think I am being fair here ?

Started by Grebo, March 07, 2011, 08:05:42 am

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March 07, 2011, 08:05:42 am Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 08:29:24 am by Grebo
I have a long time customer, almost 10 years.
They asked me to make them a deck cover to attach to their bimini ( one of mine) at short notice in June last year, now they know I close for August. I said I was very busy but would do my best  ::) as you do.
They also announced that they would be leaving for Itay (permanently) the first week of August.
I told then that I might not get it finished by then & they said it would not be a problem as they where renting a place here for a few more months, so the boat wouldn't be here but I could give then the cover later in the year.
Well I didn't get it quite finished, it was really awkward to pattern as they wanted to keep the bimini up ( I couldn't take it away) & they where still using the boat on day trips, so I was fitting then in with all my other customers.  ???
They ended up picking it up in October, now being 'virtually' friends I said they could try it on & return it if it needed any tweaking. Then pay the balance when they where happy with it.
I initially offered to visit then in their temporary berth in Northern Spain, until I realised how far it was from Alicante.

I gets a phone call a week later saying it wasn't quite right & they also wanted some extra bits doing to it & that they would get someone to drop it off with me probably about December time. I hear nothing. Now I know they live in Belgium & only go to the boat from time to time. ( Boat is currently in Northern Spain)
I give them a prod at the beginning of February & get the reply that they can't get it back to me & will get it altered in Belgium. Have a nice day. No mention of payment of the balance.
I send them back a pleasant email saying, Shame about that, guess you forgot about the balance, happy sailing & you can send  balance to , my bank...
So I send them another one, repeating that I offered to put it right (nicely) & that they are free to return it for a 'refund' . OR I would take further action & please reply within 7days.
6 days later, I get a reply. Oh so surprised to get such an unpleasant letter  :o . They have had it altered to the cost of xxx which they will deduct & will transfer the rest within 5 days.



Here is my reply.

"It is also 'unpleasant'  to receive an email ignoring the fact that there is an outstanding balance to pay.
This I understand that you may have forgotten, so why did I have to send a second reminder ?
Yes I understand that the cover does not fit, when it was tried on with xx present it was not finished. I did not know how far out it was until you informed me by phone.
There is no misunderstanding on this.

I did offer to come to xxx to put it right, before I realised how far away from Alicante it was.

First you say you will get it back to me to correct, then I hear nothing until I contact you this February ?  What am I to think ?
You could have sent it by post or courier, which I would have refunded you.
What you have paid for alterations is not my concern but I will agree to discount you xx. as a good will gesture.

I don't wish any ill will, I just want to be paid for the work I have done."

Do you think that's reasonable ?  Or have I lost the plot  ???



there are no friends when it comes to payment for work you have done grebo.

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it .



Sounds to me like you were right Suzie. You did the work and could have fixed it for them at less out of pocket I'm sure. That the problem with installing the work then waiting to vet paid. I limes it when I was up north all the work was at my shop and did t leave without payment they just k ew they had to pay to pick up there boat. Sounds like they figured they would not see tou again and to fry and forget about paying. 


March 07, 2011, 04:57:19 pm #3 Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 06:55:59 pm by JuneC
Ever hear the saying "nice guys finish last"?  That's your reward for being flexible and reasonable.  

But, I'd turn down the volume a bit on this sentence:
  "It is also 'unpleasant'  to receive an email ignoring the fact that there is an outstanding balance to pay.
This I understand that you may have forgotten, so why did I have to send a second reminder ?"

You DO want to get paid.  Save that memo, read it again tomorrow before you send it.  I always do that rather than hit the "SEND" button while I'm still agitated.  

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields

Gregg @ Keystone Sewing

March 07, 2011, 05:08:30 pm #4 Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 05:11:39 pm by Gregg @ Keystone Sewing
Quote from: Grebo on March 07, 2011, 08:05:42 am being 'virtually' friends I said they could try it on & return it if it needed any tweaking. Then pay the balance when they where happy with it.

I feel like I could have written the rest of the story from here...

I agree with the advice you were given, too; flick them off after you get paid.  This will go a long way to getting paid in the long run.  But, if measured, and depending on situation, you do have to squeeze sometimes.  You can't let people think that it's A OK to owe you money you both agreed upon in advance for prodcuts and services.

Some of the best bill collectors I find are professionals, doctors, lawyers, dentists and the such.  They let it be known to all that they expect to be paid, almost as you are walking in the front door.


I did the friend thing one too many times with poor results always. Its half down and balance upon delivery. I don't squeese in people any more, things just seem to happen when I try to be nice.
We owned a bar and customers would always ask "why don't you give free  drinks". I don't know if my mother in law saw this somewhere but the bartenders reply is " "Why don't you ever pay double? "


March 08, 2011, 01:28:10 am #6 Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 01:36:12 am by Grebo
Thanks guys  ;D
I wasn't trying to be a mug, long time customers, I have done loads of stuff for over the years.
Thought it might just mean something, oh I did get 50% up front only ever got caught like that once.

Very good advise June, I do try not to reply straight away, :-X  the next day has got to be better .

Mike, that was my very first thought, but... I gave them the benefit, I should have known when first they said, no it's ok we will pay all of it, then when it came down to it only half appeared.

Looks like they will be paying ( fingers crossed ) just have to see how much hits the bank.

No I am not loosing sleep over it Rich, but there are another 2 boats here, who are their friends, one I have already done loads of work on & the other I have just started on.

Maybe they have just realised this !



"Friends" are always pickier and more needy than customers, aren't they?

I thought your proposed reply sounded a bit "hurt" and little too defensive.  As June pointed out, it's best to sit on letters such as that for a day/two/three before committing them to the cosmos.  How we phrase things can make all the difference in the world as to how the message is received.  (ask me how I know, lol).  The name of the game is to get paid and if you have to work out "terms", so be it.  I see nothing wrong with coming to a deal with respect to the work required to get the proper fit (which you said you would provide but were unable to based on geography), but as for the added "thises and thats", no way! those are entirely their responsibility.  Ask for a copy of the bill from the shop that "tweaked" your work to finish the job. 

Here's how I see it:  you are a professional and you provided the service along with the caveat that the product may need tweaking for a really good fit.  You covered your hindquarters.  They were the "ball droppers" on this one and the fact that they didn't contact you to "work out terms" for alterations that you were ultimately unable to provide (distance and failure on their part to notify you) doesn't mean that they're off the hook for payment in full!  Hello?!


I was aiming for the disappointed, hurt angle, but will get pissy if necessary  :P , with out them calling my bluff  ::)

May be I should just come out with what I really want to say  :o  or may be not  ;D

Unpleasant & no misunderstanding where terms they used so I thought it might be a good tack tick to throw back at them. Not terms I would normally use.  :-\

Thanks for your input I do try not to drop my self in it, guess I need a good manager to deal with the customers & just do the stitching  :D

I guess I am more ticked off that they tried it on than anything.



Be diplomatic and bite the bullet
You don't know how far their influence lies and you don't want to ruin other work from friends or acquantices
Send them an invoice with a big overdue in red
I usually put on it that from such and such a date interest on the amount will accrue at 2% or such
That usually gets them going
If they come back for more work in the future insist on cash up front
Just don't burn bridges you don't know where it will end up
Write it off as a business loss



Not to hijack, BUT...

Allan, it's great to see you resurface!  How are things in your neighborhood?  A new thread from you with some info. might be a good idea. 

And your advice is good advice because the cruising world is really pretty small, esp. with the advent of the internet!