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Expensive Anti-roll device tip

Started by NDAV8R, January 05, 2011, 10:42:32 am

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A couple of years ago, I gave a tip (of many) to one of our community members and said I will post it. Well, I finally got around to it.
 Ever wish that pencil or chalk would stop rolling off the table and resulting having to sharpen it or get a new one?  Sometimes if you keep it simple, things just work out. Here as seen in the photo, I have wrapped my marking tools with a (very, very expensive) tape.
 Who knows, this could save you 20 minutes off your life! ;D
Gale Hansen

Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


Darren Henry

I bought one of those chalk holders ( up to three or four now) like the teachers use at a business supply outfit. Hard ( but not impossible ) to knock it on the floor out of your shirt pocket. If you do drop it all the pieces are still inside and usable like a mechanical pencil.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Quote from: scottymc on January 05, 2011, 12:56:17 pm
What about leveling your table ;D

It's evident that someone has never had to work in places like in a car, airplane, or on a boat! ;)
Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


Quote from: NDAV8R on January 05, 2011, 06:35:04 pm

Quote from: scottymc on January 05, 2011, 12:56:17 pm
What about leveling your table ;D

It's evident that someone has never had to work in places like in a car, airplane, or on a boat! ;)

Well I started at Qantas airways ,worked ten years there doing an apprenticeship in Auto trimming and have lived and worked in Apollo Bay a commercial fishing port for the last 18 years so I have done a few, and not once have I had a table to work on in any of them. If your working on site you'd just put in your pocket wouldn't you.


January 06, 2011, 05:12:08 am #5 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 05:14:51 am by NDAV8R
...still can't read between the lines.

Well, I envy all that experience!!  And with all that, WE ARE ALL waiting for some time or labor saving tips from you! ;)

Darren, is that the same type of chalk holders as welders use for marking metal?

Have a great Day!
Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


I don't have any green tape so I buy those big flat pencils from Home Depot that roofers use. I asked a roofer once why he didn't just level the table. He walked away muttering something under his breath that I couldn't hear. I think he was embarrassed that he had never thought of that before!?!



January 06, 2011, 06:08:13 am #7 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 06:26:29 am by NDAV8R
Great Response Gene;
 All my tables are level, but messy with things. You know as well as I do, when things get real busy, pencils and markers go flying!
 I do own a SPI 360 digital level made by Swiss Precision Instruments and is accurate to .01 degree.  When I have leveled my Bridgeport Milling machine's you know what?...(because of me) things still find their way to the floor! :-[
   When I am Flying into a busy airport, rather than just putting my pencil in my pocket, I do what other Commercial Pilots do...I use adhesive backed velcro to wrap around my pencil and on my pilot's clipboard...its never failed me yet!

Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!



January 06, 2011, 01:12:09 pm #9 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 04:31:17 pm by scottymc
Quote from: scottymc on January 05, 2011, 12:56:17 pm
What about leveling your table ;D
That was meant to be a joke, I thought it was so obvious  that I just had to be the first to jump in. Maybe it's the cultural differences but I can't read anything between the lines(why should I have too)
Quote from: NDAV8R on January 06, 2011, 06:08:13 am

  When I am Flying into a busy airport, rather than just putting my pencil in my pocket, I do what other Commercial Pilots do...I use adhesive backed velcro to wrap around my pencil and on my pilot's clipboard...its never failed me yet!

And what is your point here, not being a superior being such as yourself I don't fly planes so it never occurred to me that it would be a problem in the day to day life of an upholsterer.

When I first posted on this thread I thought you had started it as a joke, but from your defensive put down of my credibility I can see it was a very serious thread,
Quote from: NDAV8R on January 06, 2011, 05:12:08 am
...still can't read between the lines.

Well, I envy all that experience!!  And with all that, WE ARE ALL waiting for some time or labor saving tips from you! ;)

In future instead of putting people down as a comeback, Try keeping your snide comments to to yourself. You questioned my experience,so I told you what i have done in the trade, so you make out that I'm bragging about it,  you should look at your own profile through someone else s eyes ,as far as the pencils go mate, stick them where the sun don't shine and they'll never roll away again.(pull your head out first)


January 06, 2011, 09:41:02 pm #10 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 10:07:04 pm by NDAV8R
WOW...yet another thread has gone into orbit! Who was the one with the very first snide remark? Sounds like a couple of 5 yr olds. >:( >:(
  I think we are all equal here in this great Board. And the only one with supremacy is Bobby (HDflame) our Administrator.    
  My main income comes from upholstery, where as my flying under a commercial license was aerial photography, as a lucritive hobby, for crying out loud. The velcro on the pencil was a tip I got years ago from someone else, another tip I wanted to share.  Anyone can acheive a pilot's license (If stupid me can do it, anyone can). In fact, there are  members on this board are pilots!  I have'nt flown now for 2.5 yrs since I am not completely in "c" remission. Until then, it's real dark in here. Excuse me if these are snide remarks...I don't know better.
 I see now that I posted this tip on the wrong board section and it should of been on other board "How did you do that?"....MY BAD!

Life is short, Have a great Day!
Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


Now let me get this straight, It's okay for you to have ago at me with your sarcastic remarks (the lowest form of humour in my book)  But if I have the audacity to reply and have a swipe at you it's childish ,get over yourself!


I'm a bit embarrassed but the anti roll device was an epiphany for me. I do have a level but sadly no shims...

Darren Henry

QuoteDarren, is that the same type of chalk holders as welders use for marking metal?

It's similar but it uses a stick of regular chalk. The welders/machinists I've seen use a soap stone "refill" the diameter of a cigarette.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


good idea Gene, the trouble i have is getting a white pencile to sharpen  >:(not use bo be fine in MH maybe the heat in florida is th trouble. the white led isnt centered in the wood also so when it dese sharpen ther is wood at the point sometimes? 8)