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Happy New Year!

Started by SHHR, December 31, 2010, 08:45:25 am

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Have a safe and Happy New Year!  May all your seams line up in 2011!


Clever Kyle, same back to you. 



Happy new year all. !  Hopefully 2011 will turn arount over 2010 and be more profitable and things will  look up.


Well my wife just went off to bed so I'll wish you guys a happy new year. Happy New Year!

Sleeping! If you can believe it! I blame drinking before dinner. But then again I'm still here!

May your new year be filled with staples and things!
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Happy New you to everyone here.
Minichillo's Upholstery


Yup, it's a whole new year starting today.  Here's hoping for the best one ever.  For everyone. 

I was already headed for the land of Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod by 9PM.  Those night owl days have long since passed me by. 


May 2011 be a prosperous, healthy, fun and safe year for each and everyone of you.

Happy New Year ya'll.



January 01, 2011, 05:55:10 am #7 Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 03:28:10 pm by Mike8560
Quote from: bobbin on January 01, 2011, 03:22:40 am
 Those night owl days have long since passed me by.  

I'm with you bobbin. I used to laught about a oldtimer I knew up north in  His 70s he never saw prIme rime tv. bEcause he was inBed by 7pm now I'm looking to turn in  arount 8 used to. E I'd bead to the 10 pm show at the movie when I was young.

Edit for iPhone typos


Hate new years eve, bloody fireworks wakes me up every year.


Happy New Year to all you guys and gals!  Scotty, hope you and Allan are OK with all the flooding that's going on down under. 

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


A boyfriend I had back in the dawn of time always referred to New Year's Eve as, "Amateur Night".  (He was pretty funny). 

Umm... what June said about the flooding... I listened to a report on NPR this AM, them's some big waters!


I live in Victoria in the south, it,s dry here in the summer. Allan lives in Queensland I think he'd getting the brunt of it if he lives in the north. The rain this year is killing the farmers , they just went through ten years of drought and now the whole of the country has had extremly heavy rainfall, but nothing like north Queensland is getting at the moment.


I don't think we will hearing from Allen anytime real soon, I'm not sure which part of Queensland he lives but the whole states under water, the whole of eastern Australia is bucketing down with rain and there's bush fires in the west. Just thought I would fill you guys in as I know they don't really cover news from other country's in your media. here's some links;


Scotty, thanks for the info. on Allen and Queensland.  I saw some footage on TV and the rushing water and speed of it was frightening.  I've always wondered if there are attendant dangers with crocodiles and venomous snakes being displaced, as well.  But what really struck me was the expected surge in food prices.  It breaks my heart to see the desolation and shock on people's faces after they've been rescued and the realization that everything they own(ed) is now vanished forever.  I like getting insight from an Aussie's perspective. 

(I lol at your comment about our "news" here in the States.  The very best coverage that corporate America can buy... keep the populace in the dark and you can get away with just about anything.  Thank heavens for the internet... until they figure out how to take control of that, too!)


its amazing the power of water. when i was in NH a EARTHEN DAM broke letting a man mad mountian lake ru diwnhill  once a family tryig to outrunn the water in there vehicles was caught the wife was washed out of her car and drowned the man in his semi fell into a deep hole washed out in the mountial road  being in te truck probly saved his life the water all ran into the river behind my shop all brown with  mud