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Started by Darren Henry, December 27, 2010, 08:37:33 am

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Darren Henry

Has anyone else had "issues" with photo bucket lately? I just tried to log on there and the screen was all in itty bitty type. My pictures were smaller than postage stamps and you can forget reading the text. there were 13 pictures per row, to give you an idea how small they were.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Just tried it...same as before.  (Your reading glasses are on top of your head) ;D

Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


I often have problems with photobucket, just not those problems. I often can't get the page to load. And I find navigating the site baffeling. The new site layout doesn't seem an improvement to me. Maybe thats the problem? The upgrade changed your settings or something? I remember playing around with settings one day and seem to recall an option to display a certain number of pictures per page?

That or the reading glasses.
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I just checked my Photobucket and it's fine.

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On my I home now but yesterday my photobucket was meddi. Up I had trouble loggin on Nd the edit funtion was goofed up with thenadd they have I had to lick a funtion of edit not edit in general to open p the photo I choose to edit.


Everybody really seems to complain about the ads on photobucket. I don't really see too many, is it because I have a mac? And does anybody pay for it? Does it get better if you do?
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they don't bother me but i know some people have issues.
If photobucket didn't make ad money they wouldn't host for free.

It's been working fine for me this week .



Exactly rich The the edit adds are new  but the thumbnails opening with AT&T the adds takes more time. You can eliminate the Cade from =to ? I hink it is June told me but I can only remember the. Ode if I'm looking at it. You can also just use the direct URL. They just started somthing f new if tou have the I phone photobucket app there is a vedio add before it opens.   Maybe if tou pay it's gone ?

Darren Henry

Quote(Your reading glasses are on top of your head) Grin

8) Actually I was looking through them and still wouldn't be able to guess where to change the images/page. ;D
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!



I changed the first and last square brackets for ordinary brackets so the code would be displayed.

cut out the code from the start to the .jpg] so it looks like this, remember the start and end brackets
should be square brackets but the puter won't display the code here if they are, it will display the


Now just cut off the last [/URL] AND the th_ in front of the file name.

you now have a thumb that will go full size when you right click and select View Image

it sounds long winded but pretty quick when you've done a couple.


December 29, 2010, 06:18:00 am #10 Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 06:22:04 am by JuneC
Or, just remove this...


and it's a clickable thumb with no banner ads at all.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


I just posted a picture with photobucket. I had no problems.


Darren Henry

I don't have issues posting. The problem was that the text and thumbs were so small no one could read them. It took a bit of research but discovered that if one holds the "control" key the "+" and '-" keys will change the font size on photobucket.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


on any web page Darren hold the ctrl key and roll your mouse wheel if you
have one .

June.. I tried heheh i am a mear man though, i have to make things complicated :-)

Darren Henry

 ;) Thanks mate. I'll give it a go and see what happens.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!