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O lovely weather

Started by Mike8560, December 22, 2010, 01:15:30 pm

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December 22, 2010, 01:15:30 pm Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 06:07:36 pm by Mike8560
It made it into the low 70 s this afternoon.
I was sitting on my patio and saw this 32 sunrunner pass by


It's snowing very lightly here.  Just barely sticking on the ground (which is basically bare).  I played ball with the big dog and we walked around and around the property, followed closely by cats...

It's nearly dark now and I'm about to fire up the woodstove in the house.  The apple bread pudding is cooling, we're having marinara and Italian sausage over linguine for dinner and, best of all...

the days are beginning to get longer now!


December 22, 2010, 01:21:56 pm #2 Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 01:26:01 pm by fragged8
i'll swop ya Mike,

we got a temp rise today  0  oC   :o

a couple of days ago it was minus 9.5 oC or 49 F

At least yesterday was the shortest day/longest night
so it's a down hill run to spring YAY  !!!


BTW if that was taken at your house Mike ??

how did that boat get under the bridge ??


The bridge probly had 10 clearance at low tide rich

My baliner was about 20 feet to the top of radar  on the arch so it had to go otherwise it would be here insteaed of living In Texas now.

Sounds lie a great dinner Bobbin I'll go In a bit and make some pork chops and macaroni  :-[


Pretty day here as well.  74 at the moment...

Bobbin, sounds great.  Want company for dinner??  :P

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields



I feel sorry for the folks that don't get all four seasons.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


I don't feel sorry for me at all  ;D  If I had unlimited funds, I'd follow the sun.  Just love summer.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Well, snow has finally let up a bit. :) But temps are still in the low 20's. :( We've had over 50 inches of snow so far and technically winter started two days ago!

I would much rather be in Florida right now!Even with the temps you've been getting.
Regal Canvas


We just received our 2nd 8 to 10 inch snowfall in the last 2 weeks here in North Dakota! I had enough for awhile...I just booked a vacation to Orlando for a week. Hey Mike, if my schedule allows, maybe I'll pop in, I will let you know ahead of time of course.

Oh well, winter has just begun ;)

Strive for Perfection...Settle for Excellence!


           HAHA Just got back from taking the dog for her daily walk on the beach, sunny 86deg. :P fire the barbie for Christmas, cheers 



Parts of Vancouver Island are expecting 150mm in 24 hours! and it's windy too!

I think I'll move back to the Prairies I'd rather have the snow!


Life's too short.....let's go fishing!!!


December 23, 2010, 06:47:12 pm #12 Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 07:08:24 pm by Mike8560
I had my fill of 4 seasons. Summer was way too short in NH.
I'll take theb3 seasons we got here  I did see some orange leaves today on a tree.
I gueese as a child In California  winter was not engrained in me.