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Started by lruthb, November 30, 2010, 12:41:42 pm

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I had a customer ask if myself or my family smoked. She is allergic. My house is 2400 sq ft and 4 layers. I do not smoke but I do have a family member whom smokes in the kitchen only. We have friends whom come over and smoke. So do you think that the furniture in the bottom layer (shop ) would be affected by some one smoking 2 layers up?
She also has furniture that someone else did that the upholsterer smoked that she can not handle. Anyone have some ways to get that stench out? Febreze?
This is a first for me.


I can't say for sure about the smoke from your house, but some people are really sesitive to smoke. As for me I don't smoke and can actually smell someone smoking in a car in front of me going down the road with windows up and if I'm around enough of it I can develop a sinus infection. Febreze should handle a light covering of smoke, but if the other item you mentioned is that bad you may first try to steam it. If that fails proffesional auto detailers have commercial grade products that will remove smoke. And for worse case other that new upholstery and stuffing you may have to contract a company that specializes in Fire, smoke, and water damage. They can use ozone to eliminate the smell.


When my step-dad was alive, he hung out at the shop all day. He smoked like a frieght train. He would light a new one right off the old one. He never sat foot in a church, or any formal gathering where smoking was prohibited. When my mother lay dying in the hospital, he didn't visit because he couldn't go even 5 minutes without smoking.
With all of the furniture dust combined with the smoky haze, I used to barf up a lung daily. If someone had shown him irrefutable proof that his smoking was affecting the health of others around him, he would've gone right on smoking.
We DID have several complaints about the nicotine smell in the shop. But I don't remember anyone complaining about a piece that we delivered. I guess we never had a customer that was super allergic.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I'm like Kyle - I can smell cigarette smoke residue days later or many yards away.  If I were you, I'd invest in an ozone generator.  It'll remove any smell (works great on boats with stinky bilges too!).  And I've had customers ask.  When I need to sub out work, I ask the subs as well. 

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


November 30, 2010, 04:50:10 pm #4 Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 04:58:35 pm by gene
I got a new customer recently (third one from the same upholsterer) who got tired of their upholsterer smoking cigarettes. I don't think it bothered the designer but she had a customer complain, again, about the smell.

No one smokes in my shop.

Iruthb: Is the cigarette smell getting into your bottom layer where you have your shop? Light an insense stick in the kitchen and see if the smell from one stick makes it to your shop. How about lighting an insense stick everytime someone lights a cigarette? Do you think the smell would make it all the way down? You may not smell the cigarette smoke in your bottom layer because you are used to it.

Fabreeze maskes smells. Someone on this forum said they smoke and they spray all their furniture with Fabreeze before it leaves their shop. As a non smoker, I think this is gross. (Please, no offense intended, it's just an honest comment on how I feel as a non smoker. Oh, I do enjoy a few fine cigars when I'm wilderness canoeing, so I am not a total !@$!@$ on this non smoking thing).

I sometimes wonder what might be more harmful to us, cigarette smoke or chemicals like Fabreeze?

Ozone makes the smoke molicules leave the air and stick to surfaces. It can be expensive.

One option might be to better ventilate the kitchen when the person smokes. Have them lean over the stove with the exhaust vent turned on. Make sure the stove is off first.

This is an important issue, especially if it could cause you to loose business.

Darren Henry

Quotedo you think that the furniture in the bottom layer (shop ) would be affected by some one smoking 2 layers up?

IMHO the only way that that volume of smoke could affect the shop would be if there was something really wonky with your furnace/ac duct work.

If you know anyone as sensitive as Kyle or June ; take them a handfull of that cotton felt that you've had in the shop for so long and get them to give it a sniff. If it's clean Gene could come over for a cigar every night for the few days the piece is in there and it would still be fine.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


There is only one thing that will rid fabric of smoke and that is ozone.

You can spray whatever you want till the cows come home, but an Ozone generator is the only thing that will remove the smell.



The State of Illinois has outlawed smoking in public places, including businesses. My shop is separate from the house, so someone smoking in the non-public area isn't an issue for us. I have signs up keeping smokers at bay. I can smell it long after when I'im around smoking.  A friend lit up one night in the shop while we were building my dog's house. I smelled it the next day, and it was just one cigarette. I figure, I have enough fumes from the glues and vinyl emitting gases, I don't need the extra contaminants.


I worked in a canvas shop where both of the owners smoked in the shop. A customer came in to pick up $4000 worth of canvas, took a sniff, and refused to take it.  They quit smoking the very next day.


If our shop is being heated and/or cooled by the same hvac system, then it is possible. The cold air returns are sucking air from the entire house and running it back into your heating system. Then it sends it back out. This might be what's happening. Try an air purifier in your shop.
Regal Canvas

Darren Henry

QuoteThe State of Illinois has outlawed smoking in public places, including businesses.

Same here in Canada.

QuoteI have enough fumes from the glues and vinyl emitting gases, I don't need the extra contaminants.

Maybe it's because I was well beyond that * but I saw it the other way; If the shop already has "aroma issues" that I have to deal with, what is one more?

* there were double doors (french doors ,sort of) between my shop and the other big shop.My first neighbour was a faux marble company . Fiberglass resin and rock dust. then came the tow truck company and their diesel fumes.Followed by a mechanic and a new neighbour on the other side of the other door using a lot of glue and melting plastic (he's the orthotist I moved down here to work for.) I smoked around your ski-doo seat, your boat top,but ai took it6 outside if your soft furnishings were in the shop.

Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I smoke a pipe, as did my dad, uncles, grandpas, and quite aunt or two  ;D  As most smokers realize, there are some "unwritten" rules of ettiquette when it comes to inflicting our habbit upon others... and they are really nothing more than common courtesy.

While I have smoked in my shop the last few weeks, I'm doing so without any client's furniture in it because I've been remodeling it from floor to ceiling and wall to wall.  Right now, my shop smells like kiln-dried lumber and clear satin finish polyurethane.  All foam, dacron, and fabric have been moved out until the rennovations are complete....this week?!?!?!

Once in business again, dad's "protocols" will again be in effect.  Smoking will be relegated to the adjoining garage (with the overhead door open), or the carport outside the shop's primary entrance.  No ashtrays or pipes will be visible anywhere.... and there will be NO meetings of the South Central Missouri Competive Flatulance League at this particular venue (my dad, me, a cousin, and my ex-wife are charter members  ;)) 

I do have an ozone emitting air purrifier that has been used with great success in the office that I have in my house.  A similar model has been purchased for use in my shop or van as an added precaution.



December 06, 2010, 04:26:27 am #12 Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 04:32:36 am by SHHR
Quote from: Half-Fast on December 05, 2010, 10:59:09 pm
.... and there will be NO meetings of the South Central Missouri Competive Flatulance League at this particular venue (my dad, me, a cousin, and my ex-wife are charter members  ;))  


Now lets not get crazy, a good sporting match is good for morale and is great for shaking the winter blaaah's.. I'm glad to see the Missouri Chapter doing so well!  Maybe we can get together for a friendly grudge match sometime. As long as the rules compare to the S.E. Indiana league. You know how football begins with a coin toss or basketball begins with a jump ball? We begin with a tug of the finger...Oh, I almost forgot, we let the shop Beagle compete too! (my secret weapon)


Quote from: SHHR on December 06, 2010, 04:26:27 am
Now lets not get crazy, a good sporting match is good for morale and is great for shaking the winter blaaah's.. I'm glad to see the Missouri Chapter doing so well!  Maybe we can get together for a friendly grudge match sometime. As long as the rules compare to the S.E. Indiana league. You know how football begins with a coin toss or basketball begins with a jump ball? We begin with a tug of the finger...Oh, I almost forgot, we let the shop Beagle compete too! (my secret weapon)

I never knew there was a league! My friends and I just play games of pick-up or 2 on 2, but we'll be a team soon! The Wiarton Whiffers!
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I read this thread with interest as sometimes we get a guest who smokes in our rooms and it stinks the place out. I had never heard of an ozone emitting air purrifier, so I googled it to find where I could get one in Australia. The first thing I came across was a warning from the N.S.W. department of health saying not only are they bad for the enviroment, but prolonged exposure can do seriouse damage to your lungs. Think I'll stick to febreze, I didn't see any goverment  health warnings for that.