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google search

Started by Mike8560, September 29, 2010, 08:28:49 pm

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I got more promotions to promote my site tonight for different rate plans forlike 150 a month and up to bring me up to the front page on searches. Im skeptical about this stuff so i checked google for canvas in port charlotte and Im on top anyway  ;D


I always wondered how they can promise EVERYONE that they will come up first.
Kinda like when the phone company sells you a feature to block unwanted calls, and then they sell the telemarketers something that will get around it.
Google is only beginning to learn how to work both sides of the fence.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Those e-mails drive me nuts. I get them all the time and delete them right away. I think it is one of those things you have to endure because you have a website.

Your ranking in a search engine is all done by numbers. No one can manipulate your ranking during a search. Those scam artists rank right up there with the Nigerians who want to give you millions of dollars to help them get their inheritance out of the country. :)

The more your site or name is searched, the higher you go in rankings.

But I will be more then happy to boost your ranking if you would like to make a charitable donation to my retirement fund. :)



I did a google search for Rush Limbaugh a few years ago and his web page was 14th or 15th on the list. I always wondered about that. I heard him earlier this year on the radio talking about how it took him almost a year to get google to list his web site first when you search his name. All the sites listed before his web site were web sites that bashed him.

A few months ago some issue came up about Obama and the White House. The White House on a Monday said they new nothing about the issue. However, if you did a google search on that issue the previous 3 days the first web site listed was a White House web site explaining their version of the issue.

Google is being sued by the EU, and I think Australia, for violating privacy laws.

Google knows how to work, and video tape, both sides of the street.



Google is an out of control monster. They have really over stepped their boundaries and have gotten themselves into more trouble with governments all over the world.

In regards to the e-mail's telling you they can move your business up in the ranking ? It wont happen.

I had it all explained to me once on how things move up the search ladder and your ranking is all done using a complex formula  based on a number of factors such as traffic flow and the amount of times your name is accessed or googled.

I guess Rush doesn't have as many fans as he thought, unless Google just doesn't like him. :)

If you google my last name you will find the top listings belong to myself and two other family members. All three of us are mentioned in trade pulications and news articles around the USA and because the vast majority of our internet mentions are business related our names get accessed a lot. I currently hold the number 2 spot on the Yahoo search engine which was from my prior racing, marketing and PR career. It sure isn't from upholstery work. :)...LOL...

Anyone ever google their personal name ? It can be pretty scarey. This internet has a way of tracking your movements and participation on numerous sites from years ago. :) I found some posts I made a long time ago listed on forums and web sites. I am extremely careful now about listing my last name on forums and such.



Internet searches are an interesting thing.  I've had three people contact me in the last two weeks after finding me on the Internet.  I don't have a web site but my company name comes up because it appears in the business directories (which I didn't sign up for) and the white pages online.

I search on my name periodically but since I live a less active life than some others, outside of winning a furniture design contest, the other references are just for official notices like funerals and such. 

However, I do query my daughters name as well just to find out what's out there under her and as a form of protection.  She's sixteen and as computer literate as most teenagers as well as innocent to the ways of the world.

I quit using Google a while back and use Bing as my search engine now.  I like the way it works better than Google or some of the others I've tried.



September 30, 2010, 11:19:27 am #6 Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 11:30:59 am by fragged8

I'll let you into my little secret, it works because google has a search spider that trawls the net for links and page linking, the more quality links you have on your website or forum posts the better listing google gives you.

about the best way to get to the  top of search engines is to add your web address to
the signature strip at the bottom of forum posts and post to several forums. This makes lots and lots of links for the spiders to see.

Also never make a webpage with a WYSIWYG program as it will most likely be ignored by a spider as it can't see the code, ( most WYSIWYG web page programs write in flash or java) use good old HTML for web pages.

Works for me, except for the 2 paid ads at the top of google i get nearly every slot
on the first page.



The key to where you come up is two fold. First are the key words used on your pages. These help the "trawlers" find you. Second, is the amount of times someone searches your company name. The more your name comes up, the higher up you come out. At least that's how I've found it to work.
Regal Canvas