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Happy Labor Day

Started by gene, September 06, 2010, 06:36:06 am

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Now that we have 51 percent of Americans paying zero taxes, (and most of them still get money back on their tax returns), we certainly have no need to get rid of Labor Day. But, do you think they will be changing the name to something else?

How about "tax day". We will be getting the largest tax increase in our history in a few months.



And your point would be... ?


I hate taxes as much as the next person but we have accumulated so much debt that the only way out
is to raise taxes.

We cannot continue to carry this debt. It is a very sorry situation we are now in.



The debt cant be paid by raising taxes because the interest was never created.  When the Fed lends our gov money that it creates out of thin air, the interest that must be paid back is never made, it does not exist, therefore our gov keeps getting deeper into debt.  Its a ponzi scheme and we are witnessing it collapse.  The only solution I know of is the return to constitutional money that the gov creates and spends into the economy.  It is important to understand that the Fed is a private bank and about as federal as Federal Express.  It is not needed.  Sorry for the downer, but I hope everyone had a nice holiday.  This post is not intended for any one specific person and is just generally my spouting off.   ;D
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln