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Do you guys work on Labor Day?

Started by sofadoc, September 05, 2010, 08:59:30 pm

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I always have. It's nice and quiet on Labor Day. I can get a lot done without having to answer the phone every few minutes. Some customers call and SAY that they will come in on Labor Day (they NEVER do). Same for July 4th, Memorial day, and New Years day. Great days to get things done!! I'd rather pick my own holidays. I don't like being herded with the rest of the cattle.
The BEST part about days like Labor Day.....even the telemarketers take the day off!!!
I don't want anyone to think that I don't respect our national holidays. But I don't see how buying sheets on sale at J.C. Penney, or taking a case of beer to the lake is showing respect.
Tomorrow is Labor Day, and that's just what I intend to do!!
But, for the rest of you, have a great Labor day (however you celebrate it).
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Sofa., I'm with you!  I grew up in a seasonal resort community (and I still live in one) and if you wanted to work at all you were required to work week-ends, and nearly every holiday.  I simply got used to it.  And besides, the way I see it, I would rather take my time off when the tourist hordes are not so massive.  My present job gives me week-ends off but I personally hate it... my husband is required to work week-ends so we are lucky to have one day off a week with each other. 

In answer to your question, though.  Yes, I will be working today, but not on sewing projects.  I will be moving the best part of 3-4 yds. of loam, grading, smoothing and contouring a new shrub border to give it a pleasant undulating and rolling appearance.  And there will be at least one shrub to be transplanted to a new location.  Better eat my "wheaties" and get going. 


2 to 4 hours to clean up my shop from a major project that I finished Saturday so I can go in Tuesday and be ready to rock and roll.

I saw an interview with a leading scientist in the field of cancer research. They asked him when does he do his best work. I think they were talking about morning or afternoon. He said he does his best work on Sunday's, because no one else is around to bother him and he can concentrate more and get more work done.



Heading out now. Starting the next one in line, and yard work that needs done. Such a joy having a "day off."


Just got back from fitting patterns for a set of pontoon seat covers. Got to make hay while there's hay, even on Labor Day!  and I'm a poet too! ;D

We are not retreating - we are advancing in another direction.
Douglas MacArthur


Ke you bobbin I used to live in a seasonal area and had to work 7 days a week fron I e out till ice in even in the winter inhad to work once ice was in having a small bait shop along with the canvas shop here it's more steady with our busy season onthe winter and slow pace in the summer so I take my weekend off now unless
i've got a deadline. So this weekend I worked around my house and poured 46 80 pound bags of cement Saturday  painted my driway Sunday today was slower with adding some security lights.


I worked today. I got caught up on some projects and got some ready for this week.

I also got some bobbins wound with the new Solarfix.

The only holidays I do not work on is Thanksgiving and Christmas.
