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Would You Complete a Competitors Unfinished Work?

Started by PDQ, July 29, 2010, 07:24:51 am

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I can see both points of view with equal clarity. 

But I also believe that there are times when coming to someone's aid while making perfectly clear your concerns and hesitations can be of great benefit.  I think whether or not you're willing to do that depends a good deal upon your "feel" for the customer in question.  Sometimes they are just looking for fix, any fix, and other times they really wish they'd listened to you and appreciate any effort you're willing to make.  So I think I'll say that my decision is based entirely on my overall take on the individual situation.  A qualified "maybe". 

I have flatly refused to clean up someone else's mess.  And there have been times I've patiently sorted out the botched job and put it right, or at least as close to "right" as I was able.  And I've not only gained credibility in a customer's eyes (who declined my bid in the first place) but have also won them over for all time and all the good "word of mouth" advertising that can buy. 


You know, there is another way of looking at this situation. Fixing your competitor's screw-up is probably some of the best "Word of mouth" advertising you can get. The customer will tell EVERYONE they know that YOU succeeded where the other guy failed.
Having said that, I will now come down off my "High horse" and say that I STILL wouldn't pick up where someone else left off. Like the rest of you, I'll be more than happy to start from scratch.
In the past, I've had customers bring in pieces that were previously upholstered (butchered) by a competitor. I will point all of the flaws, and say "When I get done, it won't have these defects".
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


July 30, 2010, 03:12:50 pm #17 Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 04:16:02 pm by sofadoc
Looks like bobbin and I were thinking along the same lines. Her's posted while I was still banging mine out.
It's probably not a bad idea if you CAN do a quick-fix on someone else's buffoonery.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I'm with Sofadoc on this one.  And I do a lot of clothing alteration and repair work in my shop at home.  So I tend to be more magnanimous in the "rescues" I'll undertake.

I see a lot really botched clothing alterations... some are beyond redemption but oftentimes the item can be rescued and made to fit correctly.  In the case of clothing it's more a case of the person not knowing how or where to take the item in or let it out (usually the former since "modern" seam allowances preclude increasing size by too much).  But if the alteration was taken in the wrong place and the allowance was trimmed "the escape route may have been sealed".   In such cases I have only to turn the garment inside out and "have a gander" to assess the "sityashun" and make my call on whether or not my expertise can be of benefit. 

It's different with awnings, marine canvas, upholstery work.  Mistakes made because an overall design was flawed or because someone failed to pay adequate attention to a pattern and its position in the "big picture" of the entire job are things that are nigh on impossible to overcome. 

In those cases, making it perfectly clear to the customer that your're doing your best to turn the sow's ear into an acceptable purse is the best you can hope for.  In those cases I'd err on the side of extreme caution, too. 


A few years ago I stopped, respectfully, providing Estimates for a certain customer. I was doing a lot of Estimates but was getting no work. This person told me that they were taking my Estimates and finding someone who could beat my price. I was spending my time, helping this person save a few bucks.

I asked them if the other people were spending their time on putting together Estimates. Nope. They were simply looking at my Estimate and giving a lower price.

If I fix other people's mistakes, am I making it easier for customers to use the cheap upholsterers and if there is a problem they know that I will step in to make things right???


"so -  a needle pulling thread..."


And, "so" I'd do the very same thing, Gene. 

How many times are you expected to "bark up the tree" only to learn there's no reason to bark, at all. 

It's often different with clothing.  Some dope screwed up the bridesmaid's dress and... there you have it.  Oftentimes, my fix is do-able and given a deadline, fixing a botched job can make a huge difference.  And, I charge for it!


At the risk of being kicked out of here, I have a different take on this situation - not being a professional or even in the service industry - teacher here :)

Often consumers (not always - Gene's customer is a good exemption) just don't know what  they are doing. They are at the mercy of the people they go to to fix or buy whatever it is they need.  Maybe they get a couple of quotes and listen to professional tell their tale.  They have no way of knowing if what anyone is saying is the truth.  Who knows what the other guy said.  He obviously had a pretty good line cause he obviously didn't know what he was doing.  Unfortunately, usually the bad guys are the slickest.  I learned this the hardway - the first husband was a used car salesman -he sold cars with REBUILT TITLES and made a good living.  He could charm a habit off of a nun.  After my father died of a pretty lengthy illness, my mom had to get a new roof.   The house was old and in pretty bad shape, roof had been leaky for a while.  She got some quotes and she picked the guy she felt the most comfortable with - not the highest and not the lowest.  He had given her lots of info and smiled and schmuzed her.  Well, he screwed her.  The house leaked like a sieve when he was finished, almost every ceiling and wall was ruined, mold came up everywhere.  Ended up he didn't even have a license, was working under his father's,never pulled a permit. I got the building Dept involved and they forced him to pay a contractor to reroof it.  I took him to small claims court and got awarded the max - 5k - he paid 2k and now we can't find him.  He was good - even after all he did and all the times he said he was on his way over - he would talk such a good tale of sorrow that we, multiple times, believed his story and got suckered again.

So, to make a long story longer - my point is - although you all are honest in your dealings and know what you are doing, not everyone is like that.  People get ripped off by the highest bidder as well as the lowest one.  (I have a tale about my husband's Grand National motor and the high priced rip off who was said to be the best out there, but I will spare you anymore of my pain).  People are clueless and believe what is told to them - they pick the slick talker 9 times out of 10.  Don't take it personally - they aren't trying to get screwed - they are trying not to.  YES, SOME ARE TRYING TO GET IT CHEAPER - but some are just  bad at picking.  Watch the Bachelorette? If she was smart she would pick the quiet shy guy in the back - but, NO, she picks the out going smooth talker who says all the "right" things - he always has a girlfriend backhome or he is just trying to be a star.

Ok - don't shoot me, I have sensitive feelings.  And, of course, I could be wrong :)


I would probably do the work but charge them accordingly and if the cushions were bad tell them I will have s=to start from scratch.

It is a catch 22. While your trying to show good will and maintain a good name among the community this is also a customer who thumbed their nose at you because of your costs and went with a lower bid.



I have had to clean up competitors messes many times.   Its always on my terms, but I will do it.  Someone has to.  And explain to them what happened.  Its not  easy to defend your trade to someone who's been "taken" but its part of the job.    Sunshine n PC is right --  some  people are  very slick. And thats sad as heck.  :(  
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


Sunshine: I think what chaps most of us in the biz, is a customer who IS familiar with our work, and STILL chooses to shop the price elsewhere. This type of customer SHOULD have some idea of a realistic price for a particular job.
When they try to get it done "on the cheap", I really have no sympathy for them.
I know the situation is different for say, a roofing job, or a used car purchase.
But, if I got a roofing estimate that was FAR cheaper than the other one, I would be suspicious of the quality of work that I could expect (irregardless of how "slick-talking" the roofer was). And I just naturally assume that a used car salesman is lying if his lips are moving.
Don't worry, we wouldn't dream of "kicking you out" (but, you MIGHT be on double secret probation). :D
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Sofadoc -- no, no not the double secret probation.......arrrghhhh.   I told my child once if she didn't stop that she was going to be in hot water - she immediately started screaming and crying ..."no, no, don't put me in hot water!".

But - I do agree with you - if you know what you are doing and you choose - you have to live with the consequences.  It seems that many times these are people who have the money to pay, but in an effort to keep their money they try to find someone to work at minimum wage - cause that's they think we deserve.

Me, I'm not cheap, just broke - got 5 kids, 5 dogs, & a hubby with hobbies....I'm doing my own boat seats, but I won't complain about them cause I know they are gonna be funky, I won't be taking them anywhere to be fixed either.  We just gonna sit on them and cover up the crooked seams. 


I get asked to fix a certain guys seats all the time-I won't do it. It would take me longer to fix his mess than to remake one the right way. Most will have me stitch up a new one.
As someone already said-I don't want my name & rep associated with the bad jobs-I've worked too hard to get where I am now.


Quote from: penguin on August 04, 2010, 05:40:58 am
I get asked to fix a certain guys seats all the time-I won't do it. It would take me longer to fix his mess than to remake one the right way. Most will have me stitch up a new one.
As someone already said-I don't want my name & rep associated with the bad jobs-I've worked too hard to get where I am now.

Don't you wonder how someone like that stays in business?  He must be CHEAP! :o

Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)



well put Bobbin, I posted this b4  but about a year ago
I bid a sailboat replacment dodger canvas and to build a new rear bimini and conector panlel. I didnt get the job and about 6 month later the guy had called me to ask if id still be interested in the job. i said sure when I got there he told me about the other guys work looking all wrinkled and bad but the new bimini frame was ok. I had told him that whewn i called and he said he gave the job out to another shop i had tossed my notes in the trash and id have to re price turned out this time i was a few hundred higher even noty having to make the frame. he though i was sticking it to him but i honestly forgot my last quote and my new pricing was higher. then he said well ok lets do it and i said great ill write you a contrack and id like a 1/3 down deposite, that when he said oh i dont do deposites.and i said well thats how i book the job and order materials. he was reluctant so i gave in and said well how about then the deposite when i come out to pattern the tops ok that fair he said. asnd signed the contract with it stating that. this was a friday i think and saturday when i was mowing my lawn he called me to cancel the job. and thats when i told him thats why i need a deposite to weed out the serious customers.