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Awesom Millennial Neighbor

Started by kodydog, July 04, 2017, 09:13:51 am

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July 04, 2017, 09:13:51 am Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 09:15:01 am by kodydog
I know we all like to make fun of millennial's and their work ethics. But my neighbor helped me do some yard work last weekend and we got to talking.

This guy is 28 years old and has his dentist degree from UF. Now his wife (with psychiatrist degree) is going back to school for a physical therapy degree. Just damn. He told me his degree alone set him back about $350,000 and he's doing everything he can to get it paid down. These two give me some hope for Americas future.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Maybe the Millennials are right...........maybe everyone should get a trophy.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


July 24, 2017, 11:20:39 pm #2 Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 04:01:23 am by Heber
Quote from: sofaedoc on July 04, 2017, 09:28:25 am
Maybe the Millennials are right...........maybe everyone should get a Phallosan Forte should get a trophy.

$350,000 in debt already though? I feel bad for these kids.


I feel bad for my grandson's generation. He's not even a year old and a percentage of every dollar he makes throughout his entire life will go toward paying off the national debt we currently have. And the national debt continues to grow.

Because of the increasing wealth gap many are turning to Marxist ideas. Progressivism on college campuses is a prime example. Trophies for everyone is another example of this. We do not celebrate the individual, the one who has achieved the most, the best, the greatest. We celebrate the group, the class, everyone as a whole.

Put that in your Tuesday morning pipe and smoke it.



It seems like anyone who puts a little effort into it can get medical disability. I have met a lot of people in my life who are on medical disability who are intelligent and able-bodied. My nephew is one. He is the same age is my neighbor mentioned above.

My nephew was diagnosed with ADHD at an early age and given Ritalin to compensate. Later he was diagnosed with Asperger's and now his sole income is a check from the government every month. His whole life he has been taught he would never be able to take care of himself and he would never amount to much. He now lives with my 84 year old mother who basically baby sits him including paying has child support for a boy he had out of wedlock. He wrecked his car and his parents bought him a new one. He doesn't help with the yard work or house work. Whenever we visit Rose spends an hour cleaning the filthy kitchen. He stays in his room playing video games until 3:00 in the morning. Then he sleeps in till 1:00 in the afternoon. When his son visits every other weekend my mom has to make sure he is fed and entertained. They are trying to get him diagnosed with Asperger's too. I've looked up the summations for Asperger and don't see the relation to my nephew or his son.

Amazingly his girlfriend has medical disability also.

When my nephew does find occasional employment my mom has to make sure he gets up, gets dressed. eats and she has to push him out the door so he can make it to work on time. The father of this guy wont let him live with them. The mother thinks this is a great set up. When I question my mom she simply asks, where else would he live?

They have asked me to take him under my wing, maybe teach him some upholstery skills. But with no self motivation I don't see how that would work. It would also drive Rose stark raving mad.

The sad thing is at 84 mom is starting to slip just a little. I've noticed her say some odd things that didn't make since. I can see 4 or 5 years from now her needing her own caretaker. 

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


I don't know what is up with the disablity system. My dad has broken his neck and had 3 different lower back surgeries had to fight tooth and nail to get his at 63 after working his entire life. When I went to get mine after my surgery they gave it to me and threw me out the door at 34 with very little questions.


I have a neighbor on disability because he has "the beginnings of arthritis".

Hell, I had the "beginnings" 20 years ago.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


One of our dear friends husband got leukemia. They had to fight like cats and dogs to get disability.

He finally got it and died two months after getting his first check. I know a lady who claims to have a bad back. She is in her 30's. Bad back my ass. She is just lazy as hell and a hypochondriac. But she found a quack doctor and a law firm who all said the right things.



I'll think of these people next time I send out my quarterly tax check.
Everything's getting so expensive these days, doesn't anything ever stay at the same price? Well the price for reupholstery hasn't changed much in years!


  There are so many people collecting our money. People can work and they don't. I know a few people that just keep getting fatter because they do nothing and collect disability. One guy mows his lawn at night so he won't get caught. Another woman sits in her garage and smokes while her but keeps growing. These people just suck the money we pay in taxes. Not right and not doing them any good. There should be some sort of better oversight on who gets these benefits. I don't think there is much now.
Minichillo's Upholstery


You know, I don't mind helping people who truly need it. Like Chris's friend. We are after all a compassionate society. The terrible thing is there are so many non-needy people sucking off the tit that when people like Chris's friend truly does need help they end up dying before the funds come through. It's sad.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


July 26, 2017, 06:44:20 pm #11 Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 06:45:34 pm by kodydog
When we lived in Charleston our shop was on a busy road.  People seeking work would come in and ask for a job. When I asked what skills they had they would reply, none. When I said I don't need anyone right now they would ask me to sign a piece of paper for the welfare office. They targeted my business because they knew I wouldn't hire them.

Another fellow came in and asked for a job. I said sure I can use someone to strip furniture. He said fine but he needed to work off the books so he could still get his disability. He was able to work but he convinced the government he couldn't.

Another fellow, slightly mentally handicapped. He came in a few times looking for fabric. One day he asked if we needed help. I hired him to strip fabric and help with pick ups. He was slow but he did a good job. One day after about 6 months working for me he told me he had to quit. His dad told him if he makes any more money he will loose his welfare. That's messed up.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.