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Carrs corner

Started by kodydog, August 15, 2016, 05:35:39 pm

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August 15, 2016, 05:35:39 pm Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 05:04:55 am by kodydog
Carrs Corner is closing down.,

Edit: I should have said he's closing his forum.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Maybe new members for us ?


Sounds like an expression of the state of our industry; fewer shops staying busy due to the dwindling competition.
Everything's getting so expensive these days, doesn't anything ever stay at the same price? Well the price for reupholstery hasn't changed much in years!

Darren Henry

QuoteMaybe new members for us ?

When I checked out their site a few years ago many of the members had been previous members here. I'm curious to see which ones come back.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Keith, the byhammerandhand guy, told me about Carrs Corner 10 years ago. I was struggling at learning how to be an upholsterer. That web site and this web site have both been blessing to me.

I wonder if Jack is retiring?



Quote from: SteveA on August 16, 2016, 03:52:38 am
Maybe new members for us ?

I doubt that any of their members will show up here. They all formed a FB group. Me, Paul, Ed, and Keith all belong to it. It does very well.

The Carrs Corner group formed years ago after they got tired of rude behavior on this forum. Apparently in the early days of discussion boards like this one, many people had not learned how to be respectful of one another.

This discussion board format is on life support. I see the eventual demise of this forum as well.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I found this site in the same time frame several years ago, at the time I wanted to see more from the Carrs site but it was well on its way to FB and no activity on the site for months at a time. It was obvious great talents over there but as they say movin on.
I find lately no matter the internet site the format is or has changed to keep up with or promote small mobile usage.

I bet if they hooked up a bicycle to allow scrolling more discussion and less scrolling would be seen.
Makes my finger tired watching many users!

Have a good day


Seems like Facebook took over the world.  I don't use facebook - is it the ability to advertise that's the draw and why are folks better behaved on facebook than anywhere else ?  Do they have an ability to search topics like here ?
I know we all can get uptight with responses sometimes but not enough to log off and go elsewhere.  A site that doesn't have a back and forth once in a while would be boring. I have benefited here as others mention they did as well - I'd hate to see this forum go away.   


FB is certainly easier to upload photos and videos. You don't have to copy and paste them from a separate site like you do here. And FB does have the search feature for keywords. But basically, once a topic has run it's course and gotten covered up by newer posts, it's forgotten about and gone for good. With FB, you really have to know what you're searching for in order to find it.

I still prefer this format. At least I would if there was more participation. But it's been on a steady decline over the last 3-4 years.

Carrs Corner sealed their own fate when they created a FB group.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Without one I can only say my opinion and it is, if you use a smart phone that has a seeable screen (not as mine) and the data plan turned on the mobile FB and some other social sites are the rage.
I believe search is knowing history of the scroll with FB and thus easily left behind in the scroll of the day. Some specific sites say as a business could be different, If I want to look at a particular one I just ask my better half to turn it on in between times of her scrolling.
Again I can only voice from afar, I really haven't a clue and until becoming a member as here I rely on experience and that is sometimes based on others that I may value in their opinions.

I have had to use the internet as a technical tool for a long time in business (not mine) and the billions of dollars spent didn't send me ever to a class one learning FB but they did every dam other one since computers came out. So I guess when or until its a viable income base for the big ones "it aint".

Many times I hear business owners talk to me and the mention of even email is "i let my kids take care of it mostly", though many of them don't use regular available internet and call me to search.

I enjoy this here site exactly as it is, and just as many others I look at for the particular interest I have at the present time, I have learned all have went to you store your own photos and link them.

I look to my left and a clip board with 9 pages with the name of sites I have looked at for years and many I haven't in years, though had an interest to be a member contributing somehow many from past equipment days.

All these sites had a search function and a data base as the "biggest asset" that people counted on.
Useable information to help one work through a job or days issue is the most important item I think.
I have for many years used the plain old photos either explaining a repair or understanding it and some level, now this new media has turned focus to social photos and not so much work. My experience has shown the business owners aren't paying out for employees to be social without it making them income.

that's my 2 pennys
ps I think internet photo postings are the best, I also think internet photos with ads are the loss to this society.



I used to post at carrs corner, but I just liked this site better.  My first web site was done by Jack and although he did a good job and his prices were fair he wasn't able to offer a more than just a web presence and I really wanted something more.  I have a better site now, but I also spend a whole lot more also.  I also did not like that I couldn't call Jack and had to rely on email for our communication.  I remember when I found these sites I wished they had existed back when I first started out, it would have been so helpful.  But like everyone is saying, participation is these sites is dropping off and I think it is because cheap throwaway furniture is killing our industry.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


I'd agree with that.  CC was the first upholstery site I found.  I enjoyed it and the regular articles and such.  At the time, my customers were pressuring me to do more and more upholstery repair work and I needed some education fast.

I think Kim (from IN), maybe under the guidance or help from Jack, started the FB group, not knowing the unintended consequence of nearly killing the traffic on the forum.  The FB page has attracted many, many (to borrow a phrase from Donald) new people and new traffic.

I guess I was a Carr's Corner "insider" and never realized it.

I was on another (woodworking) forum that died overnight for no apparent (to me) reason.  Went from dozens of posts a day to one every couple of weeks.

Quote from: sofadoc on August 16, 2016, 02:24:37 pm

Carrs Corner sealed their own fate when they created a FB group.


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison