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Contractor Working - It's a Freakin' Miracle

Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, February 29, 2016, 07:33:56 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

So about 15 minutes ago my phone rang.  I didn't really want to answer as I hate to turn business away and chances were it was a phone call with someone who wanted something that I can't do right now.  So, I checked the caller id and dang, it was contractor's phone number.

I answered very politely and he identified himself and then asked if I had read his email  I haven't been on-line at all this morning.  He said he had emailed me and then said that we were in the same boat.  I bit my tongue as I wanted to say, "Oh, did you hire a jerk who doesn't show up for weeks at a time" but I forced myself to ask him what he had done.  He dropped a bunch of flooring on his foot and broke it.  First thing I thought of was that if he had been over here working like he was supposed to be, he wouldn't have broken his foot.

Anyway, he is spraying the ceiling and I think is also going to start working on the tile.  WHO HOO HOO HOO!!!

I called George to tell him the good news and said that I'm taking what I get from him right now and kind of praying that somehow, someway this gets done.


Darren Henry

QuoteHe dropped a bunch of flooring on his foot and broke it

I don't know how Y'all do it in Nebraska----but up here we pick up the phone and dial with our hands. cheesy. I'm sure you called a few of your customers to let them know you were laid up. Not quite sure how you did that with a bum knee and a fused back. Give yourself a merit badge for flexible, troop.

Kidding aside; I'm glad to hear you are getting some results. I hope his foot is tender enough that he stays on "light duties" [like, maybe your project!!!] until he's done.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Darren Henry link=topic=13990.msg114159
I don't know how Y'all do it in Nebraska----but up here we pick up the phone and dial with our hands. cheesy.

Funny, that was exactly what George said.  Not to mention he had my email address and an email would have been sufficient.  And, yes, I've called everyone whose projects I've been working on except for one and that's because his phone number is downstairs buried in a stack of post it notes.  So if he calls, it will be on me.  I'm hoping to hobble down there maybe Friday afternoon when we're back from my ortho appointment.  Also called 3 or 4 people who called and left messages for projects and/or alterations while I was either at the docs or the ortho and politely thanked them for calling and then explained about my knee and so regretfully declined their business.

So, today he sprayed the ceiling.  Bob has been down there as Ray left the main lights on in Sew & Sew.  Also, he painted the walls in the new multi-purpose room.  He's planning on adding a second coat tomorrow which is fine as he bought 2 gallons and has a full gallon plus of paint left.  He's had a tile cutter in the new room for ions and I heard him fire it up a couple of times.  He called his son over and had him drag it out to his truck.  Told Bob & I that it wasn't cutting straight and that he's taking it back to exchange after he leaves here and that he will definitely be back in the morning (how many times have I heard that before).  My fear is that he needs that for one of the other 3 jobs that he admitted to us he's working on and I won't see him for another month now.  But, hey, at least I've got paint on the ceiling and walls now.  I'm so po'd that I can't go down there and see what it looks like.  I'm walking with crutches now.  Funny story about that -- I'll put it in my limping wounded thread.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Another happy day!  Ray showed up a few minutes ago with a different tile cutter.  He said yesterday that his plan is to get the tile in place today and then tomorrow he will get bathroom fixtures (including corner tub) in place and move washer and dryer.  I reminded him that washer/dryer do NOT get moved until they can be operational in the new digs.  Last thing Bob needs is to have to go to the Laundramat while I'm out of commission.

He's also going to install light fixtures tomorrow.  Will ask him today about a bunch of other stuff like putting the box for the underground back up on a wall, mirror, doors for changing room, platform for customers to stand on, etc.  I have a huge list of items for him to check off.  Then there is the repurposing of the old laundry room (part of the contract).  I'm trying to contain my excitement as it seems like he might really get this thing done.  Don't want to get too excited as his mode of operation seems to be to work pretty hard 2 or 3 days 1 week and then disappear for weeks at a time.  I would be soooooo happy to have this room finished while I'm banished to the upstairs.

I was getting bummed as it was after 9 and he's generally downstairs working by 8:15 to 8:30 if he's going to show up but I think he had to go by the rental place where he leased the tile cutter and swap out the one that has sat downstairs for the last month for one that works.  I've already heard the hum of that baby so cross your fingers that the tile gets laid today.  That's a huge thing!


Virgs Sew n Sew

So, I knew it was too good to be true.  Ray left a little before noon, said that he "was grabbing a quick bite to eat" and grabbing something that he needed for the tile cutter.   Going on 2:15 and no sign of Ray.  So, God knows when we'll see Ray again.  A frustration that I truly don't need right now!


Darren Henry

[Zen voice] See the positive my child [zen voice].

If you assault some one with a pace stick ( in any orifice) , you're " abusive" (Whaaaa). Bend you're crutches over his head , and you're the "poor frail old thing " who was driven to "near break down". And you have two of them that you don't really like right now! She shoots ---- she SCORES!!!!!

Keep your chin up.we're all in this together---Red Green.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Darren Henry on March 01, 2016, 05:21:51 pm
[Zen voice] See the positive my child [zen voice].

If you assault some one with a pace stick ( in any orifice) , you're " abusive" (Whaaaa). Bend you're crutches over his head , and you're the "poor frail old thing " who was driven to "near break down". And you have two of them that you don't really like right now! She shoots ---- she SCORES!!!!!

Keep your chin up.we're all in this together---Red Green.

Ah, yes, it is so tempting.  So very tempting indeed.  He always leaves every flippin' light in the basement turned on at the end of his work "day" so poor Bob is stuck with going downstairs in the evening to flip the lights off.  Nice in that I know how much actually got done  that day.  Yesterday, being generous, he was here from 9:30 to 11:30 and actual work translates to 1/4 of the floor being tiled.    Was supposed to come back after lunch but never surfaced.  I suspect that one of his other jobs started riding his behind on something so he threw me to the wolves.  After all, he knows I can't chase him all over town.

Anyways, 9 on the dot, he was banging on the back door this morning.  He and Bob talked about Super Tuesday results for about 15 minutes, which was 15 minutes too long in my estimation.  But, he's been down there hard at work ever since.  I figure another 1/4 of the floor has been tiled at this rate.  Today was supposed to be the day that the tub was brought in but I don't see that happening until next week if I'm lucky.  If it happens earlier, I'll be thrilled.  If it happens later, I'll be spitting bullets for sure. 

So it goes.  As I told my SIL, Jill, I'm just thrilled that anything is getting done but I am soooo ready for it to be finished, even if I can't be down there admiring it yet.  But, progress is progress and always a good thing.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Man, I'm shocked.  2:15 or so and still no Ray so I had decided that he wasn't coming back this afternoon and all of a sudden Joe started going ballistic outside.  Bob went and looked outside and Ray was just coming through the gate with one of his boys ready to start his afternoon's work.  Before lunch he told me that he wants to get the tub roughed in.  Don't know if he'll finish the tile today or not.  Spent some time before lunch comprising this huge list of what has to happen in each of the three rooms for the job to be completed.  So far, one is completed finished and two are partially completed.  It's a rather large list when put all together.  Oh well. ; )


Virgs Sew n Sew

Wow, this is a record -- 4 days straight and Ray's showed up.  A little before 10 this morning.  Only sure of the time because Bob had to take Joe to the Vet's for his rabies' shot.  I was worried how the two boys would get along but no problems.  Joe was real proud to be out with Bob and did as requested.  Bob said that our Vet seemed shocked by how HUGE Joe is.  16 months old and weighed in at 70.4 pounds.  When we got him they told us 35-45 pounds.   He had that topped at about 6 months of age.

Anyway, hoped that we'd at least get the tub on our property today but probably not until tomorrow and that's only if our "gem" of a plumber makes it into town.  Ray took about a 2 hour lunch break but did come back at least.  He's been hard at it all day, still working on getting the "framing" for the tub done.  He's pretty frustrated as his broken foot/boot is really slowing him down.  I can relate but as I told him, at least you are getting something done and I am just the lump on the couch.  Plus, as I wanted to say when he called from outside our gate on Monday and told me about his broken foot, the first thing that popped into my head was that if he had been here working last week, he wouldn't have dropped a pile of flooring on his foot. 

Mostly, I'm just glad that he's here working, albeit more slowly than any of us like.  Sooner or later, this project may get done.  And some wonderful day, I'll be in the basement again happily working and will be able to use this wonderful room.  At least that's my fantasy this week.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Kind of amazing.  Ray worked every day last week, though Tuesday he was a no-show in the afternoon and Friday he didn't come until around 1, which worked well enough since I had my ortho appointment.

He came up and was talking to us Friday before he left and said that he had the plumber from "Hell" laid on for Monday.  After he left, Bob and I both agreed that plumber would blow us off on Monday.  So, Ray popped in around 10.  He and Bob talked for a few minutes as Bob was down doing laundry.  We had some issues with the washer and outlet not working yesterday.  Bob came back up and said that Ray had told him plumber wasn't coming until tomorrow.  I'm betting it's not until Wednesday that he actually shows.  Ray stayed busy -- he put more mud down a couple of places in Sew & Sew.  I was glad to hear that as before my knee fritzed out, I had found several places that definitely needed a "redo" so was glad to hear that Ray had discovered that.  He got everything sanded down and got the second coat painted and also added the texture to the external wall (we didn't dry wall there because of all the pipes).  Not sure what all else he got down as I haven't ventured down stairs yet.

Anyway, glad that things are still progressing.  I'm still amazed that the project isn't finished yet but I'm thinking that one day in the near future, I'll have an incredible room and Ray will be just a very unpleasant memory.  He's a very nice guy to sit and chat with and eventually he does good work but he's truly slow, slow, slow; without putting the no-show, no-call, no-email stuff into the equation.  Live and learn.  I'm just glad that we're not out all the money we paid him.  I told Bob that I'm sure he had a pang of conscious when he found out about my broken leg/knee.  If that what it takes to get it finished, the pain and aggravation are well worth it.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Ray was here today but as I predicted the wonder plumber did not show up.  Honestly Ray is really not ready for him.  He has laid the tile but has not grouted it.  Would make more sense to get it grouted to where appliances and fixtures can be installed before briging Dean it but what the heck do I know.

I am strolling down there tomorrow morning.  Strolling actually translates to carefully sliding down the stairs on my butt while balancing my crutches so I can navigate down there.  I have a ticket for a chair that is being picked up Thursday and have no idea where the ticket is.  Also need a couple of numbers off a spreadsheet for a tax form. 

I'll poke my head in my new room and see what it looks like.  I'm also going to get everything I need organized for Ray or hubby to bring up so that I can finish the dining room chairs for my customer upstairs.

Wonder how long it will take the plumber to show up this time.


Virgs Sew n Sew

March 09, 2016, 06:09:48 pm #11 Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 06:11:45 pm by Virgs Sew n Sew
Ray (contractor) sent me these three pictures this afternoon.  Comments are backwards for the first two pictures, just flip flop them.  My bad!

One shows the changing room:

Woodwork you see to the left of the room looking in is my cabinet that houses the fold-away ironing board.  We moved this from the old laundry room to the new multi-purpose room.

Next picture shows the rough-in for the bathtub:

To the right of the tub is a narrow opening with a contractor belt hanging.  That area houses the connection for the water as well as the controls for the underground system.

Third picture just shows the area where the washer/dryer will go:

The tile shows up nicely.  Has kind of a old fashioned rough look to it.  If you look up at the ceiling, you can see how Ray sprayed it.  Guess that it's grey mixed with white.  Haven't seen that up close yet so just based on what he said as well as how it works.  Nice to have some new pictures to show.  Plus obviously he's done quite a bit of work here the last 8 working days.

All comments appreciated.  Getting real bored mostly hanging on the couch. : (  These pictures brightened my mood considerably!


Virgs Sew n Sew

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself today.  Checked my email today and had an email from Ray.  Explaining that he'd be in and out today, blah, blah, blah.  His next line was that he understood that there wasn't much money owed him but he was running short, needed to pay for some supplies and wanted about $300 after supplies were paid for he and his boys for the weekend.  Would I mind giving him a check today?
I've given him checks as we've gone along, electrician, plumber, he needed to pay his assistant and so forth.  I expect to do that -- it's common in contracting field to get draws as the job goes along.  But, you always leave a portion that is due kind of a carrot to insure the job is finished and that any issues are resolved.  I'm down to $850 left due which is right around 15% of the job and a reasonable amount.
So, I thought and thought and thought before sending a reply.  Don't want him PO'd so that I don't see him again for another month but every time I've given him money, he disappears for a minimum of a week.  Doesn't give me much incentive to pay him anything, ya know?
So, finally I decided to outline what I needed to know.  Basically, where is our plumber (told 4 different days that he was going to be here and never showed), second we still don't have possession of the bathtub (the most expensive item in the job) and definitely need to have that stowed in the garage before I plunk over $500.00 and third, since he admitted he needed to work another job Friday and Monday I needed an assurance that he would be here on Tuesday and get rolling on this job.  That I really needed it to be completed so that we can try to start restoring order to our lives.  Ended it by telling him that as soon as he gets the bathtub in our garage or downstairs that I will be glad to issue him a check for $500.00.  Then told him again how pleased we are with how the new room is looking and how excited we are to have it completed and start using it.  Pressed the send button and figured that I was going to p*ss him off again and it would be another month before we see him again. 
But I knew Bob would absolutely kill me if I gave Ray any more money without having possession of the bathtub.  Bob has been saying for weeks (before Ray came back to work) that if we had the tub in the garage, we could hire someone else to finish the job. 
Much to my shock and amazement, a little after 4 PM I got a reply from Ray.  Still no firm date to get the plumber in here (I'll drop everything the moment I hear from Dean -- plumber -- and get him over to your house, will absolutely be done with everything by the end of next week PERIOD!!!, said nothing about where the bathtub is but said that it was ok about the $$$ -- he would come up with something else from somewhere else.  That he got help on his job for tomorrow and so he'll be here Monday as well as Tuesday.
I admit that a little break from all the noise and commotion will be nice.  Joe doesn't react well to the compression noises and assorted loud bangs and pops.  Will be really glad to see the job completed; just need to be a little more patient but between the length of the job already and the fact that I'm restricted mostly to the couch, I'm a little low on patience.  So it goes.


Virgs Sew n Sew

Let's see, went out to breakfast with hubby, used crutches to get to car, restaurant, car and into house.  Had a new customer coming over this morning so used my patented "slide on my butt" method to get downstairs while carrying the crutches.  As soon as my customer got downstairs, I asked her if she would indulge me by walking along side of me so that I could get into the new room and see first hand what it looks like.  Love, love, love it!  Except that he needs more texture and paint on the concrete wall.  Oh, and the rest of the crap that belongs in the room needs to be in there was well.

So, after I sent Ray my no message yesterday, a bit later I got a "No problem, I'll come up with something else" email back from Ray.  Came upstairs after my customer left and had another message from Ray.  After he and I worked on the Indian restaurant, he did a bunch of remodeling for one of the owners of the restaurant.  I knew back in January that he was having problems getting paid for it.  The guy would tell him he was running short and then say "Oh, can you do xyz for me" and Ray is stupid enough to do it.  Think he said the guy owes or owed him something like 3K.  So, in his email today, he says that now there are 2 customers that owe him $$$ and could I please reconsider.  How the H do people live with themselves by screwing people over like that and why on earth would my contractor be so stupid as to let the non-payment business compound itself with the first customer, not to mention a second customer? 

Anyway, I mulled it around in my head a bit.  Entertained it for a brief moment but got the sickest feeling in the pit of my stomach, especially since he never answered my question in the original email about the location of the bathtub.  Bob and I were watching some old rerun of something or another.  Once the show was over, before he could get another old rerun going, I told him about Ray's email yesterday and my response.  Let him finish exploding over that one and then told him about today's email and asked him what he thought about that.  I expected a "Not only no, but h*ll no" kind of response.  I asked him a second time what he wanted me to tell Ray and he said that the bathtub needs to either be in the garage or in the basement and that the plumber has to be in the basement because without both of those items in place, our project is at a standstill. 

So, I emailed Bob's response to Ray about 30 minutes ago.  So far, no response back.  But seriously, every time I give this dude money, he does a no show on me for a minimum of two weeks.  That's the big reason I don't want to give him money.  I figure either way I'm not going to see him for a while, at least this way I'm not out a bunch of money.  Figure right now, we're even as far as how much money I've given him.

So, the saga continues.  Ready to start taking odds as far as the chance of him showing up here Monday to do work.  I just really want to get this job finished.


Virgs Sew n Sew

So, we last left off with Virginia telling Ray that no more money is going his way until the bathtub is on our property and the louse of a plumber is downstairs doing his job.  I should say that the plumber is very well qualified.  He has taken and passed Grand Island's Master Plumber test so he more than qualified to do the work.  He's just not well motivated or something.  Or Ray is using him as an excuse to not show up.  We have no way of knowing what the real answer is. 

Ray's first email on Thursday was that he would be in and out this past weekend working on "details".   Of course, after I declined giving him any more money, I knew that we would not see hide nor hair of him over the weekend.  I was on the fence as to whether or not we would hear from him any time this week.  I've lost all confidence in this guy because of how he comes and goes as he pleases and how little he gets done every day.  Checked email while we were eating breakfast and, much to my surprise, I had a nice, chatty email from Ray.  Told me he was puttering around his house and yard today and that he was going to "get a definite answer from Dean, the plumber, this afternoon".  Also said that he would drop whatever he was doing and would meet Dean at any time to get this stuff finished.  Man, how many times have I heard this from him?

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow (6 month check-up - WHO HOO) and at first emailed Ray that.  When I told Bob, he was like "That will be Ray's excuse to not show up - "the only time Dean could come was while you were at your dentist appointment".  Thought about what he said and knew Bob was correct so I sent Ray a second email that said to get Dean whenever and if it coincided with my dentist appointment, Bob could dump me and come back here to meet them as we're maybe a dozen blocks from the dentist's office so less than 5 minutes to get back here.  Haven't heard back from Ray (course he did say that getting in touch with Dean was his afternoon project).

At any rate, I'm pleased to see that Ray doesn't appear to be just blowing us off.  In my world, the $850 + extra for some stuff that got added on is just a ton of money and I would be moving Heaven snd Hell to please the customer to get paid but I'm not Ray.  Will let you know when he says that Dean, the plumber, is available.
