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Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, February 25, 2016, 11:19:02 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew

Whew, what a morning.  Did the sponge bath this morning 'cuz I couldn't imagine standing in the shower.  Dressing was a real adventure.  Then, there was getting out of the house.  Either door has three steps going outside.  Not sure how I did it, but I got down the steps, got the walker headed in the direction of the garage and both dogs got outside before Bob could close the door.  Boy was he unhappy with the dogs. ; )  They figured out this was a bad move on their part and went in the house.  We were still like 10 minutes early getting there.  When I made my appointment, they had told me to use a different entrance than usual as it is closer to the PA's offices,  Receptionist there was great, she evaluated my condition and brought me over a tablet so that I could verify all my information instead of having to stand and answer 1,000 questions.

Got back pretty quickly as well, PA looked at it, prodded and found a spot to poke that had me out of my chair.  Youza that hurt.  Sent me for x-rays.  PA was just telling us that she didn't think anything was broken when her nurse handed her the radiology report.  Cannot remember what bone it is but will find out for sure tomorrow when we go see the ortho dude.  Appointment is at 10:30.  PA said probably a brace that immobilizes the knee until the bone is healed.  Yeehaw, this is a good time.

I'm laying low right now but will probably have my good Bernina brought upstairs as well as my bridesmaid dress I'm working on and a set of dining room chairs that I was almost done with.  They were on Tuesday's schedule to complete which went out the window when Missy and I collided. 

I'm looking at this as a nice long overdue vacation.


Darren Henry


All the old shoemakers and dog owners want to know what ortho-dude came up with. Was it a chip of the patella,
was there any cartilage damage, etc... Did he cast you like it was still 193? or did he immobilize you a graphite brace like an "Ecxaliber" with a locking mechanism ??? How long does he suggest you are non weight bearing?

Whoa. Sorry--- flashback. How did your appointment go today?
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Virgs Sew n Sew

LOL, sorry, finally snagged an afternoon nap.  It was a long treck down the hall to the ortho's office and then back to the car, using the walker.  UGH.

Break is a fibular plateau break.  Basically he described the two bones as having been pile driven against each other.  No 1927 cast.  Just a crazy brace with a dial on each side.  Right now it's set to 0 so there is no mobility at all.  No cartilage damage.  Break is only on the right side of the knee.  I think it was probably a glancing hit by Missy as opposed to hitting me straight on so that's the good news.  Right now, no weight for 4-6 weeks but that all depends on how fast the bone heals. 

Appointment went ok, other than sitting for an hour past my appointment time because he was running late.  Seemed like a decent enough guy.  At least the 4-6 weeks is officially underway now.

So on it goes.


Virgs Sew n Sew

So, at my one week appointment, Ortho x-rayed to insure that bone was in the correct position, which thankfully it was.  Then gave me the joyous??? news that he wanted me in the knee brace for 4 more weeks, though I could start bending the knee a bit (hard to do with the brace locked in a straight position but I've managed to start moving knee somewhat).  So, I go back Friday, fervently hoping that he is pleased with my progress.  If he likes my x-ray that will be taken Friday morning, I will be allowed to start putting some weight on my leg/knee.  What specifically that means, I don't know.  I'm figuring I'll still be wearing the brace but they will adjust the dial that controls knee bend so that it's easier to bend the knee and allow me to ditch the crutches/walker.  If that is the case, it would mean freedom.  Walking (slowly) the steps as opposed to sliding down on my behind, being able to use my sewing machine as I can start using the pedal control, being able to let the dogs out first thing instead of waiting for Bob to wake up and most importantly, perhaps I can even start sleeping in our bed instead of sharing the couch with Missy.  Our bed is very tall, plus we have a crazy high pillow top.  I'm 5'3" when I stretch, so I already have a step to get into bed.  Could not figure out any way to get in and out without endangering my knee.  Also was a bit paranoid about Bob rolling over in the night and smacking me with the tree trunks he calls legs.

It's been a very long almost 4 weeks.  Keep trying to not get to set on having a good outcome with the Ortho Friday but I no longer have any pain in the area of the break.  Have a bunch of back pain from sleeping on my back.  Cannot figure out how to do the side thing with pillows between my knees without fear of falling off in the middle of the night.  Truly has been a long, very long strange trip.

Thankfully, I was able to finish a couple of customer projects.  My people with the dining room chairs were over the moon when they picked the remaining 4 up on Friday as their kids were headed into town and the chair seats were the last item in their dining room remo.  Made me very happy that I had put the effort into getting the chairs out of here.  Have 4 appointments scheduled into April and one to call next week to schedule a time to upholster 5 chairs so looks like it will be easy to get back into the swing of things.  Plus I had 3 projects that had to be put on hold as I couldn't figure out how to get them on the dining room table and my work table downstairs is too low with my knee stuff.  Bottom line is I'll be as busy in April as I want to be.  That is good as I'm scrimping to come up with rent/sewing machine payment for March.  I can take out of savings for one or both but don't like to do that.  Like to forget that savings exists so that we will have it for other emergencies.  This too shall pass.

Appointment is at 9:05 AM on Friday.  The :05 thing cracked me up.  Have never had one anything but in 15 minute intervals.  Interesting to see if we go back at 9:05.
