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Finding My Way

Started by Mojo, February 24, 2016, 07:07:13 pm

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It has taken me a couple months to find my place in our New Company. Mindy has turned out to be a rock star and is now 100 % in command. She is up to speed, has learned the vast majority of the business and is a bundle of energy. I am now working with her on marketing and teaching her how to make strategic moves in the market place.

I would be lying if I said I am not enjoying myself. I have finally let go of the reins and am sitting back and taking it easy. I handle technical calls and work directly with customers on technical issues and that is about it. That workload is also tapering off due to our educational programs we have.

I do try and sew now and then to keep that skill set honed but the ladies prefer I stay out of the shop and out of their way. I had a bit of a hard time letting go but this company is in great hands and I am finding it can function without my hands in the mess. Actually, it functions better when I stay out of things and Mindy will chew my ass if I get any where near her production schedule. :)

I am still doing all the strategic planning, marketing and PR but am no longer running the day to day operations. I will still handle the rally's and seminars but my involvement in production has come to a screeching halt.

I am really enjoying this part time status I have worked myself into. It is coming at a great time too as my chemo regimen has been increased and I am having many more days of weakness and being tired. I have waited so long for things to slow down and now that they have, I am going to sit back and enjoy these times.

Business is continuing to grow, sales volumes are up and things look very good for the future. Time to go fishing. To heck with this work stuff.



Virgs Sew n Sew


I'm glad that you found the magic formula for growing your business while having more time for fishing and other things that you enjoy.  Life is indeed precious!  Enjoy it to the fullest.



Your hands may not be in it as much but your finger prints are all over the place.  Teaching, or consulting is extremely rewarding.  Prayers for speedy healing and yes fishing over work stuff would be my choice


Good luck on the restructure it sounds like it is all working out for you
Get well soon

Queensland, Australia


February 25, 2016, 07:02:52 pm #4 Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 07:05:26 pm by Mike
sounds great Chris  more buisnees and less STRESS

so how many workers do you have ? cutters  sewers shippers ?

come along way from sewing in the trailer cutting on the ramp door



There are 4 of us. One lead sewer/manager, one lead cutter, myself who handles the technical end and marketing and the wife who fills in on sewing and does all the bookkeeping.

I think back to my days working in that enclosed trailer, cutting fabric on the ramp door, sewing with that POS Tuffsew machine mounted on a plastic fold up table in Florida's scorching summer temps. Yowzers. I am lucky to have made it through. Many times I nearly gave up and went back to retirement but thankfully I stuck with it.

I never knew we would have the growth that we have experienced over the last 10 years but I remain grateful for the expansion in our business. Now that I am freed up more we are looking at expanding again but through a second company. This one will be family owned by the wife and kids. We are still in the planning stages and trying to figure out the logistics of it all. It may require a move to Virginia though. :)


Darren Henry

OMG has it really been ten years already? You really have come a long way though. I still remember feeling for you when we first met. I still well remembered working out of the 256 sq. ft. choir loft in the 108 year old church and going home to do shoe repair/orthopaedic work in a 7X12 workshop heated by a kerosene heater and a heat lamp over the finisher until I rented the big shop. I wish I had found an Ingrid and a Mindy. I might still be in my own shop.

Very happy for you old Bud. 
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Sgt Major:

I look back and think of how everything evolved. It is crazy with alot of devine intervention I guess.
You, Mike, Dennis and Doyle all remember me coming on here 10 years ago constantly aski g for help and advice on sewing.

I always had the business, marketing and PR part down but sucked at sewing. You and the gang here got me up to speed and helped me along as I went. I learned so much from you guys and I attribute alot of my success to you and the masters here on the forum.

If you guys would not have taken the time t help this newbie I would have been lost and never had the success I have experienced. For that I remain in debt to all of you and am grateful for everything you all did to help me build this company.

Your all rock stars.



Quote from: Mojo on March 03, 2016, 06:25:27 am
If you guys would not have taken the time t help this newbie I would have been lost and never had the success I have experienced. For that I remain in debt to all of you and am grateful for everything you all did to help me build this company.
As I seem to recall. The only thing you learned from me, is how to pour piss out of a boot.

But if you do feel indebted to me, I'll take cash.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Good Gawd. Now there is a post I wont soon forget. Your Poor Piss from a Boot post. :)

Checks in the mail. Opp's. You said cash. :)


Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: sofadoc on March 03, 2016, 02:08:23 pm
Quote from: Mojo on March 03, 2016, 06:25:27 am
If you guys would not have taken the time t help this newbie I would have been lost and never had the success I have experienced. For that I remain in debt to all of you and am grateful for everything you all did to help me build this company.
As I seem to recall. The only thing you learned from me, is how to pour piss out of a boot.

But if you do feel indebted to me, I'll take cash.

That is a post I missed.  How about a repost (remember I'm stuck here on the couch for 5 more weeks and absolutely stir-crazy already -- my poor hubby).



Quote from: Virgs Sew n Sew on March 03, 2016, 02:59:29 pm
That is a post I missed.  How about a repost
We had several discussions on that topic. I think some of them were wiped out by a forum crash several years ago. Here's one:
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


now you've got me wondering what's next Chris..  tooo bad you would have to move. what about Ingriids teaching will she retire?


Ingrid will probably do one more year and then retire and take over the company.

I plan on trying to get this second company off the ground, train my daughter Natalia and let her take that company over. My son will invest in the company and act as a consultant but will have nothing to do with the day to day stuff. He is way to busy with his own company to be involved in the day to day operational stuff. But he has a brilliant business mind.

Natalia is an amazing business person but where she shines is her personality. She is very outgoing and captivates people and could sell ice to an eskimo. She will be a rock star. I have had her come in before and help me with seminars and she knocked it out of the park.

We are still developing this second company so really cannot say much more about it at this time.
