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Started by Virgs Sew n Sew, December 26, 2014, 07:22:58 am

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Virgs Sew n Sew


That was a short break.  My customers I was waiting on Christmas Eve didn't show up till a little after 4.  We chatted a bit so it was going on 5 before I really closed.  But we got the important housework done, presents wrapped, food heated up (we let a local grocery store prepare our meal--the first time we've done that--food was great!) and then finally the guests arrived.  Had tons of food, talked and laughed a lot but not sure what it going on.  Our nephew and his girl were supposed to tell grandma that she is going to be a great-grandma yesterday.  That didn't happen so don't know if they wanted to do it privately or if she miscarried or had a false positive.  Will call SIL later and see what is up with that.  I'd be thrilled if she wasn't pregnant.  I like her very much but she's bi-polar, her mother has custody of previous children and she came to GI via the Crisis Center so much as I like her, she's got some major issues.  But nephew really is smitten with her and she with him.  I also think she has been good for our nephew -- just not sure that a baby is a great idea but I'm not given a vote in that decision.  Anyway, we had no sooner shuffled that group out the door then one of the adult foster kids called.  George had come by while MIL was here with a gift card for Hobby Lobby for her--she was thrilled as she paints a lot at the Nursing Home and I'm sure she'll by lots of supplies with her HL cash.  George invited us over for Lasagna, Garlic Bread and cards.  So we drove over there and had some wine, cheese and crackers before their fabulous meal and then played a quick game of spades before heading back home.  George & I were partners and beat Bob and another guest.  Bob must have been thinking that he was driving my car with its automatic light turn off feature.  We walked out the front door and I immediately noticed that the lights on Bob's 'vet hadn't gone to sleep.  He was just sure that "sometimes that just happens on older 'vets".  Okay fine.  No interior lights so I knew we wouldn't be driving it home -- battery dead as a door nail.  George was kind enough to drive us home and also volunteered to charge the battery and return it to us, if we would let his wife drive it.  Bob promptly handed him his key chain.  Another chapter in being married to someone in their mid-60's.  Now I know to make sure he turns off the lights next time we drive his car at night.  We had gone out Wednesday to pick up the food and got home to discover that he hadn't locked the door.  Nothing stolen but I don't think we would have been that lucky had the house across the street still been inhabited by the neighbors from Haydes. 

Enough rambling as I gotta get this day started.

Hope all enjoyed their day yesterday as much as we did, even with the dead battery adventure.



December 26, 2014, 08:47:04 am #1 Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 06:46:03 pm by Mike
After a visit with my brother this morning i went to the newly opend shop and loaded all the wood frame from the sewing table i took apart waiti g to go.  
I managed toload 2 sewing tables alone into my truck. Then got them out even harder at home and i tothe home shop along with the 2x3s.  I had a past customer call who want to drop off a couple windows for  repair at my house. Seems he did the same last year   So im taking a coffe break eaiting while my dog sleeps on my lap.

I did good alone I moved my 2 machine into my shop and framed the table
now I need to install a top this weekend


Lots of little "thises and that's" on the docket this week; the lot for me!  I don't begin "working" until 1/5/15 and I'm delighted!

I'm not religious at all, but I've take full advantage of the historic 12 Days of Christmas to shut down, consolidate, and decompress!

I'll be back up, running, and ready to chug forward on January 5th.!