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Another one bites the dust...

Started by byhammerandhand, October 25, 2014, 02:49:03 pm

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October 25, 2014, 02:49:03 pm Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 04:41:54 pm by byhammerandhand
I got an auction flyer in the mail today.  Karges Furniture is having a plant liquidation sale.  :-(  Seems like they were one of the top 5 or so furniture manufacturers at one time.

I don't think I'll be bidding on the 100 HP rouging sander.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


Keith are you familiar with any of their brand lines?

Too bad, it keeps happening, the domestic higher quality producers/products aren't easy to market.  Everything is almost all about price.

Thanks for making readers aware.



Sounds like they already bit the dust back in May. The auction is just a formality.

I don't think price is the only issue. People really, really, really DON'T WANT a couch that will last 20 years anymore. They want to change furniture as often as they refresh their clothing styles. So they buy the cheap stuff.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: sofadoc on October 27, 2014, 05:42:46 am

People really, really, really DON'T WANT a couch that will last 20 years anymore. They want to change furniture as often as they refresh their clothing styles. So they buy the cheap stuff.

Agreed.  That was the biggest portion of the problem with the furniture store I worked at in Kansas.  The store manager still had it in his head that people wanted to buy quality.  People didn't want to pay that kind of price and with Nebraska Furniture Mart setting up shop at the Kansas Speedway strip mall (35 miles away), they no longer had to.  Our sales totally dumped and I still wonder if the fire sprinklers flooding in the middle of the night was truly an accident.  I don't believe in coincidences.



When are we going to get some good news about our working folks; and the businesses that build American products. Now Sears is laying off people - it doesn't end.  You constantly hear something is closing.  One day these intellects in Congress will wake up and wonder whose fault it was that hurt America. Oh wait - they can pass a bill to limit their responsibility !  Maybe it's my fault for working like a dog and paying my share.  I wonder when my savings account will rise above .01 - haven't I funded their stimulus long enough ?
You would think that the bigger companies carrying well made furniture are secure but I read these companies can't keep up with the rising costs of doing business in this new market place. 


QuoteOne day these intellects in Congress will wake up and wonder whose fault it was that hurt America.

They already know. It's our fault. We the peoples. We're the ones who keep electing the same folks over and over again.

Well, we've finally got 51% of those able to work sitting on the wagon while the other 49% work to support everyone. Those able bodied and dependent on the government folks are now in the majority, and I think their numbers will only continue to grow.

This is just my opinion. Opinions are like a$$ holes. We all have one. I once told a female friend of mine that opinions are like a$$ holes. We all have one. Without missing a beat, she said, "I divorced mine!"



There is a variable here - a moving target.  I didn't vote for O'Bama - I may have said that once or twice here so I apologize for repeating myself - however conceding O'Bama was the winner - I believed / many believed - he would do the things he promised - starting with transparency ???  After 6 years or so he's disappointed and his poll numbers reflect that.  I don't know if I'd consider them A-holes for voting for him - they got caught up in lies of the change crap.
The insult to all who notice is watching him take vacation after vacation while good Americans labor away -

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: SteveA on October 28, 2014, 03:15:18 am
The insult to all who notice is watching him take vacation after vacation while good Americans labor away -

I voted for Obama as he was the lesser of two evils IMHO.  I, along with many others, are very disappointed in him.  Transparency, veterans, environment and government targeting our phone calls to name just a few.

My butt gets chaffed when I hear people b*tching about his vacations.  If you go and check, you will find that at this point in his presidency, Obama has taken LESS vacation days than George W had.  Obama is guilty of many things but vacation days is just not one of them.

Frankly, I don't begrudge any sitting President vacation days.  They carry the weight of the entire world on their shoulders.  It's always interesting to look at their inauguration photos and then their photos when they leave office, be it 4 years or 8 years.  No other Americans age as rapidly as the sitting President.



I think that every sitting president has been criticized for the excessive number of vacation days they seemed to take. The LBJ Ranch........Camp David...........Nantucket.........Crawford.........Plains.
I think Clinton was the only one who preferred to just stay in the oral oval office (nyuk, nyuk)

And every election year, we ALL seem to settle for the "lesser of 2 evils". I don't ever recall voting for "The better man". And I've voted for the guy that didn't win many times.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: sofadoc on October 28, 2014, 06:42:47 am
II think Clinton was the only one who preferred to just stay in the oral oval office (nyuk, nyuk)

LOL -- but you should have included a "coffee warning" as I just spent 5 minutes cleaning the coffee off my monitor/computer table. ; )

Agree 100% with your remarks about Presidents being criticized for the vacation days.  The other point I would make is that when they "go on vacation", it's not like they are leaving their job behind.  They are constantly being briefed on whatever hot button issue is going on.  I don't think they ever truly "get away from it all" until after they leave office.  No amount of money would persuade me to sit in that position for even a day.  Ughhhhh.



Sorry V  but a person in office has to display character and ideology to lead by example.  Waving lavish vacations in my face is not what I need to see as a working person paying for them.  You're right he is entitled to his share of vacations whether he does his job well or not. 

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: SteveA on October 28, 2014, 08:20:45 am
Sorry V  but a person in office has to display character and ideology to lead by example.  Waving lavish vacations in my face is not what I need to see as a working person paying for them.  You're right he is entitled to his share of vacations whether he does his job well or not. 

So did you feel that way when "W" was running around on all of his "lavish vacations" -- check the numbers and you will find out that at this point in his Presidency, Obama has taken less days off for "vacations" than his Pres. Bush (I feel Bush was entitled -- just playing a number's game).  I was a working person paying for Bush's play time. 

I don't care what party they come from -- as long as they are in the Oval Office, they are entitled to their "vacations" because they aren't much of a vacation IMO.  I've seen the briefing teams coming and going during multiple different presidents so I know they are not really getting away from their responsibilities.

It is obvious that you don't like Mr. Obama.  That is your right but to single his vacations out when they are less than other President's at this point in time is, IMO, hypocritical at best.  Rather than take this thread in a direction I don't want it to go, I'll back out of it and not read any future posts.



It is obvious that you don't like Mr. Obama !

Not true - Have nothing against him - just don't like his policies and half truths.  You're defending his vacations - you're weighing his vacations against the others and it's a fair point.  However hiding out in the ranch is not the same as golfing in Hawaii - if my work wasn't getting done - a vacation is the last thing I'd have in mind.



"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


Obviously Mr. Byhammerandhand you don't like Obama. If you did, you would be ignoring all the bad economic news like the rest of the main stream media.

SteveA: Obama likes to vacation in Hawaii because that's where he was born.  ;)

I do find it interesting how there are more than two sides to every issue, from sports to politics to religion to health to education.
