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Holy crap!!! even after 9/11 we didn't think this possible here.

Started by Darren Henry, October 22, 2014, 05:07:59 pm

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Darren Henry

I doubt it made the news in your neck of the woods, but Canada has had two acts of terrorism in as many weeks after committing to the campaign against ISIS. Because the investigations are ongoing and security protocols, details are not all that flush but the short version is as follows:

Two members of the CF were run down in Quebec last week, south of Montreal. One was ultimately fatal, one is still critical. The assailant was ultimately chased down and shot by law enforcement. This ain't Texas---If our folks in blue have to even draw their weapon there is a huge investigation that results in a desk trip or lower unless they are saving the mayor's baby. He was said to have had "thoughts sympathetic to ISIS".

This morning another Islamic  militant shot a soldier standing guard on the nation war memorial  adjacent to our Parliament building **.  He then effected entry into the building and was stopped short of  inflicting any significant injuries.

**It's a PARADE POSTING. You've seen the Cold Stream Guard greeting tourists outside Buckingham palace ---We have the Gov. Gen.'s foot guard in the same red serge tunics and buzzbies (hats) as a tourist attraction. Poor young bastard wouldn't even have been allowed a toothpick in his pocket.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Minichillo's Upholstery


It's front page news on CNN, FOXNews and NBCNews (on-line, I don't get hard-copy papers).  My condolences to the families.  Terrible news.  I'm afraid Canada's welcoming immigration policies may be about to bite her in the arse, unfortunately.  This is the reward you get for being a refuge.  Bastards!  At least one got his just desserts.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


All over the news today. It's a shame. The worlds gone crazy.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


It's the lead story on every channel here in NY for the last day.  The news today said the shooter was not mentally stable and a history of drug use.  There is no defined answer to stop this anywhere  - maybe we need more aggressive leaders who will snuff out these cowards

Darren Henry

My local news hadn't mentioned anything about his mental health or drug use, but said that the gunman that got killed yesterday was born in Canada in '82 and was on a police list because of his travel patterns.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Got this off of a web page =

Muslim convert who shot dead Canadian soldier is the privately-educated son of country's immigration chief and has links to Syrian terrorist claims friend from mosque
Quebec-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, recently converted to Islam and had dreams of heading to the Middle East
He had his passport seized after being designated a 'high-risk traveler' - despite his mother being on Canada's immigration board
He had multiple drug and robbery arrests, and a 2003 weapons charge
He had told a friend the 'devil was after him' and knew a man who is still at large after leaving Canada to join Islamist fighters in Syria
Shooting came on the day Prime Minister Stephen Harper was due to give Nobel Peace Prize winning activist Malala Yousafzai Canadian citizenship
Harper addressed his country later, saying this 'terrorist attack' would 'not intimidate Canada'   
Bibeau had visited the U.S four times, with officials tracing who he met there
He was shot dead by Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers after his deadly attack

Virgs Sew n Sew

So very sorry Darren!

Yes, it is front page news even in little ole' Nebraska.  It is terrible.  The world seems to be spinning out of control.  The debate will go on endlessly how to fix things and meanwhile people keep being killed.

I wish there was an easy solution but there is not.



I was born and raised Catholic and attended private Catholic schools. Therefore I was very sheltered from other religion practices so I admit I am not very well versed on other religions. I am very respectful and understanding of others religious practices and never judge others whether they are Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon, Jewish, Methodist, etc.

With that said I have a very hard time accepting and understanding Islam. I just do not get it. Furthermore I have no respect for Islamist's. Their treatment ( and views ) of women is horrible. I also cannot understand any religion that promotes Jihad and the killing of others, simply because of their religious beliefs.

Here is one question I do have for others who maybe more versed in Islam. I have met many Islamist's that were nice people but looked at them with somewhat of mistrust. They maybe peace loving citizens but don't all Islamist's all practice their religion from the same Kuran ? They do not have different versions of the Kuran that I know of. If your Islamic you practice your faith from the same book or Kuran as those in ISIS, the Taliban, etc. The Kuran is filled with Jihadist statements such as death to the Infidels. Am I correct on this ? Has anyone heard of different Islamic Kuran's ?

June, in regards to your statement on immigration............ BINGO. Many countries in Europe had lax immigration policies and are now paying a heavy price with Islamic immigrants. They are demanding their rights which also includes Sharia law.

I am sorry folks but I just have no respect for the Islamic faith. Hell they stoned a couple to death in Syria a couple days ago for adultery. They have killed their own daughters who brought shame to their family. They have treated women like second class citizens denying them an education, drivers licenses, making them adhere to being covered when in public, etc. How can anyone outside their religion have any respect for them because of all of their wacked out practices ?

I probably better shut up. I have said too much already and these recent killings in Canada just hit a nerve with me. But if someone does have an understanding on the Islamic religion I would love to hear it.



"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields

Darren Henry

I was moved twice yesterday. I caught the tail end of a story on the radio in the morning---I believe it was a Chicago hockey game vs. another American team that delayed the start to offer condolences to his family and then sang O Canada.

Last night was "family night" at the annual Manitoba rodeo cowboy's association finals rodeo here in town. As usual between the grand entry and the anthem they assembled a number of competitors and their children and spoke about family and the camaraderie  of the rodeo community. This year they added a memorial for Cpl.Cirillo and a minute of silence. All the competitors  wore a red arm band as well.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I think it's important to make the distinction between Islam and the wackos that wrap themselves in "Islam" and perpetrate all manner of horror on whomsoever they target (and it's usually fellow Muslims, you guys).  There was a time when Catholics thought nothing of torturing Protestants, Mojo.  And the Protestants were not much better 50-100 yrs. later.  Co-mingling religion  and politics is dangerous.  States flourish when religion is kept separate; they decay when religion leaks into state policy. 

Darren, I watched the You Tube video of a the pre-game anthem (Philly, I think).  Lyrics for "O! Canada" on the big screen.  Very moving. 

"All are equal in grief".  Attributed to Elizabeth I when she spoke to William Cecil following the death of his daughter, Alice. 


Chris, I grew up in a part of town that has become melting pot of cultures, Muslims being the main one. They are very different to us Anglo Saxons, but proud citizens of our country and their kids, well they have blended in and become bogan(rednecks) like the rest of us.

I have not read the Koran, have you? They worship the same god as you, just differently. If I was a nutcase I could twist what whatever verse I liked from the bible or the koran to suit my needs.

Some pretty terrible things have been done in the name of all religions, and homeland security, please try not to tar everyone with the same brush as it is not fair that the average citizen be held accountable for the behavior of wacko's and politicians.  

As an observation, one thing I felt very disturbing was that the parliament gave a standing ovation to the Sargent at arms the day after. Get this straight he is a hero, but I think he looked very uneasy and the death of anyone is nothing to clap about.    

Don't mean to offend anyone, Just my view from a slightly different angle

Darren Henry

Very good points. Any religious doctrine can be used to support any argument if you take it out of context and why are crusades good and jihad evil?

Quoteand the death of anyone is nothing to clap about.

The death of this nutjob was not what was being "celebrated". It was his heroism to do an ugly and dangerous task to protect others that was being applauded. I take offense at the fact that he is credited with stopping the whacko as if he did it single handedly. There were 20-30 shots fired in rapid succession. There were obviously several others who had to do something they loathed as well and will have to deal with for a very long time with no recognition.   
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Bobbin made a point that sticks with me:

Comingling religion and politics - bad!
