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I Did It........

Started by Mojo, January 04, 2014, 07:44:53 pm

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I stated to my wife I was going to close the shop on December 23rd and open Monday Jan 6th. She got a hoot out of that one figuring my OCD would get the best of me because I had outstanding orders.

But I shut the lights out and didn't do any work on orders. I did make me some tire covers for my coach but didn't fill any orders. I will admit the first two days I had a hankering to knock out an order or two and felt guilty from not working, but I got busy on home projects and forgot the business. I did no canvas work during the entire time.

The hilarious part though was I got an order on Thanksgiving day this year. I thought " Really ?. On a fricking holiday ? ". Guess what. I got an order on Christmas Eve and a request for quote on Christmas day. Unbelievable.........

I am now heading into my busy time and while I enjoyed the two weeks off it will be A-holes and elbows till July. The orders are coming in and I am anticipating another busy year. One great piece of news is that I am almost there with the goal I set to have the cash to build a new shop out back. A couple more months of orders should put me at my target. The bad news is that a corvette/classic car wont be happening. I need this shop badly.

I am hoping that all of you have a banner year filled with alot of work and profits. God Bless you all and Happy New Year. Now get out there and make it happen...........:)



good for you Mojo, sounds like your health is stable, good!

Yes, I enjoy your enthusiasm in my work.  I had to work the holiday, couldn't think of anything I would rather do.  When alone and working with the front door closed to the public, it is fine.  Plus we are having some degree of winter weather here and working in a warm shop doing what you really like to do is -- well is cool the right word.  LOL.

Congrats on your progress on the bigger shop.  I am sorta of like you, I use the money to invest and take care of my girl friend.  The market has been pretty good to us lately.

Happy NY and congrats for all your achievements!  Keep us posted.



its not work when you did the wheel cover s if your like me you enjoyed it like when I made my bow cushion awhile ago, im glad the holidays are over not to sound like a scrooge but it through a monkey wrench in the works with shop schedules. I have taken advantage with the downtime to finnish tilint ny house oh and I did get 2 jobs this weekend