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Old folks and recliners....

Started by JDUpholstery, February 06, 2013, 08:16:17 pm

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Got called to do a warranty repair on a month old recliner...customer complained that the mechanism does not work....I get to the house and proceed to test great....customer of course begins to get pretty mean about it and shows me how it does not work....she would not push at all with her feet to get it started, and was trying to man handle the mechanism using the lever alone... I told her that there was nothing I could do, as the mechanism was not broken, I did let her know that perhaps an electric recliner would suit her better.....she got mad at me and I tried to explain I was just the upholsterer and had nothing to do with the sale

To top it all off...on my way out the door, her dog bit me!



There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


February 07, 2013, 05:52:49 am #3 Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 05:55:23 am by gene
German is exporting their old people to nursing homes in Eastern block countries.

Every country that has national health care limits the coverages available to old people.

Obama Care has 'death panels' (their words, not mine) to deal with old people.

This guy, Aubrey de Grey,   thinks that it is possible for people who are in their 50's today, to live to be 150, and in a few generations people will be able to live to be 1000.

The cost of Obama Care will start out at $20,000 per year for a family of 4. Can you imagine what that will be if people start living to 1000?

How many recliner repair calls can an old person make if they live to be 1000?



Maybe if people start living to be 1000 they will get smart enough to buy higher quality furniture. ;D
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


I don't know about this particular case.   But quite often, the big strong able-bodied young son goes to the store, and picks out a recliner(s) for his frail old mom and dad.

Many of the cheap recliners do require a certain amount of strength to operate the footrest in/out.
And many elderly folks find it difficult.

Another factor is that when the recliner is new, the seat is still pretty firm. So the person sits high in the chair. As the seat foam breaks down (in as little as 1 month), the person is sitting lower, and they lose a little leverage that gives them a mechanical advantage over the mechanism.

I've had several instances where the mech works fine for ME, but the customer can't operate it.

And on the opposite end, I've had extremely overweight customers complain about squeaks and creaks. But when I sit in the chair...........I can't make it squeak (at 220 lbs., I'm just too petite).
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Exactly you guys.  Been there and done that.  I don't sweat it, that is between them and the one they bought it from.  It is interesting how the compaint rate drops when the consumer has to pay for the repairs.

BTW, power recliners break too.



Quote from: gene on February 07, 2013, 05:52:49 am
This guy, Aubrey de Grey,   thinks that it is possible for people who are in their 50's today, to live to be 150
I just hope that I'm not still married to the same woman when I'm 150. Because she'll be 148 years old!!!!..............yuck! :o

The Japanese blame much of their economic woes on an aging (unproductive) population.

Remember the good ole' days, when people died within 5 years of retiring?
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I would never sue over a dog bite, just amused that the grumpy lady had a grumpy dog! I felt bad to tell there was nothing I could do because the recliner was working as intended, when I used it it was easy and fluid, no sticking or popping....she said when she got it to go down it sounded like a shot gun going off...well it would since you were forcing it with the lever and not assisting...good thing they did not buy a button recliner that requires nothing but leg to put down


BTDT.   I am amazed that one recliner can work for the 110 lb 5'1" woman and the 380 lb. 6'4" guy.  I've had both.  The woman couldn't get out and the guy wore the mech to death.

Quote from: sofadoc on February 07, 2013, 06:27:50 am

I've had several instances where the mech works fine for ME, but the customer can't operate it.

And on the opposite end, I've had extremely overweight customers complain about squeaks and creaks. But when I sit in the chair...........I can't make it squeak (at 220 lbs., I'm just too petite).

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Darren Henry

I hope it wasn't much of a bite and that she knew it happened and responded well. While I was having that bathroom reno sabbatical from the trade I walked into a flower stand in the lady's yard and sliced just below my eye carrying tools and such in *. She made a huge fuss about getting me cleaned up and bandaged----'cause see was afraid I'd bleed on the carpet  >:(

*Said plant hanger is made from 3/8 rod painted flat black and situated right where the paved driveway meets the paved walk way.
the one yard arm apparently over hangs the drive way by about a foot.I wanted to give her an A+ for camouflage and concealment, and a kick up side the head for stupidity."Leave and empty pot on it" , " put a band of paint on the ends of the yard arms if your going to overhang the driveway" do something!!!
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


the bite wasn't too bad, and after it bit me the response was oh yeah he does that....I am assuming the dog picked up on the ladies anxiety that apparently the upholstery guy who cant help her was causing


Quote from: JDUpholstery on February 07, 2013, 06:38:23 pm
the bite wasn't too bad, and after it bit me the response was oh yeah he does that....I am assuming the dog picked up on the ladies anxiety that apparently the upholstery guy who cant help her was causing

Wouldn't happen in Palm Beach County.  2 bites and the dog is put down.  No if's and's or but's.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Does that mean you have a civic responsibility to file a police report for a dog bite?   Just to get it on the record, because you don't know if this is the first time or the tenth time.

Quote from: JuneC on February 08, 2013, 06:26:27 am
Quote from: JDUpholstery on February 07, 2013, 06:38:23 pm
the bite wasn't too bad, and after it bit me the response was oh yeah he does that....I am assuming the dog picked up on the ladies anxiety that apparently the upholstery guy who cant help her was causing

Wouldn't happen in Palm Beach County.  2 bites and the dog is put down.  No if's and's or but's.


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


February 09, 2013, 06:30:58 am #14 Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 06:32:45 am by kodydog
My idiot neighbor moved here from Miami and thinks that because he now lives in rural Suwanee County he can let his dogs run free.

My neighbors to the south keep there dogs behind a fence. But his dog managed to get in and fight with hers. She (a deputy sheriff) warned him she would shoot the dog if it happened again.

One day two riders on horseback were attacked by the same Greyhound dog causing one lady to fall off and dislocate her shoulder. When the second lady got off hers both horses fled. I drove them home.

My neighbor to the north has warned him, if those dogs chase my horses I will take maters into my own hands.

One day my wife got bit while retrieving the mail. He denied it ever happened. I was out of town so another neighbor drove her to the hospital. Animal control got involved and ordered him to quarantine the dog for 10 days. 6 days later the dogs were loose again. He got pretty upset when we sued him. He said neighbors shouldn't treat each other that way. I figured hit him where it hurts, in the wallet.

He continues to let his dogs run loose. Another bite and the county will put the dog down. And he will cry how everybody treats him so bad.

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.