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Stuffing cushions

Started by JuneC, September 12, 2012, 05:52:46 pm

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Silk film is noisy over dacron.
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


Quote from: Cheryl on September 14, 2012, 09:15:47 pm
Silk film is noisy over dacron.
That would explain why some of us experience noise, and others don't.

For me, the silk film sometimes creates as many problems as it eliminates. If at all possible, I still stuff by hand. I only use the silk film/vacuum method when there's no way in hell I'm gonna get the foam core into the cover without busting the zipper.

It is beneficial for odd-shaped/oversized cushions. But for a standard sofa cushion, I can stuff it by hand, and be on my second cup of coffee before I can stuff it with silk film (factoring in the time it takes prep the cushion with the film, and afterward to go in and dig the film out of the cover).
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I think it's got to be different kinds of silk film. I cover all my foam in Dacron (polyester batting), and I can't get a peep out of the silk film. This is one reason I don't feel the need to get all the silk film out of the cushion cover. No one will ever know that it is in there.

I do love the silk film vacuum method when I have boxed cushions where the sides of the cushion are going to be seen. I can keep the zipper on the back only and the sfvm really helps me to slide the foam into the zipper opening.




I love silk film but we don't get it over here in the UK  :(

So the key for me was improvisation, I now use the thin plastic
from auto paint shops that they use for masking up body panels
it works just as good but does make more noise than silk film.

  I use a shower drain/trap fitted to the end of my vacuum for sucking
foam, it makes the suction area a little larger



Gene, June, Scarab: Watch this video and see if this silk film looks different from yours.
This particular cushion has a muslin casing, so the noise isn't as bad (as it would be over dacron). Plus, the mic on this little camera didn't pick up the noise very well.

On a tight dacron-wrapped cushion, digging the silk film out (without disturbing the batting) can be a chore. I've tried just digging it out of the top & bottom, and leaving remnants on the sides (like Gene suggests) but I still got a few complaints about the noise.
I'm hoping you guys are going to say that your film is thinner.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Joys Shop

My film is DEFINATELY thinner

Mind you, mine is about 20 years old.  But it is thinner and quieter
Maybe the newer ones are thicker

I still try to get it out when I make a cushion, but it doesn't make a discernable noise, so I really don't have to

If I knew how to make, and post, a video, I would show you mine to compare to yours

Maybe I could mail you a piece of it


I see Sofa , why oyu'd want to get that all out , very noisy. I'm sure June will concur that is not the silk film we are talking about. PM me your info and I'll rip you off a piece to check out.  :o
duct tape is like the force . it has a light side , a dark side , and holds the universe together.


Same here.  Way thinner than that.  I didn't even have to run the video.  Just looking at the thumbnail pic I can tell it's a different product.  Yours is all crinkled.  Mine won't hold a crinkle like that.  It looks fairly smooth, even after being compressed into a ball in the palm of your hand.  I believe I may have gotten mine from Rochford Supply as well.  Back when I got it I had not established wholesale accounts with anyone.  I was price shopping on the Internet for supplies.  Still on my first roll after 7 years (of course I don't always use it and a large part of my work is canvas, not upholstery).  

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Thanks guys. After reading these replies, I made a few calls to some of my regular suppliers. Apparently, when you ask for silk film, many of them just send this stuff now:

This is nothing but thin plastic sheeting, like you get in a paint store to use as a drop-cloth.

I'm going to call around, and get them to send me a sample piece before I haul off and order a big roll.

I might warn some you that are still using the same roll that you bought years ago, when you go to re-order make sure they aren't going to send you this crap.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Yep. Me to.

Like I said, my silk film is very similar to the dry cleaner bags that are used over clothes.

I've also heard silk film called skin film. No crinkling sound, no shine. I could tell right away at the start of the video that what you are using, sofa D., was different than what I use.

Sunshine Foam, where I buy mine, describe silk film as plastic that feels like silk. It does.

Thanks for the video.



I'm glad this topic came up, because I had grown weary of even using the stuff that I thought was silk film. The stuff that I ordered is listed as silk film, but obviously, it isn't.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Darren Henry

I've never bought silk film because I can only get it in 5 mile rolls (life time supply) up here. I just use dry cleaner bags or more usually really cheap garbage bags (they're easier to rip out).

Lately I've taken to using cellophane (plastic wrap,saran wrap,what ever you call it) on the corners of an arm or sofa back where the fabric is all sewn together or on the leading edge of cushions as I stuff them. Not as kewl as vacuuming but way more effective than a spritz of silicone and you don't need to fish it out because it is silent and doesn't trap moisture inside because you only use it on a small area.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I see Couch, why oyu'd have to get that almost all out, very noisy. I'm certain June will certainly concur that's not the cotton film we have been talking about. PM myself your details and I am going to rip an individual off an item to view.


Quote from: mroy559 on September 19, 2012, 02:59:03 am
I see Couch, why oyu'd have to get that almost all out, very noisy. I'm certain June will certainly concur that's not the cotton film we have been talking about. PM myself your details and I am going to rip an individual off an item to view.
Very clever mroy! Changing my name to "couch". No one will ever suspect that you're a spammer.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


September 19, 2012, 03:35:23 pm #29 Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 03:37:23 pm by gene
Yea, sofa d:

I put a post a few weeks ago about mcroy being spam. I think I went ahead and deleted it. I thought it might not be spam.

He/she/it says to PM but no email in profile and the website is to a lady's clothing store in the UK.

I'm still not sure if it's spam. May be someone legit who likes to drink or drug their well earned upholstery wages?

Maybe someone testing their wings on posting.

The way Mike types I'm surprised more folks don't think he's spamming. LOL

And what about that guy who uses that damn irritating red LOL with the little guy jumping up and down on the "O"???
