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Pricing ?

Started by Mike, March 23, 2012, 01:38:06 pm

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March 23, 2012, 01:38:06 pm Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 03:34:46 pm by MikeM8560
I called to check on a quote I gave about 3 weeks ago now

It was a duel console sea hunt open bow no snaps in boat.
I  figured 14 yards work to be done on a lift swinging
I quoted $875.  I was told they went with a much lower price and the job is done.
I called on a different quote a lace on top and a fly back  less yards a $1000
The guy said everybody else  was too busy and I have to go sign the job perhap the other one found a hungry can as guy who did it for cheap right away to have somtjing to do.
I don't think I was out of line I did other covers now for 800 no balk at all sign rite up


I'd say $875 for a full cover and having to install snaps is a very fair price.  Sounds to me like there's a new guy in your turf trying to get into the market with low prices.  We all know it'll bite him in the arse eventually.  He might not know his prices are too low to maintain a business.  I've given up trying to compete with lowballers.  They'll come and go and if that's what the customer wants, so be it. 

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Don't be surprised if the Sea Hunt comes back to you to fix a botched job. I've had
that happen before. Customer goes with a lower price and finds out why it was
lower after the job is done. Sounds like a $1,200 job if he comes back.


I've had that happen dbr.  I gave a price to a sailboat and didn't get it he called me 6 m th later  dombidy bother up a dodger frame was ok but rhe canvas was all wrinkly I did t have my old notes do I was 400 over my old estimate  where I was you g to make the frame also now. No frame and I was higher then before he didn't want to give a deposits do I agreed to a deposits when I show up to start. He called the next day saying his wife was going to sew it. 


Those prices sound great to me. I know it's been said on here before, but it gets old with me constantly always being asked if that's the best price I can do. In the past I would bend over backward to get a job by cutting prices, but it seems to always bite me in the rear end so I started being firm on my prices and so far it's working out great.
Along the line of prices, I'm one who doesn't get out much and last night took my son out of town to see a movie and have dinner. We got in at a matinee price since it was still afternoon, but oh Man! the prices at the restaurant killed me! Myself and a 10 year old having a $50 bill with no appetizer or dessert.


When I was dating I'd take may girl and myself to the movies 2 tickets and pop and and drinks and I'd only spend ten buck total  now it's more just for two tickets


Quote from: SHHR on March 24, 2012, 09:46:04 am
I know it's been said on here before, but it gets old with me constantly always being asked if that's the best price I can do.

"Is that the best price you can do?" I say sure, then add 10% to make it better
for me. They didn't say who it should be best for.

"I want a fair price". Fair is I do the job and you pay what I charge. If I charge you
less than the going rate for the quality you receive that doesn't meet the definition
of fair.

"So-and-so said they will do it for price X". Then why are you standing here talking
to me? "Because I here you're the best". Well that comes with a price, go try to buy
a Mercedes for the price of a Hyundai.

"Why the long wait to get to my boat?" Because if I sat around waiting for you to
call I wouldn't be in this line of work. Your one job doesn't pay me 52 weeks a year.

"But I only paid $3000 for my 25 year old boat!" Sorry, but I don't have 25 year old labor rates, material costs, business expenses and living expenses.

"Can you cut it by 10%?" Only if I can use seconds and put 10% less work in it.
"Why would you do that?" Roll eyes.

It goes on and on.


Quote from: DBR1957 on March 24, 2012, 11:38:53 am
"Can you cut it by 10%?" Only if I can use seconds and put 10% less work in it.
"Why would you do that?" Roll eyes.

It goes on and on.

i had aguy this morning a sailboater ask ne to maje a new dodger canvas a bimini canvas on the phone for a guestamante i di then drove over to see the boat now i see there is a coector panel netween the bimini and ddoger/and its longer then i thought. my price a bit higher then over the phone with the extra canvs and after he said he wanted   goretex.  but get this he said he had the original made by a retired guy i knoe of about 12 years ago  he told me how hes gotton 6 years out of the cnvas before he needed replacing. so he removed the original and had a different shop make new canvas tops 6 years ago usaubg the old windiws dodger and conector side and sides and rear of the bimini. he saved the olg canvas tops and i could use trhem as a pattern as he sure they will still fit fiine.   then he wanted a refeerence he c ould talk to . im sick of referal usualy its a bug bridge enclosure job i spend time lookin gup old notew of simmilar jobs names and numbers usualy down here i finf they sold the boat took it up north  and if i find a few name i call then to see if they can be bothered . its a real pia. there was a dealor i could use easily enough but they closed a few year ago and a small dealor closed on me  this week  also


Those prices sound very fair to me, too, Mike. 

I'm with June on this one... nothing wrong with some competition but given time the "new guy" will eventually figure out he's working a lot for not very much!

It's discouraging to quote jobs, not hear from the customer, and then discover you've been "low balled".  Hang in there.  And make sure you charge well for fixing the crappy work, lol. 


Ya bobbin I quoted a nice cover on what they call a tarpon boat down here it was about 25' like this
Anyway Fter. He king the guy said a friend owed him a favor and cAn make one For little money. Oh well
As June said wedding out the competition a shop just closed down down here in the area.