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Salesman disguised as a customer

Started by SHHR, September 06, 2011, 04:42:40 pm

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I had a "customer" call and leave a message today about an upholstery job on and older Bayliner. I noticed the call came from out of state, but didn't think much of it since we live on the Indiana-Kentucky border and real close to Ohio too. He went on to describe his boat and the needed work, then the usual "how much" question. I told him I'd rather see it to give an accurate quote to which he understood. then the first of two bombs dropped; 1. He asked if I required a down payment, like half down, because he didn't have a lot of cash to spend (the first red flag). He wondered if I would take payments for the job or not. I told him I did require a material deposit to start which is usually half down. He went on to tell me the boat has set idle for five years and he would like to have it going for next year. As much as I'd like the job now I suggested he just save up over the fall and winter and bring it in the spring as it won't take long for me to do.

Then the 2nd bomb fell.  He asked if I worked alone or had help, did I have a retail shop, work from home, mobile repair, what???????????  He went on then to say he was working with our local Kroger store doing some advertisement work and that he could hook me up where everyone who came in the store would see my shops name. He was selling ad space on the shopping carts and that he could give me a good deal. He also wanted to come by while in town tomorrow to talk to me and that if there are any helpers I have, silent partners, my wife, who ever is connected to my shop to be here too. He also went on that this will only take five minutes and that I need to give him a decision real quick so he don't waste my or his time. As I tried to get a word in I told him that business cards and word of mouth seem to work best for me in advertising. I told him too that last year I bought an ad space on some park benches and that there has been no real advantage to me in doing that. He jumped in and said people who set on benches waiting for buses are probably not going to be my best clients. By now I'm done with him, So I jump in and say that our local Kroger store is right around the corner from several low income apartment complexes, where the government pays you to live there and that I doubt while they're in there spending their foodstamps and buying their beer and diapers that they'll pay any attention to my ad on the shopping cart, that usually ends up upside down in the ditch down the road near the apartments, I also told him I could give him a Quick answer now not wasting any of his or my time; A definate NO!
He did say he would still like to have me look at his boat.


 ka a cut he was always like that will you take payments  I sold some waverunner rentals  and the like I told him ya one payment.
Maybe he was interested in new seats though he didn't have the money. He k kt was a bayliner. 
Ok owners I had one too   


That last part was funny Kyle. We used to get a call asking for an estimate then they would ask if we took credit cards. No was the answer. About an hour later we'd get a call from a credit card company asking if we wanted their service. >:(
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.

Toledo Mach. Sales

That's a new low for a telemarketer,I liked your answer.I get alot of calls too & after I listen to their pitch I ask then what company are you from & then say ok I'll put you on my list of companies not to use since your calling & wasteing my time so why don't you be a good little telemarketer & bother someone else.
We sell New& Used Industrial Sewing Machines,Parts,Needles & Thread.


Quote from: Mike8560 on September 06, 2011, 05:13:51 pm
ka a cut he was always like that will you take payments  I sold some waverunner rentals  and the like I told him ya one payment.
Maybe he was interested in new seats though he didn't have the money. He k kt was a bayliner. 
Ok owners I had one too   

I like that: "Yes I accept payments. I accept a one-time payment upon the completion the job!"

These salesmen are clearly stepping up their game...


I've had 4 or 5 calls lately from "customers" who briefly ask about getting a piece done, then launch into a long diatribe about Angie's List.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I live in an area where if I offer payments it could make or break the deal.  I don't mind taking installments as long as the job is fully paid for before it leaves the shop, I don't charge interest either.  But there are some strings, refunds can only be offered until the 50% point is met, at that point materials are ordered and no refunds can be offered.  I have never had any trouble with this and I have only had to offer it a few times over the years, but it is an option that can sometimes close the sale. 
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


  I thought I'd give an update on this matter. I had to run around this morning doing some estimates and running a few errands, so I met my wife for lunch at Subway. When leaving I got a call from the guy saying he was in town and heading for lunch and he thought he would buy mine too, could we meet? I told him I could spare a couple of minutes, but am extremely busy and I already had lunch.
He wanted me to bring my wife too, but I reminded him she's a teacher and had to get back to school. When I met him, he immediately started his pitch showing off his portfolio and all of the "scientific proof" that advertising on shopping carts will pay off.
  He said this would help brand my shops name and get it out there for some serious work to come in. I stated that even though I do work locally for boaters, auto repair, Motorcycles, RV's and such, I also do a lot of custom work on show cars that attends national events and have done work from Missouri, Tennessee, and Florida, and that I think that's decent branding for a little Podunk shop like mine.
  He started in on price which was a six month contract run and would ONLY cost me around $10 a day. Now I'm not the crispiest cracker in the box, but right away I figured that to be at around $1825.00  :o . Call me backwards, but that sounds a wee bit steep for a small one man shop. I stopped him right there and said again I'm not interested and parted ways. I'm sure he had other lower offers like those time share salesmen always offer, but I was quick to leave.
  I didn't remind him either, but he failed to mention the boat upholstery job he originally called me for. Oh and as a funny side note; while there in the local Arby's for all of 10 minutes maximum, I had 3 former customers come up to me and say they had more work or know of someone who needs work done :D I GUESS WORD OF MOUTH REALLY DOES WORK BEST!


Why, oh why, would you want to do business with a person who's first contact with you was to lie?

I just happen to think that integrity does matter.

gene (If gene is my real name and I'm not lying:)


While you were at Arby's, you should have cut a slit in one of the booth seats, and slipped your business card into the slit. :D

If they're willing to buy my lunch, I already know that whatever they're selling is going to be out of my price range.

In all the years that I've gone grocery/dept. store shopping, I have NEVER EVER EVER EVEN ONCE noticed the ads on a shopping cart, or bench.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban



Give me that $ 1,800 and I will rock you out an awesome marketing program, complete with materials. :)

That guy must be nuts. Like Doc said, I have never payed attention to a dang grocery cart or bench ad.



Quote from: SHHR on September 07, 2011, 10:41:50 am
    He said this would help brand my shops name and get it out there for some serious work to come in. I stated that even though I do work locally for boaters, auto repair, Motorcycles, RV's and such, I also do a lot of custom work on show cars that attends national events and have done work from Missouri, Tennessee, and Florida, and that I think that's decent branding for a little Podunk shop like mine.   

Mojo can probably explain it better than I can, But I wouldn't think that shopping cart ads would be the best way to reach your target demographic. How many buggy pushers are thinking about getting their hot rod done?
I've been approached by those guys before (shopping cart ads). They always promise me up front that NO OTHER UPHOLSTERY SHOP will be featured on the cart, or bench. WELL I SHOULD HOPE NOT!!
I wonder if they give a "cut-rate" if you're willing to take a less visable spot, such as that plastic flap under the kid's butt? :D
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Alsontoday had lunch at subway
qg when I get a sale call right away Im " not intersted "  Nd just hang yp is this rude ? I don't care genery it rings riffht when I sewing


Doc:  You wouldn't take sales materials for your Lexus dealership and hand them out in the " hood ".

The whole idea behind successful marketing and PR campaigns is to know your target market and then go after it. The grocery carts maybe a good idea for a brand campaign by Proctor and Gamble but is useless to the small business owner.

Handing out fliers, post cards while attending car shows or car club events. This is the way you reach a target market if your an auto upholsterer and it can be done a hell of a lot cheaper then $ 1,800.

For furniture stitchers it is a bit harder. But home shows would be a good thing. Take along a ratty looking chair, then a chair completely uncovered and bare and then a chair which is done. Hand out business cards, candy, pens and what have you and then spend time with potential customers talking and helping to educate the public on why they should consider reupholstering good furniture.

These fly by night ad companies drive me nucking futs. They haven;t a clue and most times read from a prepared script. They wouldn't know marketing if it bit them in their ass. But then that is just my opinion.  8)


Darren Henry

QuoteI have NEVER EVER EVER EVEN ONCE noticed the ads on a shopping cart,

I don't know if we even have ads on the carts here in Canada. I'll have to check the next time I'm trolling for grind-age.WHAT I DO LOOK AT are the posters in the mens room where the graffiti board used to be above the urinal.  [ I assume they are on the inside of the cubicle door in the ladies ,but I'm neither plumber nor janitor ---so ??] For you ladies: there is a very strict protocol as to where one looks when standing among several other men also holding their winky. Not only are you obliged to read it , the ads are focused on a target audience. Boats and cars---right between Bubba and "god I hope he isn't checking me out". Furniture--no brainer, he doesn't give a rat's.

QuoteBut home shows would be a good thing. Take along a ratty looking chair, then a chair completely uncovered and bare and then a chair which is done.

If you've ever set foot on a parade square, you know movement attracts attention. As does noise and light. What my former employer used to at the local trade show was to actually upholster a piece over the course of the weekend. Let the little compressor run for a minute, fire a few staples,hump a leg,make a big show of being busy,hump a leg, .......
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!