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Job Hunting

Started by kodydog, May 22, 2011, 08:05:33 pm

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What is an outside trimmer/


May 23, 2011, 06:42:38 am #2 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 05:11:19 pm by kodydog
In the early 1900's Henry Ford showed the world how assembly line production could produce cheep goods. Soon after most other industries followed this technique that revolutionized how products were manufactured in the US and the world.

In the furniture industry they use this technique one of two ways. When the upholster gets the piece of furniture its all cut and sewn, the springs are in, and the cushions are stuffed. All they have to do is add the padding and stretch the fabric on. Usually one person upholsters the inside and when their finished they push it down to the trimmer who dose the outside.

The other way  is a five or six step process. The sofa is on a cart with wheels so it keeps moving. One person will do the seat front, another the arms, then backs, outside arms and back, then skirt. Its important to have someone motivated on the front of the line to keep it moving.

It's really amazing how many pieces a day are produced using this method.

The down side is factory upholsterers usually can only do one or two of these steps and very rarely can they sew.

A sweet job is the person who builds the prototype. This individual usually gets paid a little more, has a room of their own. Not as much production pressure. they make the fabric patterns, do their own sewing, spring-up, and create the foam patterns all from drawings or Blue Prints. You'll see this job come up once in a while on
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Here's another one

With so many jobs available on the internet I don't understand why unemployment is so high.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Some of the reason Kody is because our government has provided income to unemployed people for 99 weeks. For some of the unemployed there is no reason to take a job when they can sit back and collect unemployment benefits for 2 years straight.

I know of a couple people that are unemployed and that is exactly what they are doing. They both said they would look for jobs once they were close to their benefits running out.



Funny how back in the day being on unemployment or welfare was to be ashamed of. Something to get out of as soon as possible. Now its something to look forward to, a way of life.

My wife's grandmother was too proud to take medicare. She called it welfare and said as long as she could pay her own way she wouldn't take it. Of course that was back in the 70's, she passed in 82. These days she wouldn't be able to afford her medical bills. We can thank the government for that boondoggle also.

There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Quote from: Mojo on May 25, 2011, 07:30:59 am
Some of the reason Kody is because our government has provided income to unemployed people for 99 weeks. For some of the unemployed there is no reason to take a job when they can sit back and collect unemployment benefits for 2 years straight.

I know of a couple people that are unemployed and that is exactly what they are doing. They both said they would look for jobs once they were close to their benefits running out.


Australia went through this in the 70's, as a lad I went around Australia on benefits, I even was on benefits while working in California and traveling in Mexico, we had an abundance of elite athletes back then as they had all day to train because they were all on benefits. These days you have to be pretty hard core to be having a bit of a holiday on benefits, as there is so much paperwork involved to be handed in every fortnight, it is easier to get a job, also now they have to do 1 to 2 days community work  to get it. The last time I was on benefits was 10 years ago and whilst on it I did a 6 month full time upholstery course all paid for by government including my benefits, I then went on to a thing called New enterprise incentive scheme which helped set me up in my own business.
      No one should ever be ashamed of taking welfare, as it there to stop an honest man with a family committing a crime in order to feed them.


May 28, 2011, 06:36:05 am #7 Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 06:04:57 am by kodydog
This looks like a good company to work for

Here's another

Here's one in Miami. $23 an hour. That's not chump change.

Quote from: scottymc on May 25, 2011, 03:57:06 pm
No one should ever be ashamed of taking welfare, as it there to stop an honest man with a family committing a crime in order to feed them.

Sorry Scotty. Guess its hard to believe I'd ever have to commit a crime to keep my family fed.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


I will say that we work in fields that require a good deal of training and experience.  I can't tell you the number of people who come into the shop where I work thinking it will "be fun" to sew for a living.  They have no idea how physically demanding marine canvas/awning work can be.  Nor are they generally prepared for the amount of technical knowledge required.  A few have been barely able to use a measuring tape correctly, let alone accurately! they don't quite understand that the difference between 1/4" and 1/2" may not be much but when you're making 7 or 8 curtains, all those extra 1/4"s add up to something that is entirely too big.   We can't find qualified and skilled people... young people don't seem very interested in skilled trades, and the mouth-breathers we get all think they're "worth" top dollar even though they can't show up on time or do simple arithmetic. 

My brother was laid off in early '09.  He applied for every job that was available in his area and in his several areas of expertise.  Trust me, you guys... when you're pushing 60 and over qualified no one wants to hire you... they want younger people.  So enough of this "free loading" on extended unemployment "benefits" drivel!  My brother and his various employers over the many years he's worked have paid into that fund to provide that benefit to him.  It's an earned benefit, you guys.  And you pay taxes on it, too.  If he hadn't had it he may very well have lost his home.   It took him nearly 2 yrs. to find employment and it wasn't because he was sitting home, sucking on a cool one, and watching cartoons on cable TV.  So enough!


I wasn't implying Bobbin that all unemployed people sit at home and watch Oprah. The unemployment benefits are very much needed in our society, especially today when corporations close entire departments and ship those jobs overseas leaving thousands without jobs.

But just like many other benefit programs there are a few who abuse the system. They sit back and watch TV and could careless about finding a job. I know two people just like this and both said " what for ? When my benefits are about to run out I will get busy looking, until then I just look at this as a vacation ". Those are the ones who piss me off. Am I supposed to be happy and supportive over people like that ? Or how about the ones who brag about collecting benefits while working and getting paid under the table ?

For people like your brother, this is a much needed and well deserved benefit and they should be paid. Obviously the comments hit close to home with you and for that I apologize as that was not the intention of my post. I know how that feels. Several on here a few months ago trashed over paid, under worked teachers. My wife is a teacher and the comments hit close to home for me and pissed me off to no end.

As I stated, my comments were directed towards those who would rather sit at home and collect benefits, not at those who are out busting their butt's trying to find a job. For every 5 people like your brother, there are 1 or 2 who look at these benefits as a long vacation and abuse it and ruin it for others.



No Chris, those who think unemployment benefits are nothing more than an extended vacation don't ruin it for others.  Those who freeload only pork themselves in the end; most have no idea that there are taxes due to the Federal Gov't. and that there is no escaping that "tab", moreover, they eventually find themselves without any money source and in a worse pickle than they were when they first lost their job.  My experience with the long-term unemployed (several very dear friends have been hit very hard by this recession) is that they get up every day and fighting discouragement go about the hard work of finding a job, cutting expenses wherever possible, and taking every scrap of paying work they can find.  One friend lived in a 50 degree home all winter because she didn't qualify for heating assistance, Ohio winters are cold.   She is the queen of soup and squeezing a dollar 'til it hollers.   She never thought that her advanced accounting degree and many years of experience would leave her "out in the cold".  But she couldn't even get a job at Wal Mart.  She temped and scrounged what she could find. 

As for teachers, while I know several and like and respect their hard work very much I know far too many who are just "going through the motions", doing a crappy job, and collecting salaries and benefits the likes of which most of us will never know.  Tenured, it would take something akin to a nuclear explosion to get them out the school system.  Don't even get me started on the numbers of highly paid "administrators" in our local school system.  Fully .65 of every tax dollar in my town goes to the school system and that bloated bureaucracy.  Their union screamed bloody murder when they were asked to pay more for their insurance policy and into their retirement funds.  Trust me, when you can no longer afford health insurance for yourselves (we threw in the towel when it hit 12K/yr.) all that grousing is a very bitter pill to swallow.  Times are tough all over. 


In my opinion, and yes we all have one, I think anyone on unemployment or welfare(those who just soak it up) should be doing 20 hrs a week of community service or lose part or all of their benefits. They are getting paid, buy us, so they should contribute to society for their paycheck.
Gloucester Canvas
I can be found on Facebook and Google+ as Gloucester Canvas


May 31, 2011, 07:29:02 pm #12 Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 12:18:18 am by scottymc
Don't they have training schemes for people on welfare over there , also from what I have seen over here in Aus. some times it is cheaper in the long run to pay the loafers to stay at home than to inflict them on the work force. :P


Good point Scotty. Their are some people out there I wouldn't want to work next to.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


Anyone looking for a job in the field of Auto Upholstery should check out The Hog Ring's job's page. We search the internet high and low every week for the best available auto trim positions. Check it out: