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newbie's messenger bags

Started by sunshine_n_pc, September 13, 2010, 05:42:19 pm

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September 13, 2010, 05:42:19 pm Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 08:48:31 pm by sunshine_n_pc
I have 3 princesses in elementary school - we adopted them almost 2 years ago.  Trying to make up for lost time (no spoiling baby time) I often go overboard.  I decided, about a week before school started, that they needed their own personalized messanger bags made just for them by "Mama".  This project - although it about sent me over the edge trying to get them finished for the first day of school - gave me some good needed practice AND the girls felt so special.  Of course, at their school, because of what they have gone through in their little lives, they are BIG fish anyway - they by far stood out with their custom made bags (of course in their school colors).   A funny side note - my 17 year old son, soon after he saw their bags, put in his order for a black one with pink fur inside.  


Looks nice, I'm sure the girls were happy! :D

Bigger pictures or clickable thumbs would be nice.
Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


I tried to make clickables -  how do you make it happen?  I read and reread the directions....


September 14, 2010, 04:57:00 am #3 Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 05:10:29 pm by Peppy
When your looking at your Photobucket album, above a picture it says 'edit/move/share/delete' click share.

Then click 'get link code'

It has a list with little tick boxes beside the selections. Tick the box beside 'clickable thumbs' under 'IMG for bulletin boards and forums'.

Be sure to save!

The IMG clickable thumb code will now appear under your pictures in your album.

ps- if you want a picture on your posts (like me in the goofy hat <--- ) use 'Direct link for layout pages' and go into your profile here on the forum and into 'Forum Profile Information' and put it in the 'I have my own pic' hole.

Good luck!
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You da man, peppy - fixed the pictures.   I  want to be like you when I grow up - well, since I am sure I am older than you, maybe I should just say ...  I want to be like you :)   


No worries! That was my good deed for the day. If you really wanna be like me you'll have to start by finding a goofy hat. One is a good start but you'll need several if your serious about being me! :)
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Glad you figured out the picture posting!  The bags L@@K good!

Now, more projects, and more pictures! ;D

Several Old Singers
Elna SU
Older Union Special
BRAND NEW Highlead GC0618-1-SC
and a new Cobra Class 4 Leather Machine  ;)


Sunshine, we have a lot in common. my wife and I adopted our 3 kids too.
This year as the oldest one started 5th grade and the teacher told the kids to get textbook covers for their math books since they were new this year and want to preserve them. The only thing we could find were these cheap vinyl covers from wally world and they wouldn't last a semester. I got out some scrap black leather I had, foamed it up with some 1/2" scrim and stitched a "Von Dutch" style pinstripe on the cover with red and silver thread, bound it together and put it on her book. I've had a few parents ask me about making something for their kids, I haven't told them a price yet. I may do some in my spare time with some scrap vinyl I have and give to them.
One of these days I'll try to post pics (I've said that in the past many times), but in reality another name for our town is Cow-Pung, Indiana. and I am forced to have stupid 'ol dial-up still and am too tight to pay for the satellite net that still has no guarantee that I can even get. Any way posting pics for me is painfully slow. Oh well one day we'll get with the times!


Thanks everyone for the compliments - about to order materials to start on the boat. :o

Kyle - it's a scary thing - our kids came with serious issues and already walking and talking - but it was the best thing to do - the 10 year may tantrum and pitch a fit like a 2 year old but not a day goes by that she  doesn't say "you're the best mommy ever" and she always says thank you no matter what it is for - a peice of gum or a trip to Disney.

We actually have 2 other adopted children - a brother/sister who are 17 and 18 - the oldest goes in the marines  in November and the other goes when he graduates High School in  May.  Of course, I put my foot down and said "no" but they didn't listen :)   I think it will be wonderful for both of them.   


I know where you're coming from, our oldest, now almost 11 came home at 3 1/2 and tremendously independant not wanting any input from us, plus the fact they knew no english at the time complicated matters greatly. Being home 7 years now has done wonders, but we still have our moments too.


WOWWWWW - no english - I just can't imagine!!!   

Our girls were placed with us in fostercare for almost 2 years - so, we knew what we were getting into - it wasn't something we planned when we started fostering - needless to say, 5 kids later we don't foster anymore - just too dangerous :)