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Not exactly upholstery, but skilled

Started by byhammerandhand, December 12, 2014, 11:46:50 am

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My eldest daughter did this to her eldest daughter today after seeing a photo.   She gets her talent from me (and her mom, too).


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Virgs Sew n Sew

Now that is absolutely fabulous.  Saw an article yesterday about guys putting specially made "ornaments" in their beards.  I about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw that.  Didn't impress me but I love your granddaughter's hair.  Looks incredible!  No way would I be able to do that.



So much talent in one family, Keith!

Quote from: Virgs Sew n Sew on December 12, 2014, 12:02:04 pmSaw an article yesterday about guys putting specially made "ornaments" in their beards.  I about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw that.

Ah, yes... Beard Baubles:

West Village Studio


Better than tattoos - can't wait to see Columbus day -

Darren Henry

Thanks for the pics. The radio station I have dialed in in the upholstery shop has a program called "the lunch bags", which I normally miss because it coincides with my being over in the big shop feeding.It's basically two of the  ladies on staff  doing the "water cooler chat" about all the weird and wonderful that one finds on the news service.  The other day though I got back across the yard in time to catch the tail end of their show and they were laughing at this story. Apparently; these two British gentlemen are offering these on line---but are currently out of stock. their take was that they would actually make some if  someone ordered---and the delay would make their product look like tickle me Elmo when it came out---we just can't keep up to the orders .   
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


That is awesome. And as amazing as that is, I tend to think that getting a child to sit still that long may be even more amazing. But then, I'm probably projecting my own childhood experiences onto the issue.



I think it is cool and artistic.

My daughter owns a styling salon. It is a high end salon that caters to the wealthy. I cannot believe that women will pay $ 400 for a cut, style and color/highlights and whatever else they do to their hair. I would be livid if my wife dropped $ 400 on a haircut.

I was against her becoming a stylist but she persisted. I wanted her to get into a high paying job instead of screwing with hair. Whoever would have thought some of these stylists like her make 6 figures ? My daughter trained under two Hollywood stylists and then set out on her own. She actually has clients who fly in every 3 months for a hair redo. They wont allow anyone else to touch their hair but my daughter. She makes big money doing wedding parties ( Bride and bridesmaids ).
All I can say is that it is expensive to be a woman considering hair styles, color, nails, waxing. Yowzer.

Myself, I just let my wife cut it ( to save money and time ). She does a good job with what little hair I have left. Most of it I pulled out or it fell out with age. :) When my chemo runs start I typically shave my head to keep from littering my pillow with hair. This I do myself with cheap $ 10 clippers.

I have seen some pretty fancy weaves before but never seen a Christmas Tree weave. Very cool.
Thanks for posting Kevin.



Their kids don't watch much TV as there's no on-the-air there and they don't have cable.    Sitting still courtesy of a DVD

Quote from: gene on December 13, 2014, 05:33:03 am
That is awesome. And as amazing as that is, I tend to think that getting a child to sit still that long may be even more amazing. But then, I'm probably projecting my own childhood experiences onto the issue.


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: Mojo on December 13, 2014, 07:13:43 am
All I can say is that it is expensive to be a woman considering hair styles, color, nails, waxing. Yowzer.


Not for all women Chris.

I'll post a picture some day.  I don't dye (58 and very grey), haven't had a hair cut in almost 3 years (can now almost sit on my hair), you could not pay me to wear fake nails, don't even use polish as what I'm doing I would chip or rub polish off onto product and waxing has GOT to be a form of torture that should be illegal.  I had physical therapy after I was attacked by the dog and my physical therapist always gave me a bunch of cr*p as by Friday I had more than 5 o'clock shadow on my legs.  I would just laugh and tell him that I shave once a week whether I need to or not.  Over the years, I developed allergies to every brand of eye make-up and would end up "crying" what little I could put on off" so now I go completely natural on my face as well.  Overall, I think I'm a pretty cheap date these days.



My red/auburn hair went grey early.  I quickly did the arithmetic on coloring and decided to save the money instead!  I'm lucky; lots of hair, pleasing transition to grey, and I've never been afraid to cut it short! My big indulgence every 5 wks. is a good hair cut with a talented woman I've seen for over 8 yrs. now.  She knows my criteria and we experiment within them. 

"Good" hair cut:
Precision cut.  I shower, towel off, add a dab of styling gel to the heaviest part of the cut, comb and air dry.  The cut dictates the fall of my hair.  No dryers, no styling brushes... no fuss, no muss.  It's easy, it's fool-proof, and along with a nice manicure I am always "dressed"!


Forgot to mention that for Valentine's Day, she got a French-braided heart shape.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

Virgs Sew n Sew

Quote from: bobbin on December 13, 2014, 12:18:25 pm
My red/auburn hair went grey early.  I quickly did the arithmetic on coloring and decided to save the money instead!  I'm lucky; lots of hair, pleasing transition to grey, and I've never been afraid to cut it short!

"Good" hair cut:
Precision cut.  I shower, towel off, add a dab of styling gel to the heaviest part of the cut, comb and air dry.  The cut dictates the fall of my hair.  No dryers, no styling brushes... no fuss, no muss.  It's easy, it's fool-proof, and along with a nice manicure I am always "dressed"!

I was also auburn/red (thus my short fuse from time to time) and have greyed early.  Wonder if that is a trait???  I colored (which my hubby loved) until I turned 40 and then I saucily told him that living with him meant that I had earned each and every one and wasn't going to color any more.  One of my best decisions.  It's interesting watching it grey -- still shocks me sometimes that the grey I see in the mirror is actually mine.  : o

I've cut my hair about a zillion times but get so irritated with not being able to replicate what the stylist does.  Also, every cut I've had requires buying this product or that product to supposedly maintain the cut so I said no more.  I love having the length as I can wear it down when I please (not very often when I'm working), pull it up in a pony, one braid (either from a pony or at the nape), two braids, a bun, etc., etc.).  I keep my nails clipped short and tidy and that's it.  When I was longer, I grew them long and had them manicured to perfection and spent probably an hour every night removing polish, smoothing any rough edges and then applying a new polish to match whatever I was wearing to work the next day.  Cannot imagine doing that now but it was fun back in the day.

I did splurge this winter on some nice warm pants that have lots of give to them so I can move freely while I work but still look nice if a customer drops by unannounced as well as some matching tops that are also warm and look nice.  A new pair of tennis shoes and I'm good to go for the winter.


Darren Henry

Men can be just as bad. I blame my grey hair on the old lady and her kids---It wasn't there when we hooked up in '91. Kinda reminds me of George Jones singing about don't leaving without  taking your silver---you left it right there in my gold.Every time I get my 50 year old blonde hair cut (3/4 military taper---10 minutes if their chatty/as quick as 3 1/2 minutes on an exercise in Wainwright) I wonder who the old dude was that they didn't sweep up from before I sat down?? There is so much grey,and such long hair on the floor. I've gone from every other week to "Okay, hippy--It's over your ears". Mustache wax was hard to get when I lived in Kenora---I had to buy it on line from Florida, so I got out of the habit of twisting my lip up in the morning.The Lanny Macdonald(Famous hockey player--huge 'stash, tough guy '70's) look also hid some missing teeth. Now I only do it if I'm going out,even after buying some teeth and having  source for wax.

I've skipped Dad's tradition of putting the shaver away at snow fall and having a "beard shaving party" on our birthdays in the spring simply because I looked more motley then distinguished for the last couple of year. I can't grow a beard anyway----must have had my face slapped too hard as a teen, but used to grew a decent goatie. working on one again----I might as well like my joints feel.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I think red/auburn burns out fast, Virginia.  And I'm with you, either you opt for a short (precision) cut or you let it grow long.  I had long hair for a lot of years and I usually wore it "up".  I learned how to twist it up and arrange it nicely in a variety of styles... never got into the braiding, though (unless it was to satisfy a Hunter requirement at a horse show). 

I miss the pretty long nails I had when I had my "straight job".  Now, mine are also trimmed and kept neat and tidy.  When it's time for polish I usually opt for something in the neutral palette; soft and quiet.  But I really miss the deep reds and chestnut browns that looked so great on long nails!