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Want to buy Ozone Generator

Started by BigJohn, April 25, 2011, 11:35:46 am

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     If you want to do a little investigating on your own I'd suggest you look into several companies:

Rainbowair (a lady by the name Sue I'm told is the owner and she will take calls)

Zontec (another old name in the business)

Max Blaster USA (a new name to me that I've been investigating)
They have an owner's manual online, click on "instructions"


April 27, 2011, 02:01:35 pm #16 Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 02:51:01 pm by fragged8
thanks BigJohn

I did go 'a wandering to see what i could find and the more i think about it
the more sense it makes to offer this as an addition to the canvas and upholstery
I do.

The times i've recovered stinky old foam one of these would have helped.

I am just wondering though how long the boat interior would stay smelling fresh before
the stink returned. ?

damn shame the Maxblaster ones are in the US and on sale, I would have bought
two or three of them at that price, they are double that here in the UK.  :o


I just found a 3000mg/hr unit for £150 so i'm going to buy one and try it out


Quotewhat about diesel smells if the diesel was
cleaned up but the boat was still smelly.

I don't know how well it would work in a boat, but I once got some fuel oil on my clothes.  My wife put them through the washing machine and they still smelled, so she put them in a plastic bag and ran the hose from the ozone generator into the bag and the smell did come out.  It took several repeated treatments though.

There is a lot of info on ozone at this link for anyone who wants to bone up on it.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


May 05, 2011, 06:20:44 pm #18 Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 06:27:53 pm by BigJohn
Well I let it snap for a new Rainbowair-5401-II-Activator1000-Series-Ozone-Generator, as this is the same brand that I bought for an apartment complex that I once managed. My experience with this brand was very positive and I'm hoping that I have a repeat performance! I bought it on Ebay from ABC Vacuum for $200 less than list only $399 shipping included.

                                      Big John


I just got one too, 3000mg/h all i need now is some idea on operating
times etc as i have no idea.



May 09, 2011, 03:41:44 pm #20 Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 07:54:05 am by BigJohn

    I got mine today, and it works great. I plugged it in and turned it on and in less than a minute I had that chlorine bleach smell filling the room. My manual says ozone is part science and part trial and error, meaning start slow and use more and more time until it gives you the results you want. Warning nothing living in the area being treated (exception tropical fish) and you will find leather and natural rubber get dried out with long or repeated use. The jury is out so to speak as to harm if any it does to electronics, to be safe remove them or cover them up.

     One last thing I thought I'd comment that ABC Discount Vacuum although a little lax on sending out the tracking number for the shipment, did everything they promised and very speedy at that!

                                                Big John


glad you got set up Big John, let me know how you get on with it
as I'm not sure when i 'll get to use mine.

what size is your unit ? mine is 3000mg/hr

I did set up one of my customers for a free treatment as I know his boat
is very smelly :-) but it's catching up with him when we both have time to spare
is the problem.



May 10, 2011, 11:48:50 am #22 Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 03:02:08 pm by BigJohn
Mine is 1000 mg/hr or so they claim, no one can prove the claims they make, as there is no standard for measuring. A 3500 mh/hr unit in pure oxygen is the same as a 700 mg/hr unit in normal room air. But it sounds like you got a good-sized unit that will work well for you. Mine has 4 plates how many do you have?


i have no idea how many plates . the unit is pretty well enclosed
so i'd have to take it apart.

I only got this one as it was fairly cheap compared to the others
I was looking at.

What I didnt realize is some car detailers also use Ozone
to kill the car smells , could be another avenue ?



Yes Rich car detailers use ozone as well, often they fashion an adapter to the outlet of the machine and attach a hose to direct the ozone into the car. The reason for keeping the machine outside the car is it needs an ample air supply to function best.