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Hey Chris How About Mid Week Funnies?

Started by BigJohn, March 15, 2011, 08:02:25 pm

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Hey! Smiley faces have nothing to do with upholstery. Let's keep the topics on upholstery related topics.

gene   >:(

PS In case you are as thick as HR 50 foam, THIS IS A JOKE!


Quote from: gene on March 17, 2011, 04:03:10 pm
PS In case you are as thick as HR 50 foam, THIS IS A JOKE!

That would explain why people keep stamping "HR-50" on my forehead! :D
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Now who wouldn't like a good joke?
Ya git to stay off once In a while tomorows
Friday ;) 


Hey Guys it's Friday here wake up !

jocularity ? Is that a word  ::)


Ummm, Yesss it is. Have you never heard of a jocular individual?  By Websters dictionary; making of jokes,joyful, blythe,etc. I just think its a neat sounding word. And a GOOD morning to you to Sir.



Well it's a lazy afternoon now Fridays here and time to relax a bit have to install a centerconsole enclosure I. The morning then price a toon upholstery

Darren Henry

I whole heatedly commend Chris for taking the initiative and dedicating the time to run this thread. Thank you Bro. I too maintain a presence here  because of the informality and the friendships. And we all need to pull our heads out of our .... back pockets ... and realize that life is short and we need to enjoy the few trips around the sun we are granted. Humour and joy are an integral part of that.

I cannot believe that anyone  still here could be so vain as to complain about us enjoying life as well as wisdom.  :o , maybe we could ask the administrators about moving this thread up below the green room at the top of the page. We could even consider adding "keeping you in stitches" where everyone could share some jocularity at any time during the week.

Just my 2.003 ¢
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


"We could even consider adding "keeping you in stitches" where everyone could share some jocularity at any time during the week."

     I'm sorry but I don't know how to do a proper quote but the above was taken from Darren's post, and I think this is an excellent idea.
                                                        Big John

Darren Henry

Thanks john. If you click on the second last tile of "add bbc tags" you'll get a
Quotepop up on the screen.Copy the quote you want to use and then place your cursor between the ] and the [ and paste. Budda boom budda bing.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Quote from: Darren Henry on March 18, 2011, 05:25:31 pm
We could even consider adding "keeping you in stitches" where everyone could share some jocularity at any time during the week.

Just my 2.003 ¢

Or private members club, keep the 'heck' out if you don't want a laugh.  :P



March 19, 2011, 10:19:04 am #26 Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 10:23:13 am by RENE G
 "keeping you in stitches" where everyone could share some jocularity at any time during the week.

You see how nicely our new word fits. It just adds pizzazz to the page.LOL. Hey Darren are you still in Kenora??  Rene


I don't know about you guys, but I kinda like having the bulk of the talk in "General Discussion". With a lot of extra boards, everything gets too spread out. Unless someone has actually complained to Ken, or Bobby, I wouldn't worry about it. But, if you guys convince Ken, or Bobby to add a board, that's cool too.
Whoever doesn't like the "Friday Funnies" can just take a LONG walk off a SHORT pier (I'll bet they were REALLY irate over our discussion of the "Naug" ;)).
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


March 19, 2011, 12:00:52 pm #28 Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 03:18:23 pm by BigJohn
     I will have to agree it would be more convenient to have everything under one general heading, but whatever it takes.

     I forgot I started the "Naug" discussion too, boy what a trouble maker I am!
                                         Big John

Darren Henry

It appears that you can also just type the
Quoteand get the same result. Note my messed up message.

Rene, No. I finally found a place that'll let Buddy in ( I have to smoke outside} and rented the house in Kenora so I'm on the other side of you now as a registered Brandon citizen.I started working for Len's RV here in May,found an apartment in Nov and rented the house last month.When I get too feeble to sew , this summer will fill a couple of chapters in my book LOL.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!