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Can anybody tell me?

Started by BigJohn, January 09, 2011, 12:55:04 pm

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Where do they raise those Naug"s that Naugahide are made from?


The Naug is a result of cross-breeding between the Badger, and the Wolverine. Historians trace the Naug's roots back to India, where leather was in short supply.
Farm-raised Naugs produce a much softer pelt, which is generally used for Allante, and Carrera. They are given polyurethane as a dietary supplement. Tropical Naugs, with their bright festive colors, are used for Zodiac, and Cracked Ice.
Wild Naugs travel in packs, and are fierce predetors. Should you happen to come up on an injured Naug, do NOT attempt to capture it. The Naug is famous for playing dead, much like the opossum. Meanwhile, other members of the pack are lurking, waiting to pounce.
My advice is to stick with leather. The Cow will stupidly follow you right into the slaughterhouse.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Wow! You learn something new everyday.

I had been told, and obviously I had been wrongly told, that "naug" was not a noun, but a verb. The material in question is made by a process where one would "naug a hide".

The process of nauging involves applying specific chemicals that react to each other and whatever specific animal hide you are working with. In order to get different colors, you just use different animal hides.

I can't believe how gullable I can be sometimes. I'm just too willing to trust anyone.



heheh you guys need a few more jobs in the shop :-)

speaking of cross breeds i saw my first Jackalope last week..
a customer had a head of one mounted on his living room wall.

it came from the US, whos seen one :-)


Quote from: sofadoc on January 09, 2011, 01:36:24 pm
My advice is to stick with leather. The Cow will stupidly follow you right into the slaughterhouse.

Not so in Florida.  Cows are nasty creatures... just read this.  Happened last week.  Woman had to ram the cow with a truck and shoot it to get it off her husband.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Quote from: gene on January 09, 2011, 01:47:40 pm
I had been told, and obviously I had been wrongly told, that "naug" was not a noun, but a verb. The material in question is made by a process where one would "naug a hide".

You're not entirely wrong Gene, just a little confused.
The term "Naug a hide" in verb form refers to the Naug's mating ritual.
The male Naug will wait for an unsuspecting female to come out of her home-made coccoon that she forged out of twigs, mud, and old Tupperware bowls. When she pops out, the male (who is now whipped into a sexual frenzy) will simply "Naug a Hide".
Once the eggs have hatched, the female will search for discarded motor oil to sprinkle over the Naugapups, thus rendering their scent undetectable.
I hope this clears up any mis-conceptions about Naugs.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban



   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


I have always believed that I fit in well here on this forum because, like me, we have a few off the wall crazy people.

Thanks for the laugh Big John. I needed one today and this thread provided it.

You dah man John. :)


P.S. I was married to a nag once. I prefer cows myself. :)


I have fond memories as a young man going naug hunting with my father. The meat was inedible (rubbery in consistency). But the pelts were quite valuable. Now naugs are farm raised making wild naug hides practically worthless.

Naugs are hunted only at Night. To catch them take a large burlap bag and hold the end open. Cut a small slit in the other end and shine a flash light into the bag. Naugs are attracted to light and they will run right in. When they do clench the bag tight. Be careful because like Doc said their mean and they also have long rodent like teeth. Some nights it may take several hours to bag one but be patient and they will come. Good luck 
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


I think you must have been cooking naugs incorrectly.

I have a good recipe for cedar-plank naug:
Skin and gut a naug.
Soak in brine for 24 hours.
Fillet off flank steaks
Nail fillets to a cedar board and broil for 15-20 minutes for an inch-thick fillet.
Remove the nails.  Discard the steak.  Eat the board.  Season to taste with salt & pepper.

Quote from: kodydog on January 11, 2011, 09:06:41 am
The meat was inedible (rubbery in consistency).

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


The Himalayan Snow Naug is probably the most dangerous of all.
I was fly fishing under the Golden Gate Bridge when a flock of Snow Naugs on jet skis surrounded my canoe. They braided my hair, and painted me with flourescent lipstick. Then they forced me to assume compromising positions while they took provocative photos of me. In order to keep the photos from going viral, I had to do some things that I'm not proud of.
I was forced against my will to mold re-fried beans into an exact replica of Barbara Bush's first training bra. It was a dark time in my life that I haven't been able to talk about until now.

As for skinning a Naug, one must take care to peel the pelt from side to side, since it doesn't stretch the other way.
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Did you know that it was originally called EGG NAUG? Now you know why the name was changed to NOG. No one wanted to drink it knowing what it was made of. Ignorance is bliss!

It's just like RUMP ROAST. I once asked a butcher why it was called 'rump roast'. He said because no one would buy it if it was called "ass meat"!



QuoteI have a good recipe for cedar-plank naug:

Sounds great hammerhead. I heard if you castrate them at a young age the meat comes out much more tender.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


y'all are sooooooooooo entertaining!!  THANK YOU for the laughs!!!!  ;D ;D ;D
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.