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WARNING Computer Progam "Incredimail"

Started by BigJohn, December 29, 2010, 08:20:29 pm

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This is a legit Email program with lots of narations and sound effects. Many people that install it want it gone and they it seams have made it close to impossible to remove, It hijacks your computer and will only allow you to use there own search engines and the like. In addition it forced there program My Start on me causing my Firefox browser to be unusable since it hid all the controls! Stay clear of this program or you may have to format your computer and reinstall the operating system! Oh Ya I got involved with it because they offered narrated greating cards for free.

                                                                  Big "Dumb" John


December 30, 2010, 08:49:43 am #1 Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 08:52:23 am by SHHR
I hate stuff like that. It's been said on here before of all the low life spammers too, but if someone has the talent to design programs like you're talking about and the time to post endless spam on a board, what could they really accomplish if they actually did something honest and ethical.

I bought my wife one of those Nook book readers for Christmas and had to download an update on my computer for it. once finished dowloading it wouldn't open the file unless I downloaded a "reader" for that file. I was impatient and did so with out checking it out, now I've been spending the last two days trying to get the ill effects of that download off of my computer. It's put pop up ads everywhere, a new tool bar, and basically took over Firefox on my machine.

I say we catch those B@$+@&D$ that create those programs and spam and run their fingers through our machines to keep them from being able to type anymore!


After 7 days of this nightmare I have both my email program and my browser working up to par, please don't ask me all the steps I took as I'm not sure!
                                                                                    Big John


I got somthing on my pc that makes the wallpaper a warning   Saying I have a virus or spyware.
And a pop up comes on wanting me to buy some
virus protection
I can change thebwallpaper but it changes again. A d I can't vet rid of the program doing it in remove stuff.

I gueese the macafee I had didn't work. 


     Your problem may be associated with a plug-in, try turning them off and see if that helps
                                                                                          Big John



For Anti-Virus (AV), a New York Times article a few weeks ago recommended Avast at this link for Windows users:

and iAntiVirus at this link for Mac OS X users.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I pay for and run Norton AV on Windows and Intego AV on OS X.

Juki 1508; Bernina 217 with CAM Reader


January 05, 2011, 01:09:59 pm #6 Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 01:13:22 pm by ajlelectronics
Quote from: Mike8560 on January 05, 2011, 05:50:16 am
I got somthing on my pc that makes the wallpaper a warning   Saying I have a virus or spyware.
And a pop up comes on wanting me to buy some
virus protection
I can change thebwallpaper but it changes again. A d I can't vet rid of the program doing it in remove stuff.

Well known virus. Can't remember what it is called, but if you Google "Fake anti-Spyware" it might appear. The only thing I found that would clear it was Loaris anti-virus.

Have a look here....


I tried removing the program John. It it would not let me
I'll try thoose guys thanks.