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First snowfall

Started by Can-Vas, November 22, 2010, 04:28:44 pm

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Just had our first snowfall here on the west coast.  (3 inches and -5 deg.C)
Also, just finished a California-style dodger for a customer (lots of glass) and I told him we should probably wait until spring (I don't need the final payment and he won't be using the boat).
I really don't want to try and make a nice tight install this in the cold and then see the wrinkles in the summer...
I'd rather be sailing..  - but if ya gotta work it's nice to be around boats!


November 22, 2010, 07:21:41 pm #1 Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 07:25:22 pm by gene
We had 70 degrees here in the mid west.

As the world continue to heat up, bringing us ever so closer to total death of all living creatures on this planet, except for roaches and that lady I dated in college, we will be able to save on electricity soon by simply putting our turkeys outside to cook.



A balmy 23° here in Bellingham, Washington with 60 MPH winds tonight!  Yee hay! :o

We could use a little of that global warming around here right about now!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  Gobble Gobble!



Psssttttt............... Don't tell anyone because people will think I am bragging.

80 degrees with a light breeze. Simply gorgeous outside in sunny Florida.




Ha , 95 in Aus. summer starts at the end of the month


weird weather here in alaska. i live 85 mile south of fairbanks. normal this time of year is below 0 and right now it is 40 and raining. the ground is frozen and most of it is ice with water on top. driving is a new skill  , you keep it slow and for get about hill nor matter how small. life in alaska. : don


Overcast, chilly, and raw yesterday.  But this morning it's quite warm, very humid, and is forecast to be another rather gloomy day. 


Quote from: gene on November 22, 2010, 07:21:41 pm
es and that lady I dated in college,

sounds lime my exwife lol


Quote from: Mojo on November 22, 2010, 08:44:26 pm
Psssttttt............... Don't tell anyone because people will think I am bragging.

80 degrees with a light breeze. Simply gorgeous outside in sunny Florida.


Shhh Chris your get everyone e mas at you now I got to get dressed and gonclosey bedroom windows.


 ::) dropped to 12'C (53F)  last night   bbrrrr :P ;D


It is freezing in Florida. The temp has dropped to minus 55 degrees. We got 12 inches of snow yesterday with more on the way. All water pipes are frozen. Even the Gulf of Mexico is frozen.

Do not come to Florida......................  :D

Is that better Mike :)



You k ow Chris it was cold last winter j had ice in my garden fountian one morning

And a couple gears ago my water ok es started to freeze In my boat it can vet cold  
If it hit 50 I look for mt sweatshirt one


It was 70 degrees at midnght here in S. Indiana, but by 9:00 A.M. it was 46 degrees :( They're calling for rain on Thanksgiving with a high of 60 degrees but falling in the afternoon ending up as snow showers :(. I'm not ready for this!


-15 with snowfall, high of -5 in the forcast withclear skies tomorrow here in montana



we had our first snow in the Uk today, big fluffy flakes
but they turned into slushy muck after about an hour.

It's not helping with patterning  :(