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Thanksgiving Deadlines

Started by sofadoc, November 13, 2010, 05:41:56 pm

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I don't have a single one. I have PLENTY of work, but no one has specified that they need it by Thanksgiving.
In years past, I would do anywhere from 100 to 200 dining room seats during the month of November. So far this November, maybe a dozen or so.
I know that my wife's family doesn't have a formal get-together anymore.
Many people that I talk to go to one set of in-laws on the Sat or Sun before Thanksgiving, and the other set on the Sat or Sun after. They spend Thanksgiving day driving around looking for something open.
Are the big family Thanksgivings fading from the landscape?
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Not in my family.  We do the works - starting with breakfast.  Sausage/bacon/egg casserole, hash browns, my homemade pear strussel coffee cake, my brother-in-law's pepper thick-sliced bacon and of course, mimosa's.  No lunch after that.  Then the usual turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce (homemade - not from a can), mashed taters and gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole (the usual stuff with french fried onions on top), rolls, then my apple/pumpkin pies with fresh whipped cream, and whatever else people bring.  Some thanksgivings there are 25 of us.  Every "stray" without local family gets invited.  This year will be somewhat smaller due to work demands of several key family members.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


With all parental units now receiving their just rewards in the the afterlife and no kids between any of us we're definitely low key here!  It's one of the few times in the year I actually do the cooking, too.  And the clean up.   ;)

I just met a Thanksgiving deadline yesterday.  10 napkins, a tablecloth, and a suede game table cover (in 2 colors) for a lovely home in a town just north of me.  Pick up is tomorrow sometime. 


I git a pontoon cover to do before t day.
Me I have no plans   Last year I went to dennys. 


Sounds like home June !!!!!  I can't wait !!
duct tape is like the force . it has a light side , a dark side , and holds the universe together.


November 23, 2010, 01:41:28 pm #5 Last Edit: November 23, 2010, 03:48:38 pm by Mike8560
Well I Was susposed to make a cover on a pontoon but the sponson was leaking and left for welding so   wasn't aB le to make a Partern yesterday and  make the cover  before the holiday
I gueese


Works been on and off all summer. Right before the elections the phone started ringing off the hook. Now were booked through Christmas. Guess I better get back to work.
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


5 pm, surprise we got them all out again, the last thing 2 36/36 hair on hide ottomans, time for a heineken


Quote from: kodydog on November 24, 2010, 07:10:06 am
Works been on and off all summer. Right before the elections the phone started ringing off the hook. Now were booked through Christmas. Guess I better get back to work.

what kind of sewing do tou do Kody furniture cars boats ect?


I got very busy these last 6 weeks. I finished at 6:00 p.m. yesterday, Wed.

I almost brought in some help but managed to get it all done myself.

I did have to turn down several request for getting it done before Thanksgiving.

One item I squeezed in was a very large bay window boxed cushion cover. I stayed late one day and came in early the next day to get it done.



Quotewhat kind of sewing do tou do Kody furniture cars boats ect?

My expertise is in furniture upholstery. I also do all aspects of sewing and cuting. Its funny you should ask because I just posted on another thread asking if there's a big difference in lets say a full blown recliner with bustle back, gathered pleats and all those moving parts and car interiors. Maybe you can fill me in.

I have no experience in marine canvass (Is it as hard as it looks?) although I'd love to learn.  Thanks for asking. 
There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.


ive never done home so i dont know all the difference but if you can do a couch or chair im sure you could do a boat jus tneed some wood woring tools and wrenches