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Did you just do that?

Started by gene, November 13, 2010, 06:27:04 am

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I have a new customer. I told her several times on the phone and via email that I take a deposit with the order. When she brought in her order, she did not have a deposit. I told her I needed a deposit.

She is in her 60's, at least. She said getting a deposit will be a big problem. She then started jumping up and down in circles, just like a 3 year old child. Did she just do that? Yes she did.

Not yet being the kind of business person that I hope someday to become, I took her project without a deposit and told her that she will need to pay for the project in full before it leaves my shop. It will not leave my shop without payment in full, by the way. I wrote that on my blackboard.

Oh, and of course she wants it done by Thanksgiving.

I don't think I will be doing any more work with this person. Her baby tantrum was just too creepy!!!


Joys Shop

I don't think I would want that type of person as a customer


You could have a serious problem when she shows up with a  piece of construction paper and a crayon to write out your check...
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


If "getting a deposit will be a big problem", then paying in full upon completion will be an even BIGGER problem.
When my kids were little, and they threw a tantrum like that, I'd always just get in their face, and cry louder.
Gene: If she throws another fit, try to outdo her, and be sure to have a camera rolling. It'll make a great youtube video!
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Wow, that sort of performance would get my attention, too. 

I bet she'll pay you without a problem, if they don't cart her off to the secure Alzheimer's ward beforehand.  I can't wait to hear the end of this story, Gene!


I ran across this in a recent newsletter:
People who complain the most get the best deal:

Not with me.  People who are nice and grateful get best service, a$$h*les get as much as necessary and as little as possible.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison


Yup! I levy the PITA surcharge with nary a thought when faced with an *hole.  And most times they have no idea that being a jerk has just cost them more money.  That's what makes  them *holes.  The poor dears.   ;)


Aye - I'm with Keith and Bobbin.  Being a PITA will cost you ... big time.  Do NOT, at all costs, let the project go without payment in full.  In fact, if you have any skin in the game other than labor, it should sit at the very bottom of your pile till you have absolutely nothing else to do - not even pulling weeds.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


When she comes in to pick up the piece, jump up and down and throw a tantrum yourself and demand payment NOW.....................:)

I was at an RV resort today and seen a guy sitting in his chair outside reading. I wanted to crawl i to a crack and hide. The word is out that he wants me to do several solar screens for his 5th wheel and this guy is known as a huge pain in the ass. He complains about anything and everything he buys and recently hired a lawyer to sue camping world over a 5th wheel cover that went bad. ( Thy settled with him  ). He is never happy with anything.

Several of my customers have told me he wants me to do his solar screens and I am not looking forward to the meeting where I have to tell him NO. This guy is a hothead and prone to huge flare ups. He goes from nice guy to psycho  in 1.5 seconds.

I am thinking of giving him June or Mikes number and telling him I am to busy. :)............LOL



Gene. No way. Don't put any money into that project without a deposit. If you have scrap around that is no cost to you, go ahead. More than likely you'll be out labor cost at that point, but you'll have a nicely covered project to sell later on.

I'm in the country a couple miles. When someone stops by with a drop off, I have them fill out a check-in form and ask for a deposit (my deposits are materal fees up front, or if they are scheduling a repair for later, it's enough to make them vested in the job).

Oftentimes a person will stop in and not be aware that a deposit is required. In these cases, I simply give them a business card and tell them they can mail me a deposit, or run it out in the next day or so, so I can order their material and get started on their job. I've never had a customer have a problem with that. The only one's who don't like to put a deposit down are car dealers. Except for two in town that are long-standing, immediate pay customers, I will tell them they can do a desposit, or feel free to pay the whole cost up front. I always figure it high when that is the case, so I make money on those deals.

She's a nutbag. Don't get suckered in.


Just nice Chris

I can probly snap back at him.


Quote from: Mike8560 on November 15, 2010, 04:07:34 am
Just nice Chris

I can probly snap back at him.


You could serve this guy ice cream and he would bitch that the ice cream is cold. He is
the most unhappiest man I have ever met.  :-[



November 15, 2010, 02:44:18 pm #12 Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 02:58:58 pm by Stephen
Quote from: gene on November 13, 2010, 06:27:04 am
Not yet being the kind of business person that I hope someday to become,

Hi Gene,
we become the type of people we want to become someday by DOING the deeds of the person we want to be TODAY. In other words, if you want to become the type of person who can stand your ground, you must STAND your ground NOW. Someday will NEVER come unless you start NOW.

QuoteAll brave people experience fear. I believe being afraid is a perfectly, appropriate response when one is threatened or confronted by a fearful thing.those who do not know fear are not really brave, for courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined. That's the type of courage I'm talking about; acting bravely when we don't really feel brave.

Aristotle said,"We become brave by doing brave deeds."Brave men and women as well as cowardly men and women are not born that way; they become that way through their acts and deeds.

If she can weasel you out of getting a deposit now, she can just as easily weasel you out of getting payment when the job is finished. The way that you get the gumption to insist on payment when the job is done is to call her up and INSIST on payment NOW. Otherwise DON'T do the job. Insisting on a deposit will give you pride in yourself. Also, realize that being yelled at won't kill you.

Quote from: gene on November 13, 2010, 06:27:04 am
I took her project without a deposit and told her that she will need to pay for the project in full before it leaves my shop. It will not leave my shop without payment in full, by the way. I wrote that on my blackboard.

I can tell you this, insisting to be paid when the job is done won't be any easier than insisting on a deposit. I'd call her up and say that you will NOT start the job until you get a deposit. I'd also put the job aside until you receive a deposit.

The MOST important thing is to KEEP CALM. Don't yell or throw a tantrum yourself. Just state matter-of-factly the way things will be, and stick to it.

Best Wishes,


Hi Mojo,

I've been around the block enough times  now that it wouldn't  hurt my feelings or affect my sleep one iota to smile  when this guy come in.   Shake his hand and say..  "Mr. !@#$%^&* .. your reputation preceeds you!  Its so nice to meet you." Then when he starts talking about the work he wants done..  smile again and repeat "Your reputation preceeds you.  I am confident that I will not be able to please you, so  I can't work for you.  I know you want the best and  I feel  that you simply need to take your work to someone else.  I'm so sorry that it has to be this way but..  your reputation preceeded you.  Still mighty nice to meet you though!".

Smile the whole time.     If he gets sassy -- smile bigger..  he'll HATE it!!

   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.
