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Hope this cheers you up Mike

Started by Can-Vas, November 02, 2010, 02:17:02 pm

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Mike, I know you're quite the angler and I'm sure that you will get most, if not all of these right.

BTW - I got 100% ...       ;D

"Test your knowledge of fishing with these 12 questions. .... I got 100% right"   

The Answers are all "d" ...  how'd you do?






I'd rather be sailing..  - but if ya gotta work it's nice to be around boats!

Gregg @ Keystone Sewing

Darren Henry

 :'( WHAAA   :'( They never look like that when I take them ( their parka's, ski pants , toque pulled down to the eyebrow, etc...) ice fishing. Those New Hampton chicks are tough . If I chopped that much ice open I wouldn't even want to fish anymore that day.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I cannot believe you old perv's are looking at these things. You should have all just passed them by and got back to stitching. Geeesshhhh........ No wonder your all buried in work. :D

By the way, the first one is my favorite but then it is no secret I have always had a thing for Latino women. :)

OK, back to work. I am buried in honey do projects and if the honey finds I am not getting them done
because I am busy looking at other women I will have some explaining to do. :)




Hey, just cause a guys on a diet doesn't mean he can't look at the menu - especially if the special is fish!!    :P
I'd rather be sailing..  - but if ya gotta work it's nice to be around boats!


sorry but i didn't see any fish ?





Quote from: ragtacker on November 03, 2010, 02:27:18 pm
I'm with Lilsuz!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Me too!  You guys wanna start a "battle of the sexes??"  We'll just see now who can outsew who...

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."

     W. C. Fields


Hey Mike, even if this DOESN'T cheer you up, who gives a  #!!@#? :D
Lilsuz, June, Ragtacker: Why would you gals wanna take something as beautiful, natural, educational, and wholesome as those pics, and smut them up? ???
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Darren Henry

Quoteif the honey finds I am not getting them done
because I am busy looking at other women I will have some explaining to do.

No,  Dude. You'd have some packing to do if she's anything like mine. (at least while she was still full time)  :P
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


There were questions............ ;D
Regal Canvas


I got number 9 wrong. Hey, 11 correct out of 12 is 92%, good enough for an A!!!

I hope that they are practicing catch and release. It's just one small way that we can save our planet, and prevent marriage.

I heard a guy say that he was thinking of getting married until he was told that 51% of all marriages last forever.

I used to cry at wedding because I was so happy that it wasn't me.

Today, I am married, happy, and working to do what I can to make it will last forever.
