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Your computers: PC or Apple

Started by bobbin, October 18, 2010, 04:35:36 am

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I know several of you use laptops in the course of your business.  I need to upgrade an elderly PC and have been urged to look at Apples, sp. the laptops.  Do any of you use them? why did you decide to go the Apple route as opposed to a PC? overall thoughts/commentary?


I've been told to never ask a person what kind of lap top they have. If they have an Apple, they will have already told you that they have an Apple. If they have a PC, you will just be embarrassing them by asking.

My son, an Apple user, loves this joke.

Years ago Apple was better for graphics and cad-cam programs. PC's were better for other stuff. Today the software and hardware is such that I do not think there is an advantage either way, especially in terms of running a business.

My son loves Apple and thinks there is nothing better.

My brother in law, who works with computers, says that the only thing Apple does is locks you into overpriced Apple software and Apple hardware.

There are fewer viruses out there attacking Apples, but this is only because there are so many more PC's that hackers are not too interested in Apples.

My laptop, that I use for business, is an HP.



When my son started college he wanted an Alien lap top, supposedly the best there is, it lasted him about a year.  He wont let me buy a desk top no matter who makes it and insists that he build me one every time I have to replace one, unfortunately you cant build your own lap top for some reason.  If the best of the best still sh%^ the bed within a year it probably doesn't much matter, just make sure you get the feathers that are important for you.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


Lol, Gene, that's really pretty funny. 

I have never really "learned how to use" my present PC,  at all.  For me, it's been more about e-mail, "surfin' the web", and entertainment.  But the reality is that to take my nascent business to the next level a laptop (and a certain level of mastery over it) is a necessity. 

My brother and BIL have both switched to Apples after years with PCs.  The latter teaches computer science at the university level, and he uses only Apples now.  I really liked a lot of the features Apple offers but I'm still on the fence (and the price really "got my attention", too.  Ouch). 

Thanks for you thoughts on this (and several other questions I've posted in the past weeks).  Means a lot to me. 


I am on my 2nd Dell Laptop, and we've had numerous desktops since the early 90's.  I just bought my wife a new PC, but considered a Mac.  I wanted to get it for her for Christmas, so I just casually asked her what she thought about getting a Mac....she didn't like trying to learn a new way of doing things, so I just went ahead and got the Dell.

I get aggravated with how unreliable they can be and the constant threat of viruses, so I'm thinking I may switch to a Mac for next one.  I haven't done a lot research yet, but my understanding is that the Mac can be set up to run both Microsoft based programs and Mac programs with a dual operating system.  Supposedly you can have the best of both worlds...cheaper programs and reliability. 

If you're really interested, I go to a Mac store and talk to them and also check out the rest of the competition and go from there.  Also make sure that the business software that you are planning on buying is available for loading on a Mac.  You may want to ask about the dual operating system on the Mac.

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