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Gregg's Friday's not so funnys

Started by Gregg @ Keystone Sewing, October 02, 2010, 04:47:06 am

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Gregg @ Keystone Sewing

I updated our computers and network at my work, and love our new setup.  Blazing fast windows 64 bt OS.

One problem...I can't seem to be able to logon to this message board!   Even in IE8 x86. 

So, what have I been doing to keep in touch with you'all?  I am logging with mobile phone.  I guess my texting skills are going to improve!


Just don't text while you're driving, OK?

Darren Henry

That is actually illegal up here. Ontario went "hands free" in the spring and Manitoba just brought it in a month or so ago. I don't know about the other provinces. Terry ?,Lynn/Howard ? nice lady in NS who's name escapes me at the moment?
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!

Gregg @ Keystone Sewing

Quote from: bobbin on October 02, 2010, 06:09:02 am
Just don't text while you're driving, OK?

Never do, good looking out though. 


You should not text while driving. It is dangerous.

For any government to make it illegal is nothing more than symbolism over substance. It makes us think government officials are doing their job when in fact all it is doing is taking away more of our freedom.

Here's a question no one wants to ask: How many deaths are caused by texting???????


PS I'm upset because that Nigerian check bounced.


October 04, 2010, 06:09:47 am #5 Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 06:11:27 am by CKKC
They made it illegal to text and drive in Missouri but there have been more wrrecks than usual!  It turns out that the "texters" are holding their phone down lower than usual and thusly cannot see the road as well.


The Secretary of Transportation issued a ban on texting while operating a commercial vehicle, I'm thinking about a year ago.  If it can be proven that you were texting while driving, it is a $2500 fine.

Having spent a great deal of time on the road in my previous life, I've seen way too many idiots out there.  I've told my kids that if I ever learn that they are texting while driving, I've always got a hammer of some kind in my truck and their cell phones will cease to exist.



Hi Gregg,
I'm guessing those new PCs are running Windows 7 which has some new security hurdles and might be blocking some web content.  If I knew more about the errors, I might be able to help out a bit more.  Also -- and I'm sure you tried this already -- try another browser or two.  Chrome and Firefox will not hurt your computer even if some people like them less than IE. 

Feel free to message me if you need some help.  That's actually my day job (which I've had to attend to a lot lately and which had me missing this forum).  I just put some parts on the Pfaff today which had me back on for a little visit.

For the bored... a brief explanation of User Accesss Control in the new windows systems:
On Windows 7 (and Vista), there's a thing called "UAC" (User Access Control) which is a serious torture device and can be easily turned off if you google for it (finding a site from a company you've heard of).  Disabling it might depend on which version of Windows 7 you have.  UAC often block access to/by programs, installers, and perhaps some sites depending on what they like to do and what programs they run in the background.  Disabling UAC may or may not solve your problem.  FYI, UAC is a mechanism to protect you from you.  It's what nags you every time you try to install or update the system settings.  It says, "Do you really want to do what you're trying to do?"  That bugs me to no end.  If I'm trying to do something, just do what I ask.  If you're running any reasonable virus scanner, turning off UAC will be fine because the virus scanner shoud catch any program posing as you and trying to mess with the system.

My random guess with no info is: what's going on with your PC is perhaps a problem with your IE security settings locked down really tight.  But, more error info will help pinpoint what's going on.


Hey Darren,
Yes it's illegal in BC too. About time too! There's enough idiots on the road as it is.

Life's too short.....let's go fishing!!!


Illegal in BC as Lynn noted, also illegal in Washington State and I believe, California. The sooner the better, in my opinion. I crossed the border yesterday and the guard was telling of an incident in Bellingham with a 17 yr old texting while driving - she rear ended the car in front, pushing it into a crosswalk and killing a two year old.  Makes me ill.  I don't understand how ANYONE can text while driving. Its unfathomable.

Darren Henry

I don't even talk to the old lady or eat a sandwich in town. On the divide highway I may ask her to set a bag of chips or something one handed where I can "Helen Keller" them. When it was still legal if the phone rang it tossed to my swamper or dealt with after I pulled over.

:o :o :o DUH  :o :o :o
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


The sad part is there are just plain IDIOTS out there, and if it's not texting then it's something else, Driving on a major 4 lane the other day and as I passed a car at about 70 he was reading a novel. A large hardback book on his steering wheel. We drove along side for quite a while and he never looked up once.


I have 2 daughters, one who is 20, the other 23. They tell me that the reason kids enjoy texting is because it takes away the awkward silence in a phone conversation. They feel uneasy when neither person can think of anything to say (guess it never occured to them to just hang the ##@@!!** phone up).
One of their friends had a wreck while texting. She now lies in a vegetative state, where her mother will have to care for her for the rest of their lives.
The sad part is, she was just 2 minutes away from arriving at the house of the person that she was texting. Whatever it was couldn't wait just 2 more minutes.
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