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This Internet Thing

Started by Mojo, September 18, 2010, 03:07:41 am

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Ya never know how much you use and enjoy the internet until you do not have it. :)

I am on the road in the bus and am sitting in Rocky Mount NC. ( Thank you Marriot for the free Wi-Fi ).
Just getting ready to fire the coach up and hit the road. I filled up yesterday ( $ 180 dollars in diesel...ouch ) so I am ready for the pavement.

It will be a short day behind the wheel as this part of my journey is nearly complete. I am heading to my daughters in Richmond to do some work on her house for her. Then I am off to Lynchburg to spend time with my son, daughter in law and granddaughter. My son is doing a 5 year service on the bus for me ( 5 different types of filters, 22 qts of oil plus all the other oils for the other systems). From there I am heading to Bristol to work on our other house and get it ready to sell.

All in all I should be away from Florida for a month or so. I will be back in October ready for the winter  rush of snowbirds. :) In the meantime my internet will be spotty.

What did we ever do before Al Gore invented the internet. :)

Have a great month gang. I will be popping on whenever I can find an internet connection. :(



I definitely enjoy the internet, too.  I like to see what sort of interesting things people are doing in professional fields that interest me.  I like to be able to research news stories that get only the barest coverage on the network news.  And I really like being able to communicate with friends in faraway parts of our country or "foreign" ones and do it so quickly and easily.  It's a very nice thing. 

(now if I could only get my 'puter to connect to wireless router so I could move the whole set up out to my shop!)


  Have a good one Mojo, don't worry about the diesel price, we pay about £1.20
a litre at the moment.  thats £5 a gallon or about $7.50 ish

life would certainly be a lot harder for me if i didn't have access to the internet, the knowledge gained from the kind and gentle folk on this forum alone is priceless.

I have wireless laptop in my workshop and often pop in here, almost daily.

It's just a shame porn is such a problem on the internet, it takes ages to download
;D :o ;D :o



Have a good time on the road Chris.

Quote from: Mojo on September 18, 2010, 03:07:41 am
Ya never know how much you use and enjoy the internet until you do not have it. :)

What did we ever do before Al Gore invented the internet. :)


It would be a challenge without it today for sure!, but at least it wouldn't be so hot because he probably wouldn't have invented global warming either! :P


Have a safe and happy trip mojo


Hey, I still say that this whole "internet" thing is just a passing fad. ;)
It'll be gone in a year or two.
BTW, when's the last time any of you got an old fashioned personal letter from someone UNDER the age of 60?
Just kidding about the internet. It's probably here until Al Gore comes up with something even better. 
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban

Darren Henry

We have so quickly taken the power of the internet for granted. Think back even 10-15 years ago before the pc was as common as a telephone in houses. We would be days and even weeks roaming through libraries , and typing (then re-typing) letters (and waiting for replies) to get the information that now comes in a couple of mouse clicks. Internet access is now as much a part of our life style as having a telephone and kids as young as 3 and 4 are proficient in using them. So why are young people today so stupid? No, I'm serious. What we learned in 4 years of high school they could look up in an afternoon and most of them cannot speak in full coherent sentences. Heck, I know some who lack the attention span to twitter. Don't even get me started on their inability to do anything with their hands other than to gesture that they don't understand or can't figure out how to express themselves.

( I think I'll forward this to Dennis Leary LOL)

CHRIS ; Have great trip buddy, and post us a few pics when you get a chance please. I know I won't get to take a look see down there any time soon and it'd pricey for Grebo or Rich or our Aussie buddies.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


Remember the movie "Close Encounters"? The spaceships were flying over traffic on a country road and when they came to a curve in the road the spaceships flew all over the place trying to make that turn.

A redneck in one of the cars said, "They can fly rings around the moon but they can't drive worth sh#T!"

Many young people and kids today can fly rings around the internet but they have no social skills. They sound great over the net or texting or facebook or emails, but in person they do not know how to look you in the eye, they do not know how to have a face to face conversation.

We used to be a country based on manufacturing, Darren. Today we are an information society.

I have always said that Al Gore is laughing all the way to the bank. He knows he did not create the internet. He knows man made global warming is a scam. He flies on his private jet all over the world telling other people that they need to stop flying their private jets.

I read an article last night on the net that "Internet taxes" are coming. It won't just be for buying stuff, but it will include a 'use' tax also!!!




It's funny how e-mail is the new "snail mail". I've asked my kids. "Why do you text every few seconds? Why don't you just call that person and talk to them?"
They answer "Because texting takes away the awkward silence in a conversation". Good point, I guess.
I know that a lot of you out there in upholstery land have a Facebook page.
So, please don't take offense to this, but I've noticed that many people only have a Facebook page so they can star in their own movie (I'm NOT aiming that statement at anyone here).
Believe it or not, this discussion board is the FULL extent of my social networking. Pathetic, huh?
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I have a Facebook page but I hardly ever use it.  I don't like the format, frankly.  I think it probably works best if you work on or around a computer everyday.  I don't.  I log on and check out my favorite sites and message boards and then I turn the damn thing OFF. 

I don't really care a fig about what stupid thing someone is doing at any given point in time over the course of any given day... "updates" don't really interest me all that much.  I loathe "chatting" on the 'phone, too... .  If you want to chat with me or hang out with me, then let's get together and do just that or let's make a promise to exchange letters/e-mails that are fun to read and informational and skip the stupid -hit, OK?

As for "kids these days"... I never liked kids enough to bother further populating the world on a personal basis.  But there are 2 kinds of kids (and dogs) in the world.  Those I like and those I don't.  I like the kids that are maybe shy at first but who respond to warmth and summon the gumption to "look you in the eyes".  I immediately "correct" a wimpy handshake, by gently teasing them and giving them the "tools" to respond to a proper introduction.  9 times out 10 they respond and the nervousness vanishes.  Try it, you guys! it's how WE learned, right??  I remember being so horribly tongue-tied and shy using the telephone... calling a "grown up" about a job was pure torture for me, actually going to their house and knocking on their door would have been a walk in the park in comparison.  Isn't that silly? but it was only because I hadn't been taught how to "open" a telephone dialogue and then move right on the "reason" for the call.  Once I was taught how to do it and stumbled through a few of them I was fine. 

My mother was a librarian.  And her favorite age group was the dreaded "Jr. High" kids.  She loved them.  She was firm, commanded respect (never "demanded" it) because she was unswervingly patient and polite with them.  She believed she was a mirror and so were the kids... what she showed to them was simply reflected back to her.  I think she was right about that. 


Gee i didn't hear you left fl
have fun and good luck
on the sale. I was surprised I sold
mine in two and a half weeks.