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my Vacation to Beer :-)

Started by fragged8, September 09, 2010, 03:01:33 pm

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no really, a place called Beer in Devon, Uk


How many beer's does it take to go on vacation without going anywhere?
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln


Great pix Rich did you bring the boat?

Looks like a great little drinking town with a fishing problem


Sir Walter Raleigh was from Devon. 

And it appears to be beautiful country; bet you'd like my geographic area, too, Fragged.

Quite a travel brochure you have there, BTW.  :)


Beautiful town, scenery and adorable kids!



thanks guys, it was fun even if it was a short break.

I like the fishing problem Mike hehe no i didn't take the boat as my car doesn't have a
tow hitch but i seriously thought about it .

this week i was in london, here's a couple of pics.


Looks like good times! On a related note, my name is in fact Devin and there are just now several beers vacationing inside of me!

Whatta coincidence!
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Once a beverage, now a destination!

Thanks for the pics, looks like a great time.
Side question, what is your favorite beer?


Quote from: 206RB on September 10, 2010, 05:45:16 pm
Once a beverage, now a destination!

yes it should be a theme park  ;D

Darren Henry

Beer looks very much like our most eastern province Newfoundland. AKA the rock. It would take way too many beer to make my girlfriend and her 30's boys look like your family so I'll just be happy for you. I'm glad you got a wee break and thank you for the pics.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!


I have only been overseas once (so far).  I went to Paris (loved it!).  But I recall looking out the window of the plane and seeing land below... it looked familiar... it was England and it looked just like the maps I've looked at all my life, lol. 

I have a very dear friend who lives in Hertforshire and I desperately want to go for a visit.  What a lovely country and one with such a remarkably rich and independent history and mindset.  I really need to check it out for "my own self". 



I've been to france a few times sailing as we are only about 100 miles away by boat
but never to Paris, If you ever make it over Bobbin I'm sure i can find you a bed for a stop over.

  As for my fave beer Mike, I drink Adnams Ale mostly. the only thing i found remotely like it in the
US is Black and Tan that my pal Dave gave me . Mind you Ale really does make your farts smell bad hehehe..