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OK, I Gotta know!

Started by sofadoc, August 14, 2010, 08:53:27 am

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I had a new customer yesterday, who had just moved here to Texas from New Jersey. One of her first observations about Texans, was just how "laid back" we all are. I laughed, and told her that I'd heard that before from transplanted northerners.
Then she said that the hardest adjustment that she'd had to make since moving here, is putting away the "F" word. Where she came from, it was an integral part of everyday speech. She is a church-going soccer mom, who's involved in PTA, and other civic activities. She just couldn't believe that the word isn't a normal part of conversation among the other housewives, and working moms around here.
Don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of Texans who know how to use the word, and use it well. But I've never heard it from a mom at a PTA meeting.
Does this woman accurately represent the culture in some of the northern regions?
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


I believe so. My wife has some family up in north east Pennsylvania. Now they're  pretty laid back country folks, but they're only about an hour away from NYC and New Jersey. We've gone over there for visits an it seems like at times it may be taught in school since it's used so fluently. I'm sure not all are that way, on the other hand my dad has a friend from Jersey who has lived here in S. Indiana for at least 35-40 years and he still drops the F-bomb on a regular occasion.


I live about a 100 miles North of Seattle and while the F*** word is common around here I wouldn't say its used all that often.  Mostly for me whenever I smash my finger or ram my toes into the end table in the middle of the night then I'll use the F*** word.

Mostly I like to save the swear words for when they'll have the most impact.  Like when a customer asks me to have their cover done in a day.  Then you might hear me say something like "Are you out of your F***ing mind!"

Its getting to be the end of Summer up here and now people are in a rush to have their biminis replaced.  I wish I could convince people that the Winter is actually the best time to have tops replaced, but that's another topic.


I am in Southern Illinois.     It must be a regional thing..  As a rule, we do not speak that way here.  Many of the 30 and under set do. Although they do understand that talking like that in the presence of an uncool adult will often bring a  rebuke, most save it for when they are with "like-minded friends".

That said -- I have been guilty of using it when  really, really, really mad.    (not proud of it.. just admitting it...  :(  )

   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


August 14, 2010, 02:49:40 pm #4 Last Edit: August 14, 2010, 02:54:06 pm by gene
No, this woman does not represent accurately the culture in some of the northern regions?

An accurate representation of the culture in some of the northern regions is the person who doesn't give a F*** where the F*** they are or where the F*** they have moved to and who the F*** they are talking to and what the F***do you think you are doing to even question the F***ing way they are F***ing talk and if you don't like the F***ing way they are F**ing talking then why don't you go F*** yourself, and the F***ing horse you rode in on. Have a F***ing nice day.

I really enjoyed some of the people that I used to work with who live in some of the northern regions. When you realize it is not meant to be personal, it becomes quite funny. Many times I could not believe that a grown adult would speak like that, and we're talking business conversations. LOL

Oh, and by the way: you always new IMMEDIATELY if the potty talk was meant to be personal. Same language, just a different way of saying it.




Quote from: Jim101 on August 14, 2010, 09:15:19 am
  Mostly for me whenever I smash my finger or ram my toes into the end table in the middle of the night then I'll use the F*** word.

Isn't it funny, if you stub your toe, or smash your thumb with a hammer, phrases such as "Hecky darn", and "Oh pshaw" just don't help the pain subside NEARLY as well as a good ole' F-Bomb?
I'm just glad that I've never incurred any of those injuries. ;)
"Perfection is the greatest enemy of profitability" - Mark Cuban


Its a jersey new York thing. In new Hampshire you wouldn't hear that at a PTA meeting. Working in Boston around a bunch of construction worker I heard it all the F---- ing time
when I moved to Florida I did catch myself slipping a few time at inaproprate times.


It's big on the commercial fishing docks, too. 

There is a very funny comedy bit about the "F word" that was read by Robert Conrad, I think.  We have it somewhere in the comedy archives on the husband's computer.  Anyway, it basically uses the F word as different parts of speech.  Amazingly versatile.  It's called, "The word, --ck", I think and it's pretty funny. 

Around here we tend to use it to express incredulity at something really, really stupid... "What the ---- were you thinking?"


Go to Youtube, punch in Robert Conrad and "The word -uck".  It's there, lol. 


Gene you'd do good at the max prison I worked at! Unfortunately when I would leave that place I had to work real hard not to let the F*** word slip out.  I couldn't use it there so I'm not sure how that works. Around here in WI it gets used out of anger, among the guys and gals at factories, the 12- 50 something private groups. It is still unacceptable in public places. Many bars and restaurants have a f word jar. A buck for every time you say it. Sometimes the jar is just for plain swearing. I never did ask where that jar money goes.

My daughter whom was 2 had a hard time pronouncing truck. My friend thought it was sooooo funny to point out every truck. I did not.


I really do not have a F***ing clue................ I am in the South as well.





When you said "Gene, you'd do good at the max prison I worked at!", which side of the bars were you thinking about?



Well I was thinking about the bad boys side but not that you should be there. You just have the talk down so good. I never knew that the f word was an adjective to every word possible in one sentence until that employment. So sorry, I never meant to imply that you were a real bad guy.


Years ago, my mom was driving through our small town when somebody made an illegal left hand turn across her path forcing her to hit the brakes.  In her best, level elementary school principle's voice, she said "Why, you goofy guy!"  From the back seat where my then 3 year old was strapped in came a correction...."No gramma, that's a f***ing idiot son-of-a b****!"  My dad who was in the passenger seat said he laughed so hard he nearly pee'd all over himself.

Three of us got in trouble that, my son, and my dad (even after I tried to tell her he learned that from my wife)  :P

Darren Henry

August 17, 2010, 06:45:38 pm #14 Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 07:00:29 pm by Darren Henry
Quotewhen I moved to Florida I did catch myself slipping a few time at inaproprate times

It was so common place in the Armed forces up here that I don't even hear it unless it comes with "the tone".

From high school I headed off to my basic artillery course where it was used as punctuation or a chance to finish composing one's thoughts. We also only had 7-20 minutes to eat our meal,finish our coffee and have a smoke. Mom was not impressed when I came home after the course for a couple of days before heading off to university. She had made all my favorites and laid out a wonderful meal. When I had finished my first helping I asked for some more potatoes. The deafening silence made me lift my head off of my plate and set down both my fork and my wine glass. It was upon review that I discovered that Dad was only just getting his and mom was next, and that I had hollered to pass the f'n potatoes . Dad and I had a little "chat" out in the shop after supper. Jesus and mommy still love me, but I learned to change gears when I got in out of the field. LOL

By the time I took my detachment commander's course it had the same impact on the human mind as the word "if" (your brain doesn't process it). The one instructor was quite prone to  throwing in an extra syllable and I didn't catch it until my loading number repeated the ammunition order.Those flares that we used to shoot out there for the grunts at the front lines are not really called  "Illum-i-f***'n-ation ,charge 5". Oopsy.
Life is a short one way trip, don't blow it!Live hard,die young and leave no ill regrets!