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Awards posted

Started by UpholsteryJournal, August 11, 2010, 12:52:02 pm

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Winners have been announced for the 2010 Design & Craftsmanship Awards contest.

Check it out:


Thanks for your post.

I love the antique sofa and the couch with ruffle welting.

"By experimenting with the amount of ruffle on the skirting, we found that a 2.5/3.0 ratio with a single layer of fabric gave us the fullness we wanted. The bottom edge was serged, turned under and top stitched. The cushion trim was a double layer that took about a 1.75/2.0 ratio and created a very thick seam allowance."

2.5/3.0 ratio: Do you mean for every 2.5 yards around the sofa you used 3.0 yards of fabric? Or do you mean for every 1 yard around the sofa you used 2.5 to 3.0 yards of fabric?

The alligator seat really bites.

I would have liked to see the total hours for each of the winning items.

Great pics. Thanks again.



Gene, my guess would be for the skirt they used roughly 2 1/2-3 times the measurement around the sofa.  In making gathered curtains you typically allow a minimum of twice the width of the window, but that can sometimes look skimpy.  With sheers you frequently use up to 3 times the width, sometimes more.  The wild card in determinining the fullness is the overall hand of the goods and whether or not they're lined. 

Since the gathered "welt" in folded over on itself you would use less fabric to attain the desired fullness, hence 1 3/4-2 times the measurement.  Experimentation is an important part of the process, after that you develop a "feel" for how much fabric will be required to deliver the desired effect. 


Exactly Bobbin...    experimenting with what gives the look needed. ;-)  

The ratios were appr..   I cut and prepared for  3:1 -- but the technique used to get the ruffled effect is not precise.. so I actually used a bit less fabric..  which is why I said my ratio was  2.5- 3...   (meant to read 2.5 to 3 times the length needed).   Not always clear on things I write...  my bad.

I didn't keep the time.. suffice to say --  it did take a few hours more..  I would have to guess that I probably have  at least 6-8 hrs  more in it than had there been no ruffles or gathers...

Glad you liked it.
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


The judges were super impressed with the ruffle welting, Cheryl.

I also love that alligator seat, and the velvet tufted couch redo is pretty amazing.

Joys Shop

August 12, 2010, 09:22:48 am #5 Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 12:55:46 pm by Joys Shop
I realize that the UJ can only print one picture of the winning entry
would it be possible for them to post all the pictures that were sent in by the winners, of their piece,
on the web site somewhere?


I love looking at other people's hard work.  It never ceases to amaze me how many very skilled people there are out there plying their trade and doing a good job at it.  I found myself wanting to see different views of the winning projects, too! (but I know that too many pictures would make judgeing difficult).  How do you upholstery whizzes decided what you want to enter; do you have certain criteria that make you think a particular project is noteworthy?

What, specifically, did you find "underwhelming", Ihavenoname?  (I thought they were all great, but I'm not an upholsterer).  Why didn't you enter anything that you were particularly proud of?


This is cool great job guys.  I did not even know about this, when is the start of the 2011 awards?


I got into kind of a Catch 22 with the upholstery contest. It's no fault of Upholstery Journal, at all. Moreso my local support. I won all three awards in the marine division a couple years ago. That was good, I was proud.  I did a writeup and sent copies of the pictures to my local newspaper. I have advertised with them, so it's not like I was expecting something for abosolutely nothing. They didn't do a thing. Not even a quick little writeup with no pics. Nada. Like I didn't even exist. And I've been a member of the local Chamber of Commerce since I've been open. I even let them know, and nothing. And  I do offer my support to the community.

So, this year's contest rolled around. I have things that could have been submitted, but in the back of my head, I wondered why? Accolades are great, but really don't benefit my shop unless they can be used to promote and bring in business. I may enter again in the future, but during a time when I am not rushed in the shop and have time to organize my entries. But, thank you to Upholstery Journal for offering the contest. It is a nice way to see what others are up to.


I am just astounded at the talent across America. I went through and looked at many of the entries and was extremely impressed with the projects. Thanks UJ. We appreciate you.

Russ, I can understand you being upset and frustrated. If I had your talent and skills I would still enter something. You can always use that " award " and recognition in marketing yourself and business.

I would surely reconsider. :)



Russ...  use the pics in your web site..  send your press releases to a larger metro  paper...  I am surprised that they didn't  publish the release..  newspapers are always looking for  local interest content and generally desire to promote local businesses.    
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.


Quote from: seamsperfect on August 13, 2010, 05:03:10 am
This is cool great job guys.  I did not even know about this, when is the start of the 2011 awards?

We usually start gearing up for the awards around the end of Feb./beginning of March. The deadline for this year was March 19 (extended to early May, if I can remember correctly) and it's usually about the same time every year.

I'm also in the process of putting together some certificates for the winners and mailing them out. (About six weeks out though.) So you guys can frame them and display them in your shops if you want, and that might help with marketing your business/closing a sale.

Thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate that.



Is it open to Canadians?
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Joys Shop

Have you always given out certificates?
Is it only for those who come in 1st place?

I came in 2nd place last year, and never got a certificate?


Back in 2000 they did.. but it was under the direction Robert Mead then.. its my understanding that he has since passed.  I like the idea..  kinda makes it nice -- if you can find room  on any wall in your shop to hang them.. :)
   Laughter does a heart good, like a medicine...  Laugh often.  Cry when you need to...  but Love always.